Cave Story: Tweaked (NEW: Version 1.4!)

Apr 22, 2020 at 9:32 PM
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CS: Tweaked is a fork of CSE2 aimed at adding better accessibility options and an improved UI experience. The mod extends the Options Menu of CSE2 Enhanced with some Quality of Life options such as:
  • Disable screen shake
  • Selecting ingame font (currently available options are Monogram, OpenDyslexic, Lexton and Courier New)
  • Disable screen flashing
  • Using color filters, some aimed at improving game visibility for people with colorblindness, and others inspired by retro game consoles
  • Extend the UI of Cave Story with new features (such as a Booster level meter)
Additionally, the main star of the show is the newly added Tweaks Menu, which allows the player to tinker with gameplay options in real time to adjust the game to their skill, abilities, or disabilities. This menu draws heavy inspiration from Celeste's Assist and Variant Menus, and lets players customize their gameplay experiences. Currently available options include:
  • Enable autofire
  • Infinite ammo for all weapons that use it
  • Modify damage received by hitting enemies (from 0% to OHKO mode)
  • Disable experience drops
  • Equip a Booster by default
  • Infinite Booster fuel
  • Enable Grace Jumps (also known as Coyote Time)
  • Modify boss health (from 1 HP to 200%)
  • Enable Mirror Mode (flips the game horizontally)




  • Updated SDL backend to 2.0.20
  • Credits are no longer mirrored for Mirror Mode
  • Added Music and SFX volume sliders
  • Fixed map data and attributes being separate per spriteset. Now they all share the same data, making it easier to mod
  • Tweaks no longer stay active when resetting to Title Screen
  • Controller name shows up when a controller is detected in the Gamepad Bind menu
  • NOD text cursor renders properly now
  • Added Rumble support! Added Rumble toggle in the Options menu
  • Added Boss Rush! Credit to Seriousface for the original mod
  • Fixed incorrect death triggers for moving blocks in OHKO mode
  • Reimplemented bmp compatibility
  • Fixed issue where collision with blocks was not working properly on Mirror Mode
  • Fixed Ironhead battle having flipped controls on Mirror Mode
  • Added Tweak: Mirror Mode
  • Added backend compatibility for music.tbl (not fully working yet)
  • Removed Tweaks settings from main menu (in preparation for 1.4)
  • Fixed surface inconsistency with Vanilla that caused compatibility issues with Randomize
  • Added Background Dimming option
  • Fixed issues with some tweaks settings not loading on restart
  • Added Lekton and Courier New as font options
  • OpenDyslexic is now the default font
  • Added toggle to use Lethrys' upscaled graphics
  • Fixed a potential softlock (existing in original)
  • One easter egg
  • Fixed several issues with code backends, and merged all pending changes from CSE2 Enhanced.
  • Added map frame! Thank you to Onyx for providing the new art for it.
  • Added new Extended UI element: Soundtrack display! You'll get a cute little display of currently playing music track whenever it changes.

