Aug 27, 2009 at 4:50 AM
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
Wait. Really? Where did you get that statistic? And why did I just feel a disturbance in the Force... *shivers*
Nabi said:urly, with her chest, around 13
Uncy Dave said:Oh cool!
I think the Mimiga looks awesome
Who are the other two characters?
Are they only important later in the story?
If you tell us will it spoil the plot?
Ralren said:Lol, actually, both of the other characters aren't in my mod.
One of them is Voidmage_lowell from LMAP, and YOUR CHARACTER.
Pirate, from Untold Story. I can't see how there wouldn't be any
Uncy Dave said:Ooohhhhh!
That makes sense. I thought they were all from your mod. I suppose the picture of Pirate has the same face but the eye patch made me a little confused...Good picture though.
The picture of Lowell's character is brilliant! I guess I should have reckognised it immediately with the elfy ears...
Well finally, I can see this. It's nice that my computer is not fighting me anymore, because man, that's a nice pic. Lowell looks...badass, heh heh...Ralren said:Oh god, oh man oh god, oh man, oh god.
I decided to draw 3 main characters from a few mods here in the forums. I got kind of sick of the characters made by Pixel, why not draw the ones made by other people? Don't suspect anything awesome though. Took me some time to draw this. lol. I can't draw mimigas for shit either. Damn.
Here it iz