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Cave Story Curly's Perspective

Jan 23, 2013 at 5:12 AM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Hi, I'm new to this forum and new to hacking, but I'm very interested in it.
I have an idea of a mod that you may think it's like Curly mode, but it's not, it's actually quite different.
It's the (almost like) regular Cave Story, but in Curly's perspective. I don't think anyone has ever made this.
The story line goes like this:
Curly wakes up in sand zone.
Helps Jenka find her puppies, learns about the island. (Red flowers, Demon crown...etc.)
All puppies found - Sun stone curse breaks.
Goes into Sand Zone Residence - Recognized as killer robot - Mimiga sneak attack (Toroko's sprite in original game)
Talks with Mimiga - Learns that a "Toaster Robot" is taking them away - Barlog smashes door and enter
Barlog boss fight 1 (not optional) - Barlog escapes
Go to start of Sand Zone - sees Quote standing there - thinks as enemy
(cutscene: Player: Oh no! It's another robot! I must go back and protect the Mimigas!)
Go back to Sandzone Residence - Quote enters - Quote boss fight (Quote unlimited health, forced to lose.)
Chat with Quote (More like: Player:Are you here to kill the mimigas like the other robots? Quote:... Player:That's great!)
Thinks that Polar Star is cool - offer trade? (Y/N) (Quote will always accept trade if you offer to trade.)
Quote leaves.
Earthquake - investigate Sand Zone - Misery Boss fight (at the place Omega is normally fought) (Much less health, no invincible rings.)
(Misery: Hmph! Another robot? I'll deal with you myself!)
Defeats Misery - Misery uses thunder (like she did on King in the normal story)
(cutscene: player unconscious, transported to labyrinth, screen darkens)
(cutscene: At labyrinth, on the clinic's bed, screen fades into view, Quote enters, talks with doctor, doctor feeds player the medicine, Quote comes over to player, player tells how she failed to defeat Misery, then says she feels okay already, Quote leaves.)
Barlog Boss fight 2 (at the place Monster X is usually fought, with Monster X driving around.)
(Monster X could not be killed, you win the fight by taking out Barlog.)
Goes to boulder chamber - Quote enters
(cutscene: try to push rock, Barlog enters)
Barlog boss fight 3 (instead of Curly being knocked unconscious, Quote is, different to the normal story.)
Treasure chest falls down (Gets Nemesis in the chest where in the normal story you get Super Missiles.)
Finish the rest of the labyrinth with Quote as an A.I. (Using Machine Gun or Polar Star Level 3
according to if you trade or not.)
Goes to core room
(cutscene: Quote goes to do the switches and stuff)
Go investigate the robot that's still active, Quote enters room, small chat
Core boss fight with Quote as an A.I. (Using Machine Gun or Polar Star Level 3
according to if you trade or not.)
(cutscene: Misery takes the core as usual)
Chamber floods with water - Quote faints - Player thinks: Give you partner your air tank? (Y1/N1)

Y1: Player slowly loses consciousness - Wakes up in house at waterway - Chats with Quote - Player feels dizzy
(custscene: Player wakes up at Cthulu's place, short talk with Cthulu (Player: Who... am I?
Cthulu: I have no Idea, I found you by the pool in the plantation.. blah blah), Cthulu explains the plantation and it's purpose, Cthulu says another robot came to visit, but you were asleep, Quote enters, force feeds player the Ma Pignon,
player remembers everything, chats with Quote, thinks: Oh! So the Iron Bond is my connection to quote!
Offer Iron Bond to Quote? (Y2/N2))

Y2: Quote accepts the gift
Quote leaves.
Talk with Sue's mom (Sue's mom: A soldier from the ground? You mean the savior? player: Yes!
Sue's mom: He took that rocket up there to fight the doctor)
Beat Final Cave (The version Quote gets in the normal game if he has no Boosters)
Misery fight (Misery: I already failed once and let one pass, I'm not going to let you go to the doctor!)
(cutscene: before doctor fight, sees Quote get hit by doctor's rays, Quote faints
Fight doctor, fight muscle doctor
Investigate Quote(Quote is unconscious...(if you still have the life potion) give him the life potion?(Y3/N3)
(if you don't have the life potion: N3))/Leave Quote(N3))