  • Fixed issues with labels for Boss HP Multiplier settings on menus
  • Fully Revamped Map System! Lifting features from Cave Story 3D, the map is now much more useful! You can move it around with your directional buttons, it shows your location, it shows exits and item locations, as well as save points and health refill stations.
  • Added option to disable controller input for PC versions.
  • Currently connected controller will dispay its name in the controls menu
  • Japanese Build now has a fully translated Pause menu, with tweaks included!
  • Fixed issues with Title screen tweaks settings not applying properly to game.
  • Fixed spur issues when using autofire.
  • Reimplemented Default Booster tweak from scratch to remove all issues with previous implementations
  • Fixed issues with audio playback on WiiU
  • Added an Extended UI option in Options Menu. This will toggle extra UI elements this branch will receive in the future, and is on by default. Setting it to off will lead to the usual UI of Cave Story.
    • First Extended UI: Booster Level! You can see the current Booster fuel level (given that you have a booster equipped)
  • Fixed issues with Bubbler level 2 and 3 not working as intended.
  • Fixed game being unable to properly unequip booster 2.0 when switching Default Booster mode.
  • Fixed Machine Gun (all levels) and Bubbline Level 2 not working properly with Autofire set on Hold.
  • Fixed screen flash settings not being properly loaded on game load.
  • Fixed boosters being unequipped from game if you loaded a save file while Default Booster set to None.
  • Fixed issue with game unequipping Airtank when activating or loading a save file with Default Booster tweak.
  • Fixed issues with ORG playback when window was unfocused.
  • Added Controls option: Strafing! You can map a Key (C by default) or button in your controller to walk without changing your facing direction. This is based on how Cave Story+ for Switch implements said feature.
  • Added Tweak: Boss Health Multiplier! This lets you lower (or increase) the max life of every boss in the game, from a measle 1 HP to a full fledged 200% increase.
  • Added Tweak: Game Speed modifier! Change the speed the game moves at in real time, from 50% to 150%.
  • Revamped Title Screen!
    • New background art, inspired by CS+
    • Reworked Title Logo. Also better centered.
    • Replaced Title.png "New" and "Load" text with ingame font "New Game" and "Continue" text.
    • Added Options, Tweaks, and Quit options to the title screen menu.
    • ESC/Pause buttons do not work on title screen anymore (redundant as Quit and Options are now reachable from title screen alone).
    • Continue option is now disabled and cannot be selected if the game cannot find a Profile.dat file (i.e., if there's no save file to continue off of).
  • Fixed issues with movement that made it to v0.8.4 after a failed implementation of Mirror Mode.
  • Fixed positioning of Yamashita farm Kiosk and Mimiga Village Cage.
  • Fixed an issue with Grace Jumps pushing the player upwards when trying to use Boosters during the grace jump window.
  • Fixed maptile spikes not following Damage Received tweak settings.
  • Curly's Nemesis in Hell now obeys Autofire Tweak settings.
  • Increased grace jump window from 6 to 9 frames.
  • Recolored the red line in Labyrinth B to make it visible for colorblind people (and in colorblind filters).
  • Reordered options in Tweaks Menu
  • Game now defaults to 480p windowed in first boot (rather than fullscreen)
  • Added support for Wii U console (build not included, sadly :( instructions to build it yourself in readme). Requires a softmodded Wii U with homebrew Launcher.
  • Added Soundtrack toggle support.
  • Added Color Filters! These will allow you to set the colors of the game based on the following filters:
    • Protanomaly: Common red-colorblindness
    • Protanopia: Strong red-colorblindness
    • Deuteranomaly: Weak green-colorblindness
    • Deuteranopia: Strong green-colorblindness
    • Tritanomaly: Weak blue-colorblindness
    • Tritanopia: Strong blue-colorblindness
    • Grayscale
    • Sega Genesis (using the 512 color scheme of Genesis/Megadrive)
    • MSX (using the 256 color scheme of MSX)
    • Game Boy (... 4 colors lol)
  • Added an option to tone down or completely remove screen flashing.
  • Added new tweak: Grace Jumps. When enabled, the game will give you 6 frames to jump after having walked off a ledge.
  • Imported latest changes from base Enhanced branch.

Updated with changes from base CSE2 Enhanced. This includes:
  • New Pause Menu backend
  • Better console backend support
  • Soundtrack toggle (Soundtracks not included)
  • Hits that deal 1 HP damage now deal 1 HP (instead of 0 HP) with 50% Damage Received Tweak activated. This matches the behavior of CS+ Easy mode.
  • Fixed No Exp Drops tweak not properly setting up on save and reload.
  • Fixed some enemies (Mannan, Zombie Dragons, among others) spawning experience with No Exp Drops tweak activated.
  • Removed "+0" damage HUD showing when Quote would take 0 damage (most noticeable when using 0% damage modifier)
  • Removed spurious data files.

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Apr 27, 2020 at 8:18 AM
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Posts: 206
Excuse me, this is a mod for CSE2, isn't it? If that's so, wouldn't it be better if all of this was official? Some of these features seem to be extremely useful for testing purposes or whatever, and making it official somehow would definitely mean more people would utilize them. Well, I don't know how many people still mod Cave Story anymore, but that may always change in the future.
Apr 27, 2020 at 9:10 AM
Gay AF
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Well, I don't know how many people still mod Cave Story anymore
You're missing out on a whole discord server that still houses most of the modding community. And tbh, this doesn't exactly need to be official, user-made addons and plugins like this should be encouraged, if anything.
Apr 27, 2020 at 3:24 PM
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I know, but if this became official there could be some benefits. For instance people who only look for CSE2 would also find this one.
Also, I didn't mean to sound negative with that, I really didn't know the modding community was still very active on Discord. Maybe I'll check it out some time soon, even though I don't like Discord.
Apr 27, 2020 at 3:50 PM
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Excuse me, this is a mod for CSE2, isn't it? If that's so, wouldn't it be better if all of this was official? Some of these features seem to be extremely useful for testing purposes or whatever, and making it official somehow would definitely mean more people would utilize them. Well, I don't know how many people still mod Cave Story anymore, but that may always change in the future.

