Jan 10, 2011 at 3:42 PM
Join Date: May 6, 2009
Location: somewhere new
Posts: 2135
Age: 30
Pronouns: he/him
Noxid said:It took me about an hour, same time as this one.
Thank you to my supportive viewing audience
WD said:Ooh ooh Noxy baybay, care to make a Mizwee?
And Cult, I'm glad that Balrog has finally come out to become the Island's next drag superstar.
WD said:Ooh ooh Noxy baybay, care to make a Mizwee?
Fluff8836 said:You can save time right now because I just finished another one. And yes, it's...
(Note: Changed hair color to blue and because of the sprite's clothes, I had to change the clothes color on the portrait expansion as well.)
WoodenRat said:These are great Noxid!
Do you participate in non-pixel art? Like sketches or something
I suppose it would be most accurate to say that I need to be able to see it to draw it. I can't draw something from memory, nor am I really that great with drawing something from imagination. I could probably work with a picture/photograph for a reference though.WoodenRat said:I remember that picture, yes. It's pretty nice, all the proportions are perfect. So do you mean like you can only draw it in nature or do you mean it literally like it has to be a few feet away from you.
That would be His Morning Promenade by the swedish electronic music group Slagsmalsklubben. In fact, all the music past 26 minutes is SMK, they're my favourite group.Taco said:I love the idea of expanding the face-sprites! Right now I'm making an expansion of the Quote sprite from the WiiWare version of the game, although I doubt it'll turn out as great as the ones you guys made.
Also, I hate to go off-topic, but I just watched your LiveStream video, Noxid, and I'm wondering what the song is that starts at around 1:07:00. I've heard it before and have been searching for the artist/song name for quite a while.