Y3: Quote wakes up, hands you the Booster 2.0.
Undead core fight with Quote as an A.I. (Using Blade Level 3 or Spur Level 3, depends on if you traded with him or not.)
Escape with Quote and Sue via helicopter? (Y4/N4)

Y4: Island falls, normal ending. -END-

N1: Explosion occurs in core room, knocking you out.
The core room explodes, both of you failed to get out, and were never seen again... -END- (bad end)

N2: Quote leaves.
Talk with Sue's mom (Sue's mom: A soldier from the ground? You mean the savior? player: Yes!
Sue's mom: He took that rocket up there to fight the doctor)
Beat Final Cave (The version Quote gets in the normal game if he has no Boosters)
Misery fight (Misery: I already failed once and let one pass, I'm not going to let you go to the doctor!)
(cutscene: before doctor fight, sees Quote get hit by doctor's rays, Quote faints)
Fight doctor, fight muscle doctor
(Investigate Quote, Quote is severely damaged, Quote:..., Quote hands you the Booster 0.8, Quote disappears)
Undead core fight.
Escape with Sue via helicopter? (Y4/N5)

N3: Undead core fight.
Escape with Sue via helicopter? (Y4/N5)

N4: Sue: No?! Okay, then there's only one way left! I heard that if the Demon Crown's curse is broken,
the island will go back into peace. It's too dangerous, we'll be going, good luck!
Beat Sacred Grounds with Quote as an A.I. (Using Blade Level 3)
(Your weapons, however, get back to level 1)
Ballos fight with Quote as an A.I. (Using Blade Level 3)
Barlog saves you two.
Good ending plays. -END-

N5: You stayed on the island, too sad that you couldn't save Quote, both of you were never seen again -END- (bad end)


This is what I currently have. I made this yesterday.
Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B03qHqhuXbqTbTdCd05zbThDSTA/edit
Due to some unknown reason, sometimes it just suddenly crashes when I try to shoot. It has worked perfectly fine.
But now it doesn't. Can anyone help me?
Also, I know this would be very hard, and I'm really new to it, so I would very appreciate it if someone likes the idea
and would like to work on this mod with me. :)
Also, is this the right place to post this? I hope so... Please help me move it if it isn't...
Jan 23, 2013 at 5:22 AM
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Curly-Brace said:
Also, I know this would be very hard, and I'm really new to it, so I would very appreciate it if someone likes the idea
and would like to work on this mod with me. :)
I'm going to be blunt here. No one is going to hold your hand and walk you through making your mod. The whole point of making a mod is to create something of your own and present it to the rest of the forums for the angry members to unfairly judge and ridicule to receive feedback and make your modding and development skills better overall.
However, some people may respond if you ask for help in specific areas, such as, say, making you a song for your mod if you prove that you're a decent forum member and that their work won't vanish unexpectedly. I say this because of the huge amount of discontinued and abandoned mods on this forum. We've just lost all trust for everyone nowadays.

