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Cave Story + Samples/MIDI "Soundfonts"?

Jan 17, 2017 at 10:43 AM
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So, I recently got into the Cave Story music area, and I realized something I'm not sure people are doing yet.
Or I'm just retarded.
So, what I need to know is how one either converts .Org into an MP3 or Ogg file in Cave Story + soundfont, as opposed to the regular Cave story sounds. I'm seeing two things of note here:
Number 1 is that Cave Story + uses .Ogg files, which already sound like what they sound like, much like .Mp3 files. This means I can't just "hurr durr put it in the game" and let the game emulate the music like a MIDI using Cave Story's own fonts.
Number 2 is that nobody seems to have any samples or "soundfonts?" from the CS+ OST. This means I can't just change the instruments in Orgmaker or use a set of samples for a MIDI file, and then convert it into an .Mp3 or .Ogg file.
Before you ask, it's been a week of lurking, googling and testing various theories and tricks people have that sounded like they might be related to this. It's only after having no luck with that that I make this post.

And because this post looks super convoluted, I'll explain it better.
I made an .Org file of Moonsong with changes made to the melody. I want to have an .Mp3 or .Ogg of that song for modding reasons. But I want it for Cave Story +, and not for the original game.
Any help would be great.
Jan 17, 2017 at 12:38 PM
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Actually I do have the original wii version midis and a soundfont for those. Effectively there was a pre-release version of the wiiware port, and that version used midis instead of .ogg files, and those midis had a soundfont. Of course they sound absolutely nothing like the post-release wiiware/cs+ soundtrack, but they are the best you are probably going to get.

Here they are:

(the .dls file is the soundfont in question)
Jan 17, 2017 at 7:58 PM
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I heard tell of some amazing magician who makes samples of various instruments just by recording the audio from games like megaman x and pokemon black. Is this even a usable method?
Jan 17, 2017 at 11:06 PM
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There are two major forms of audio format:
1. Waveform-based: This represents one big giant blob of audio data (examples are .mp3, .wav, .ogg, .flac).
2. Instrument-based: This is stored as instrument data, which is played back using either pre-set or custom samples (examples are .mid, .org, .ptcop, .xm, .mod, .spc).

Megaman X and Pokemon Black both use the latter because it loops better and because it uses less space, as does the original Cave Story. This also makes it relatively easy to retrieve music samples. However CS+ uses the former (.ogg files, which shouldn't be confused with the .org files in the original CS), which means that every sample in the song is smooshed together and can't be recovered from one another.

I really doubt that this magician of yours extracted instruments from a waveform recording of the game, but instead they would have just extracted the individual samples directly from the rom in question. Unfortunately you cannot do this with .ogg files.
Jan 18, 2017 at 12:37 AM
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Here they are:

(the .dls file is the soundfont in question)

Wow. These samples are nice. And the arrangement of the original tracks, while I disagree with certain subtractions and additions in these said arrangements, are pretty damn cool. Reminds me of how the HeartGold and SoulSilver was arranged. A bit excessive here and there, but overall well-intentioned.

Thanks for shaing these with us, andwhyisit! This will be a great addition to my sample library.
Jan 18, 2017 at 12:59 AM
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Thank Tpcool for that one, as he contacted one of the people involved in making the music for the wiiware port and got him to send him a working soundbank. Before that... well... there was a soundbank dumped from the wiiware port, but it was in a raw audio format that excludes header information such as sample rate, bit depth, endianness, and number of channels. Effectively you would have to try and listen to millions of different combinations of these values until you got something that didn't sound like a dial up modem.
Jan 18, 2017 at 3:13 AM
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I think I didn't explain well. This guy recorded music from various games through a rom and audacity. After he had that, he picked out by ear each instrument and cut out samples that he then used to make an instrument set for use with midi and org files. I guess the nature of this question is if this had already been done.