Aug 4, 2015 at 6:13 AM
Join Date: Jul 30, 2015
Posts: 18
Sadly I am far too poor to afford a new computer. It'll take some time. Good thing there is always the e-shop version on my 3DS, I can afford that. Or maybe the Steam version will work, but I don't want to bet on that, because I might spend money on something I can't play. Did anybody else here upgrade to Windows 10 and have this problem? Or are all of you just holding off? Just curious. I think that the strangest thing is that this issue only affected Cave Story, not any of the other few games I have on this bad boy. Darned Windows 10, ruining everything. I could downgrade back to 8.1, but the problem is that I've heard about people who have had major issues with some applications and stuff after downgrading. Honestly, I think the worst thing is that I made it to Monster X doing the 3 HP challenge and will more than likely have to restart. It took me forever to get there. As an act of desperation, I'm going to reinstall the game, but I'm going to move the save file someplace where it won't get deleted/overwritten. Wish me luck. Thank you guys for all the help!
Okay, so it didn't work. I didn't install the English patch, because I figured it wouldn't work Oddly enough, most of the game wasn't in Japanese. Instead, it was all gibberish. Like os and Is with the little line over it. @ signs, # signs, and many more signs I don't recognize. I do read Japanese, and I speak a little (taking Japanese class in school) so I know it wasn't simply that I didn't understand it. But the main screen was Japanese. Also, for the "Would you like to save?" It was in gibberish too, but the answers were in Japanese. The biggest problem was a stupid mistake I made. After I took the profile.dat out of the Doukutsu folder and onto the desktop I downloaded the game again. I put it into the new one and ran the game. It was still tiny so I deleted the new game folder and permanently deleted it from the recycle bin. I went back to my usual one when I realized that I deleted my save data with the files I just deleted. So sad. Oh well, I can always try to do it again. Not like I can play it anymore anyways. Thank you so much for all the help you have given me! I greatly appreciate it.
Okay, so it didn't work. I didn't install the English patch, because I figured it wouldn't work Oddly enough, most of the game wasn't in Japanese. Instead, it was all gibberish. Like os and Is with the little line over it. @ signs, # signs, and many more signs I don't recognize. I do read Japanese, and I speak a little (taking Japanese class in school) so I know it wasn't simply that I didn't understand it. But the main screen was Japanese. Also, for the "Would you like to save?" It was in gibberish too, but the answers were in Japanese. The biggest problem was a stupid mistake I made. After I took the profile.dat out of the Doukutsu folder and onto the desktop I downloaded the game again. I put it into the new one and ran the game. It was still tiny so I deleted the new game folder and permanently deleted it from the recycle bin. I went back to my usual one when I realized that I deleted my save data with the files I just deleted. So sad. Oh well, I can always try to do it again. Not like I can play it anymore anyways. Thank you so much for all the help you have given me! I greatly appreciate it.