With that out of the way, welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay, have some cake, good luck with your mod, click this, reed rools, obey Noxid.
Jan 23, 2013 at 5:36 AM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Thank you for your response. I know the point is to create something of my own, but I really need someone to help me with some scripts.
For example, I have totally no idea why it crashes for no clear reason (at least, not clear for me).
I know there are a lot of discontinued mods, too, I've read a post here with an attached document called "modding-beginner's-guide",
(I'll try find it again and link to it).
Oh, and the link for "click this", I read that before I posted this, too, but I didn't quite get it.
Does it mean, I could post any modding questions there, and if someone know's the answer, they'll answer it?
EDIT: Also, I heard Sue's Workshop and Cave Editor or not compatible with each other.
Does Booster's lab work with Cave Editor? I'm using Cave Editor.
Also, the NPC.tbl editor does not work for me. I don't know why?
Jan 23, 2013 at 5:42 AM
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Curly-Brace said:
Does it mean, I could post any modding questions there, and if someone know's the answer, they'll answer it?
It's generally the best way to get questions answered.
Jan 23, 2013 at 5:59 AM
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Curly-Brace said:
Hi, I'm new to this forum and new to hacking, but I'm very interested in it.
I have an idea of a mod that you may think it's like Curly mode, but it's not, it's actually quite different.
It's the (almost like) regular Cave Story, but in Curly's perspective. I don't think anyone has ever made this.
The story line goes like this:
Curly wakes up in sand zone.
Helps Jenka find her puppies, learns about the island. (Red flowers, Demon crown...etc.)
All puppies found - Sun stone curse breaks.
Goes into Sand Zone Residence - Recognized as killer robot - Mimiga sneak attack (Toroko's sprite in original game)
Talks with Mimiga - Learns that a "Toaster Robot" is taking them away - Barlog smashes door and enter
Barlog boss fight 1 (not optional) - Barlog escapes
Go to start of Sand Zone - sees Quote standing there - thinks as enemy
(cutscene: Player: Oh no! It's another robot! I must go back and protect the Mimigas!)
Go back to Sandzone Residence - Quote enters - Quote boss fight (Quote unlimited health, forced to lose.)
Chat with Quote (More like: Player:Are you here to kill the mimigas like the other robots? Quote:... Player:That's great!)
Thinks that Polar Star is cool - offer trade? (Y/N) (Quote will always accept trade if you offer to trade.)
Quote leaves.
Earthquake - investigate Sand Zone - Misery Boss fight (at the place Omega is normally fought) (Much less health, no invincible rings.)
(Misery: Hmph! Another robot? I'll deal with you myself!)
Defeats Misery - Misery uses thunder (like she did on King in the normal story)
(cutscene: player unconscious, transported to labyrinth, screen darkens)
(cutscene: At labyrinth, on the clinic's bed, screen fades into view, Quote enters, talks with doctor, doctor feeds player the medicine, Quote comes over to player, player tells how she failed to defeat Misery, then says she feels okay already, Quote leaves.)
Barlog Boss fight 2 (at the place Monster X is usually fought, with Monster X driving around.)
(Monster X could not be killed, you win the fight by taking out Barlog.)
Goes to boulder chamber - Quote enters
(cutscene: try to push rock, Barlog enters)
Barlog boss fight 3 (instead of Curly being knocked unconscious, Quote is, different to the normal story.)
Treasure chest falls down (Gets Nemesis in the chest where in the normal story you get Super Missiles.)
Finish the rest of the labyrinth with Quote as an A.I. (Using Machine Gun or Polar Star Level 3
according to if you trade or not.)
Goes to core room
(cutscene: Quote goes to do the switches and stuff)
Go investigate the robot that's still active, Quote enters room, small chat
Core boss fight with Quote as an A.I. (Using Machine Gun or Polar Star Level 3
according to if you trade or not.)
(cutscene: Misery takes the core as usual)
Chamber floods with water - Quote faints - Player thinks: Give you partner your air tank? (Y1/N1)

Y1: Player slowly loses consciousness - Wakes up in house at waterway - Chats with Quote - Player feels dizzy
(custscene: Player wakes up at Cthulu's place, short talk with Cthulu (Player: Who... am I?
Cthulu: I have no Idea, I found you by the pool in the plantation.. blah blah), Cthulu explains the plantation and it's purpose, Cthulu says another robot came to visit, but you were asleep, Quote enters, force feeds player the Ma Pignon,
player remembers everything, chats with Quote, thinks: Oh! So the Iron Bond is my connection to quote!
Offer Iron Bond to Quote? (Y2/N2))

