Feb 13, 2012 at 12:29 AM
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Does woodenrat have a baby face? Or even abs and arms that tone?Maybe he was drawing WoodenRat as Quote.
Does woodenrat have a baby face? Or even abs and arms that tone?Maybe he was drawing WoodenRat as Quote.
If I knew anything about painting and art, I would most definitely have more compliments for you. I usually don't post on art threads because I don't have much to contribute aside from "it looks good." For your art though, I feel safe adding the modifier "very." Sorry bro, I like your stuff but that's all I got.
He always does stuff like this. He must be able to just crap out good art at this point, with so much practice.
Did you whip that up overnight for me? I'm very impressed if that's the case.
Did you whip that up overnight for me? I'm very impressed if that's the case.
He always does stuff like this. He must be able to just crap out good art at this point, with so much practice.
HALF of an hour? Holy cow! GIR is right!Yeah I spent half an hour to make that.![]()
Edit: For some reason the imageshack didn't work properly for me, so I changed my mind to use imgur.
lik dis if u cry evrytim
Wait, what's that amulet? Or is this getting into some fanfiction I don't want to know about
onlineworms, that was just awesome. I never expected fan art involving King as a Pokémon! I think such a Pokémon could exist if Ditto saw King and changed its form, and if it is nicknamed "King".