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Cave Story: The Other Story

Nov 20, 2017 at 10:27 PM
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I started creating this mod yesterday and here's the first demo. Also that's the first mod i ever created.
It changes the story a little, adds more characters, secrets, locations and weapons.
mod ends at the Arthur's house

-Noxid: Arthur's sprites
-Pixel: Cave Story
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Nov 20, 2017 at 11:59 PM
Serri Online
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I feel like there was supposed to be a flag to prevent you from picking up the key at the Arthur Statue so you can reach the end of the demo sooner than intended.

This has prompted me to do a speedrun because of it too, enjoy.
Nov 21, 2017 at 1:40 AM
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I feel like there was supposed to be a flag to prevent you from picking up the key at the Arthur Statue so you can reach the end of the demo sooner than intended.

This has prompted me to do a speedrun because of it too, enjoy.
That wasn't supposed to happen.
I'll change that in the next update, thanks for the reporting.
Also nice speedrun, we need more of these...
Nov 21, 2017 at 6:17 AM
The TideWalker
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ok a new CS mod ok here we go...

oh boy


oh boy.





and quote talks; I would have never saw that coming.

Maybe I should try to get to the polar star with my eyes closed?

oh damn I actually did it.


Ok the game is 100% identical up to the second kazzy cutscene.

just why.

This isn't fun I've been playing through edits of the first cave for 5 YEARS NOW


ok and I still can't get in; great

actually hmmmm

Let's look at it really quick in BL to see if I ca-




oh uhh that statue wasn't there before.... I'm pretty sure anyway.

oh shit the music is balcony instead of the bunny village happy flowery music what


more quote dialouge also I'm just going to point out right here that this is the NiCaLiS sprite just downscaled to 1X


nice I don't have to do a dumb sidequest I've done 10,000 times before playing new mods maybe one day I... I'll be able to escape the.... the torture of walking through that one damned cave over and over and over and over and over and over and over....





aaaaaannnd this post.
Nov 21, 2017 at 12:20 PM
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ok a new CS mod ok here we go...

oh boy


oh boy.





and quote talks; I would have never saw that coming.

Maybe I should try to get to the polar star with my eyes closed?

oh damn I actually did it.


Ok the game is 100% identical up to the second kazzy cutscene.

just why.

This isn't fun I've been playing through edits of the first cave for 5 YEARS NOW


ok and I still can't get in; great

actually hmmmm

Let's look at it really quick in BL to see if I ca-




oh uhh that statue wasn't there before.... I'm pretty sure anyway.

oh shit the music is balcony instead of the bunny village happy flowery music what


more quote dialouge also I'm just going to point out right here that this is the NiCaLiS sprite just downscaled to 1X


nice I don't have to do a dumb sidequest I've done 10,000 times before playing new mods maybe one day I... I'll be able to escape the.... the torture of walking through that one damned cave over and over and over and over and over and over and over....





aaaaaannnd this post.
There was supposed to be a flag to prevent you from getting the key... but well i fucked this up
so okay, i'll add something else than this first cave and kazuma's dialogue
Nov 21, 2017 at 12:51 PM
Professional Whatever
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cant be considerate of the creator's feelings
gotta be a sarcastic prick about the first mod they ever made
Nov 21, 2017 at 5:07 PM
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cant be considerate of the creator's feelings
gotta be a sarcastic prick about the first mod they ever made
I don't really think he was being that rude? If anything he's right. From the screenshots he shared in his review it does look like just cave story but with minor edits. There's nothing wrong with that, and I don't think he was trying to really say there's anything wrong with that. Along with that, you sort of imply that the post was inconsiderate of the creator's feelings, and considering that the creator responded by acknowledging the flaws in his mod and saying that he'll fix them, I don't think the creator really took BLink's criticism's personally or anything. :P
Nov 21, 2017 at 5:11 PM
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regardless of what the consequence was, how he went about it was pretty rude
blink went in with the assumption that the creator knew about modding history and the amount of vanilla edits we have - yes, it can be annoying to see so many of them with little change, but there are better ways to say it than making a review that's dripping with sarcasm
Nov 21, 2017 at 9:14 PM
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regardless of what the consequence was, how he went about it was pretty rude
blink went in with the assumption that the creator knew about modding history and the amount of vanilla edits we have - yes, it can be annoying to see so many of them with little change, but there are better ways to say it than making a review that's dripping with sarcasm

So what you're saying is that we shouldn't have the ability to express what we want to say? I usually try to stray away from saying anything notably negative (and when I do out of impulse, I just end up deleting the post anyways) but the posts you're making like these are getting ridiculous. Why can't we just have the staff deal with the conflict? Posts like these don't solve anything; they just add to the problem... It's essentially bait for a locked thread. (I'm falling for that bait too!)

First of all, the OP wasn't even phased about the criticism that Blink gave him. Needless to say, I'm not much of a fan of the "Seasons review format", so no, I'm also not entirely defending BLink on this situation either. Some of the things he mentioned in the review could've been revised a bit and more considerate. But honestly, this is something that the staff should be taking into consideration. Applying powerless social justice isn't smart, it just adds to the issue.