Y2: Quote accepts the gift
Quote leaves.
Talk with Sue's mom (Sue's mom: A soldier from the ground? You mean the savior? player: Yes!
Sue's mom: He took that rocket up there to fight the doctor)
Beat Final Cave (The version Quote gets in the normal game if he has no Boosters)
Misery fight (Misery: I already failed once and let one pass, I'm not going to let you go to the doctor!)
(cutscene: before doctor fight, sees Quote get hit by doctor's rays, Quote faints
Fight doctor, fight muscle doctor
Investigate Quote(Quote is unconscious...(if you still have the life potion) give him the life potion?(Y3/N3)
(if you don't have the life potion: N3))/Leave Quote(N3))

Y3: Quote wakes up, hands you the Booster 2.0.
Undead core fight with Quote as an A.I. (Using Blade Level 3 or Spur Level 3, depends on if you traded with him or not.)
Escape with Quote and Sue via helicopter? (Y4/N4)

Y4: Island falls, normal ending. -END-

N1: Explosion occurs in core room, knocking you out.
The core room explodes, both of you failed to get out, and were never seen again... -END- (bad end)

N2: Quote leaves.
Talk with Sue's mom (Sue's mom: A soldier from the ground? You mean the savior? player: Yes!
Sue's mom: He took that rocket up there to fight the doctor)
Beat Final Cave (The version Quote gets in the normal game if he has no Boosters)
Misery fight (Misery: I already failed once and let one pass, I'm not going to let you go to the doctor!)
(cutscene: before doctor fight, sees Quote get hit by doctor's rays, Quote faints)
Fight doctor, fight muscle doctor
(Investigate Quote, Quote is severely damaged, Quote:..., Quote hands you the Booster 0.8, Quote disappears)
Undead core fight.
Escape with Sue via helicopter? (Y4/N5)

N3: Undead core fight.
Escape with Sue via helicopter? (Y4/N5)

N4: Sue: No?! Okay, then there's only one way left! I heard that if the Demon Crown's curse is broken,
the island will go back into peace. It's too dangerous, we'll be going, good luck!
Beat Sacred Grounds with Quote as an A.I. (Using Blade Level 3)
(Your weapons, however, get back to level 1)
Ballos fight with Quote as an A.I. (Using Blade Level 3)
Barlog saves you two.
Good ending plays. -END-

N5: You stayed on the island, too sad that you couldn't save Quote, both of you were never seen again -END- (bad end)


This is what I currently have. I made this yesterday.
Download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B03qHqhuXbqTbTdCd05zbThDSTA/edit
Due to some unknown reason, sometimes it just suddenly crashes when I try to shoot. It has worked perfectly fine.
But now it doesn't. Can anyone help me?
Also, I know this would be very hard, and I'm really new to it, so I would very appreciate it if someone likes the idea
and would like to work on this mod with me. :)
Also, is this the right place to post this? I hope so... Please help me move it if it isn't...
That is a really good idea. Can i make my own version of it with the same idea?
EDIT:Also could you upload you're demo to mediafire? google docs run's slow on this browser.
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Jan 23, 2013 at 6:09 AM
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Media fire? Can we murder that tradition? Use dropbox
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:13 AM
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I do already have an account for dropbox, but the free storage space is already used up... Sorry. D:
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:15 AM
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It crashes when you walk out of the house, or near the puppy, can i make a version with the same idea? i'll let you use my version if you like it.
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:20 AM
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liammillay said:
That is a really good idea. Can i make my own version of it with the same idea?
EDIT:Also could you upload you're demo to mediafire? google docs run's slow on this browser.
What do you mean by "with the same idea"? (Like, how much of it are the same?)
The exact same story line?
The idea of Cave Story in Curly's view?
Or just Curly as the player?

