Mar 26, 2006 at 10:14 AM
Join Date: Jun 15, 2004
Location: Georgia
Posts: 367
Age: 44
Pronouns: he/him
And now from the land of deprived sleep at 4:00 in the morning, I bring you the long awaited "Cave Story Tribute Site Update!" :eek:
I apologize that it took so long to accomplish this, but as I mentioned before I have been plenty busy with RL concerns. However with the news of Cave Story becoming published by Variant Games and the fact that I've received so many emails in just the last week asking me why the download links were not updated, I just figured it was time to make a change to the status of the site.
This does not mean that I will have the time to continiously update the site on a regular basis, but I definitely do not plan on leaving the site alone for as long as I had. As long as there are Cave Story fans out there that enjoy the site's content and enjoy having a community in which to participate in Cave Story discussions, that will be enough to motivate me in making sure the site gets an update every now and again.
Thank you for all of your support in helping speed me along with the update process. Please enjoy and if there is something seriously wrong with the site that I've missed, please post it here and I'll try to fix it as soon as I am able to.
I apologize that it took so long to accomplish this, but as I mentioned before I have been plenty busy with RL concerns. However with the news of Cave Story becoming published by Variant Games and the fact that I've received so many emails in just the last week asking me why the download links were not updated, I just figured it was time to make a change to the status of the site.
This does not mean that I will have the time to continiously update the site on a regular basis, but I definitely do not plan on leaving the site alone for as long as I had. As long as there are Cave Story fans out there that enjoy the site's content and enjoy having a community in which to participate in Cave Story discussions, that will be enough to motivate me in making sure the site gets an update every now and again.
Thank you for all of your support in helping speed me along with the update process. Please enjoy and if there is something seriously wrong with the site that I've missed, please post it here and I'll try to fix it as soon as I am able to.