Anyways, I'll go ahead and state some tidbits about the mod:

-Right off the bat you should set the mod to Windowed rather than fullscreen. You can make that default by editing the settings in DoConfig.
-For a first mod, I'd say the premise of it is pretty interesting. Having the Balcony music play in Mimiga Village and most of the characters missing gave out a pretty uncomfortable atmosphere, not sure if that was what you were going for there.
-Having Quote speak... Does take off the feeling that the character you're playing is you. This can work, but you'd have to give Quote a fleshed out personality if you want to make him an effective character. If he is going to state the obvious and reply to characters in a shallow manner, it would probably start to get irritating over time...
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Nov 21, 2017 at 9:28 PM
Professional Whatever
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ah yes, sorry, didn't realize that i wasn't allowed to point out what i think is rude behaviour towards others because apparently i don't have the authority to do so
Nov 21, 2017 at 9:42 PM
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ah yes, sorry, didn't realize that i wasn't allowed to point out what i think is rude behaviour towards others because apparently i don't have the authority to do so

You definitely are allowed, you are free to say what you want. However, what you're pointing out isn't accomplishing anything, neither is this post.
Whenever I see your posts on a mod thread, it generally doesn't even relate to the mod itself, but more towards pointing out and trying to justify other people's behaviors. Oh, and with with a pretty terrible attitude, at that. Absolutely nothing useful or positive.

It absolutely surprises me how little action has been taken from the authorities about issues like these, because so many people here are divided into all these groups. That's just the way I see it, and I could be wrong. Anyways, that's besides the point.
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Nov 21, 2017 at 9:47 PM
Professional Whatever
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sorry, what are you doing to try and stop people from being toxic to others? i'm putting myself out here to stick up for people who seem to be targeted by the people who have been here longer (and should know better by now); i don't care how the person reacted to it, i'm responding to things i think are bad instead of sitting back waiting for moderators to maybe say "hey that's enough"
Nov 21, 2017 at 10:00 PM
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i'm putting myself out here to stick up for people who seem to be targeted by the people who have been here longer (and should know better by now); i don't care how the person reacted to it, i'm responding to things i think are bad instead of sitting back waiting for moderators to maybe say "hey that's enough"

Right, and doing this would make how much of a difference? Probably not much, at least when you don't have powers. I also believe this is termed as "back seat modding", but I'm not quite sure. Haxx was warned about doing something like that in the past back in May. But what my point is to all this is that these posts don't help or accomplish the point of the thread. This thread is about someone's mod. This kind of stuff derails it, just like what's happening right now.
Nov 21, 2017 at 10:07 PM
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if following my ethics and trying to call out someone for having a rude tone towards someone else is considered backseat moderating, then this forum is in serious need of rule revision

and hey, at least i'm trying to make a difference instead of bashing anyone who tries to

if i get yelled at by the staff for perpetuating arguments or whatever then that's fine, but this is something i cannot back down on
Nov 21, 2017 at 10:11 PM
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if following my ethics and trying to call out someone for having a rude tone towards someone else is considered backseat moderating, then this forum is in serious need of rule revision

and hey, at least i'm trying to make a difference instead of bashing anyone who tries to

if i get yelled at by the staff for perpetuating arguments or whatever then that's fine, but this is something i cannot back down on

Do what you wanna do! If you think adding your vision or justice upon others and think that'll fix anything, go for it man.
There's no stopping to what you want to do, but if you're able to go around pointing out about people's behaviors, creations or opinions and being rude about it, I figured I would do the same for once.
Nov 21, 2017 at 11:53 PM
The TideWalker
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Jesus H Christ.

I thought the deep fried memes was enough to tell I was trying to be over the top ironic while still making a valid point and being funny all that the same time.

And I think that OP got the point when,
so okay, i'll add something else than this first cave and kazuma's dialogue
There's literally no reason any more needed to be added to the conversation; I made a funneh joek, OP got the message, and everybody else got some giggles all in good fun.

There's no need to rush to your keyboard because I ironically poked fun at a beginner CS mod. I started out the same and so did you. And by the way I'm sure I've done at least 10X as much to actually help people learn how to CS mod as you have (My ASM tutorials, my open source, the CSMC, personally going 1 on 1 with some people teaching map design and asm ect) so I repectfully think you hardly have a right to say I'm being the bad guy when you just call out people and don't actually attempt to fix the problem yourself.
Nov 21, 2017 at 11:57 PM
Professional Whatever
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once again, i don't have the authority to call out someone's bullshit
what a fantastic community this is
Nov 22, 2017 at 12:02 AM
The TideWalker
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If you honestly felt that I was pushing bullshit you should have:

A) Come to me in DM telling me you think I should edit my post or something of that manner telling me you're concerned on behalf of OP.
B) Contacted a moderator telling them that my behavior should be addressed.

It's the fact that you are trying to calling someone out for bullshit publicly is where the bullshit actually lies.

If you think this is actually a problem; I suggest referring to either A or B because this thread is getting very off topic very quickly.
Nov 22, 2017 at 12:06 AM
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once again, i don't have the authority to call out someone's bullshit
what a fantastic community this is

I'm not understanding why you continue to choose to make posts like these. I think it's all in your head and honestly, antagonizing us for your faults publicly like this on a forum like it's some discord chatroom isn't very effective either. If you think that this community is toxic garbage, I'd hate to say it, but posts like these is what adds to the fire. We could fix this in many ways but instead there's just a massive sense of arrogance and spite. Want to know a good step to stop the community from being bad? The calling out and backseat modding (or whatever it is) has got to cease. The rude, pessimistic, terrible attitude has got to end as well. I'm not just directing this towards you either, but to anyone who can fit the bill for this.
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Nov 22, 2017 at 12:11 AM
Professional Whatever
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yeah you guys can keep thinking that you're so saintly, i'm done trying to help people on this forum if this is the result