Huh. That's new. It doesn't crash for me when I'm near the puppy or walk out of the house, but it does when I fire (sometimes).
Also, of course you can make your version. I, alone would never be able to make it. :P
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:21 AM
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Curly-Brace said:
What do you mean by "with the same idea"? (Like, how much of it are the same?)
The exact same story line?
The idea of Cave Story in Curly's view?
Or just Curly as the player?
I mean i could try and make a demo with the storyline you came up with to give you ideas for how the mod could go.
EDIT:Oh, you edited you're post. Ok, thanks, when i'm done with a demo i'll send it to you!
Jan 23, 2013 at 1:21 PM
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Wasn't this done at least three times over the past 4 or 5 years? What makes this one 'the best'?
Jan 23, 2013 at 4:00 PM
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I finished a demo of my version based off your idea!
If you like it you can use it for new versions, but i'd like to have a part in it. (Some of the text, graphics maybe, and assembly hacking if i learn it[for the quote battle])
I changed a few things from you're idea:
1.I got rid of the puppy quest(It doesn't really make sense for jenkas puppies to be retrieved twice)
I think there was something else but i forgot.

Also there are a few bugs that i didn't fix yet (I spent most of my all-nighter working on this):
1.If you go into the door in the room where the sneak attack is, it messes up, dont do that >:/
2.If you press down at the teleporter, you can go to arthurs house. dont do that >:/
3.If you go into the residence before you are done investigating the teleporation noise, you go the sneak attack version of the house. dont do th- i think you know

Also, is the "mimiga sneak attack" done by the colons? It's pretty much implied by the original post, but im still not sure.
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:04 PM
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liammillay said:
I finished a demo of my version based off your idea!
If you like it you can use it for new versions, but i'd like to have a part in it. (Some of the text, graphics maybe, and assembly hacking if i learn it[for the quote battle])
I changed a few things from you're idea:
1.I got rid of the puppy quest(It doesn't really make sense for jenkas puppies to be retrieved twice)
I think there was something else but i forgot.

Also there are a few bugs that i didn't fix yet (I spent most of my all-nighter working on this):
1.If you go into the door in the room where the sneak attack is, it messes up, dont do that >:/
2.If you press down at the teleporter, you can go to arthurs house. dont do that >:/
3.If you go into the residence before you are done investigating the teleporation noise, you go the sneak attack version of the house. dont do th- i think you know

Also, is the "mimiga sneak attack" done by the colons? It's pretty much implied by the original post, but im still not sure.
Wow... You are awesome!
On the Graphics part, I found another mod on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WBPR_7K0PY
In it, the sprites of Curly and Quote are completely swapped. I modified a bit and made Quote hold a machine gun version of polar star.
I made a test version myself, too, mainly for sprite testing. I also edited some dialogues, which makes the dog fetch quest make more sense.
(Just realized I forgot to delete the save file, you could delete it after you download it, :P)
Also, Quote in this version is unbeatable. ( I haven't edited the Dialogues exchanged between him and Curly.)
Well, he is beatable, technically, but he has 9000 health, and all his hits do 999 damage.
Do you know how to call on an event/cutscene/scriipt/whatever when the player dies?
Say, the player gets hit by Quote's one hit kill bullet, then hide the player and Quote, and call on the cutscene that normally plays
when you defeat Curly in the original game, except Quote walks out of Sand Zone Residence after the cutscene is normally over.

Also, I made a half finished boss rush mod:
Just a trial attempt at editing boss fights.
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:13 PM
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Curly-Brace said:
Wow... You are awesome!
On the Graphics part, I found another mod on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WBPR_7K0PY
In it, the sprites of Curly and Quote are completely swapped. I modified a bit and made Quote hold a machine gun version of polar star.
I made a test version myself, too, mainly for sprite testing. I also edited some dialogues, which makes the dog fetch quest make more sense.
(Just realized I forgot to delete the save file, you could delete it after you download it, :p)
Also, Quote in this version is unbeatable. ( I haven't edited the Dialogues exchanged between him and Curly.)
Well, he is beatable, technically, but he has 9000 health, and all his hits do 999 damage.
Do you know how to call on an event/cutscene/scriipt/whatever when the player dies?
Say, the player gets hit by Quote's one hit kill bullet, then hide the player and Quote, and call on the cutscene that normally plays
when you defeat Curly in the original game, except Quote walks out of Sand Zone Residence after the cutscene is normally over.