I started this fork as a personal project without explicit intent to add it to CSE2. CSE2 devs are aware of this project, and have show interest in adding some of the features (such as the improved UI in pause menu). I'm open to making Tweaks an official part of Enhanced or other branches, but that's not something for me to decide.
Apr 27, 2020 at 7:54 PM
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CSE2 devs are aware of this project, and have show interest in adding some of the features (such as the improved UI in pause menu).
I didn't know that, but I'm glad to hear it now.
May 1, 2020 at 9:05 PM
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This is a very interesting project, and a very cool one. You don't really need to hear this from me, but thank you for your contribution.
May 3, 2020 at 11:27 PM
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Update! Minor update v0.8.3.1 is out:
  • Updated with latest changes from base CSE2 Enhanced.
  • Hits that would deal 1 HP damage in regular gameplay now deal 1 HP (instead of 0 HP) when playing with 50% Damage Received tweak . This effectively makes 50% Damage Received tweak match the behavior of Cave Story+ Easy Mode
Download here!
May 8, 2020 at 3:11 PM
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"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
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Some spoilers of an upcoming feature I've been working on:

May 8, 2020 at 3:48 PM
Gay AF
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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God, every time people try making a Game Boy style mod, be it through repainting the sprites or through shaders, they always go for the eye burning, ugly green. Which I get is to match the LCD screen on the original Game Boy, but the graphics are actually black and white anyway. However, the BGB palette is definitely much easier on the eyes if you wish to use a palette that resembles the Game Boy colors.
May 8, 2020 at 3:59 PM
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"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
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I'm actually unsure whether or not to go for green or black/white. I pulled the colors from a palette reconstruction, but yeah, I'm considering offering a black/white GB version instead.

(To be super honest I coded GB filter as a joke as I expected it to be outright unplayable lol)
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May 8, 2020 at 4:02 PM
Gay AF
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Here's the link to the BGB emulator, if you're open to palette suggestions. Its palette should be the default.
May 9, 2020 at 8:35 PM
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God, every time people try making a Game Boy style mod, be it through repainting the sprites or through shaders, they always go for the eye burning, ugly green. Which I get is to match the LCD screen on the original Game Boy, but the graphics are actually black and white anyway. However, the BGB palette is definitely much easier on the eyes if you wish to use a palette that resembles the Game Boy colors.
Well I'm glad I didn't release my graphics pack because I agree
May 18, 2020 at 6:25 AM
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New Major Release! v0.8.4!
Several changes and new features have been added!

  • Added Color Filters! These will allow you to set the colors of the game based on the following filters:
    • Protanomaly: Common red-colorblindness
    • Protanopia: Strong red-colorblindness
    • Deuteranomaly: Weak green-colorblindness
    • Deuteranopia: Strong green-colorblindness
    • Tritanomaly: Weak blue-colorblindness
    • Tritanopia: Strong blue-colorblindness
    • Grayscale
    • Sega Genesis (using the 512 color scheme of Genesis/Megadrive)
    • MSX (using the 256 color scheme of MSX)
    • Game Boy (... 4 colors lol)
  • Added an option to tone down or completely remove screen flashing.
  • Added new tweak: Grace Jumps. When enabled, the game will give you 6 frames to jump after having walked off a ledge.
  • Imported latest changes from base Enhanced branch.
Also, Linux Build is available! Should work in any debian-based distro.

Download here:
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May 18, 2020 at 6:45 AM
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yes! now I can be even more blind! wahoo!
pretty cool to be honest. I like Gameboy the best since I'm I sucker for retro/old looking stuff.
At the same time I can't really see, I still consider it a win though!
May 19, 2020 at 5:42 AM
The TideWalker
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May 19, 2020 at 3:38 PM
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"Wahoo! Upgrade!"
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So, some spoilers of upcoming features:



In-game speed modifier allows you to make the game slower or faster in real time! As you can see by the FPS counter at top right, the game is not being rendered faster, but rather, logic is being sped up (or down).
May 19, 2020 at 3:45 PM
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That's cool. I can see myself using that tool for testing.
May 19, 2020 at 4:23 PM
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that looks very funny, can't wait to see speedruns at 50% speed