Also, I made a half finished boss rush mod:
Just a trial attempt at editing boss fights.
Thanks! and it will require assembly hacking to make a script run when you die, but noxid made a hack for it, and i asked him for permission. (waiting for it)

I'm going to try you're new demo now, ill edit when done.
EDIT:I tried the new demo, its good, but some stuff:
1. There are 2 balrogs when you get the last puppy and find jenka beat up with the storehouse key stolen
2.After the storehouse key is stolen, theres not really much to do, i actually beat quote (LOL XD), but i cant find anything left to do.
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:24 PM
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liammillay said:
I finished a demo of my version based off your idea!
If you like it you can use it for new versions, but i'd like to have a part in it. (Some of the text, graphics maybe, and assembly hacking if i learn it[for the quote battle])
I changed a few things from you're idea:
1.I got rid of the puppy quest(It doesn't really make sense for jenkas puppies to be retrieved twice)
I think there was something else but i forgot.

Also there are a few bugs that i didn't fix yet (I spent most of my all-nighter working on this):
1.If you go into the door in the room where the sneak attack is, it messes up, dont do that >:/
2.If you press down at the teleporter, you can go to arthurs house. dont do that >:/
3.If you go into the residence before you are done investigating the teleporation noise, you go the sneak attack version of the house. dont do th- i think you know

Also, is the "mimiga sneak attack" done by the colons? It's pretty much implied by the original post, but im still not sure.
Your version is amazing! I really like it! And Yes, the mimiga sneak attack is done by the colons.
I am thinking that maybe we could simply make the teleporter send a message saying "Does not have permission to teleport"
or something like that. Like the teleporter in the shelter of Grass Town before you get to the plantation, or the teleporter in Athur's house
before you read the message on the computer.
By the way, I don't know if you noticed, in my version (both the first and the second test), Curly's agility is better than Quote, Curly started the game with
the Iron Bond, Turbo Charge and Air Tank, the Machine Gun is much more powerful than in the original game(since it's the only gun she'll have in a long time).

ZarroTsu said:
Wasn't this done at least three times over the past 4 or 5 years? What makes this one 'the best'?
Really? Because I can't find one with the normal Cave Story in Curly's perspective.
I did find a lot with just Curly's and Quote's sprites switched, though.
Can you please post the link to the ones you find? I would like to try them out. Thank you. :)
And I'm not aiming for the best like no one ever was, just had quite some time on hand, really love Cave Story, and can't get the idea out of my head. :D
Jan 23, 2013 at 6:48 PM
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Man... Looks like everyone's clamoring over each other to make a mod from Curly's perspective.
First Curly Brace's Story, then Iron Bond, Curly's Past, then Curly's Adventure!, then the eventual Curly Brace's Story Revived, and now this.

This makes me want to hurry up with Curly Brace's Story Revived even more, before it starts looking less unique. Well, not that you can stop me, but I hope you're okay with the fact that I myself have plans on making my own continuation of the first mod listed above, Curly Brace's Story. I hope nobody here feels like we're stealing each other's thunder.

Anyway, I'll play this mod as some point.
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Jan 23, 2013 at 7:30 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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HaydenStudios said:
Man... Looks like everyone's clamoring over each other to make a mod from Curly's perspective.
First Curly Brace's Story, then Iron Bond, Curly's Past, then Curly's Adventure!, then the eventual Curly Brace's Story Revived, and now this.

This makes me want to hurry up with Curly Brace's Story Revived even more, before it starts looking less unique. Well, not that you can stop me, but I hope you're okay with the fact that I myself have plans on making my own continuation of the first mod listed above, Curly Brace's Story. I hope nobody here feels like we're stealing each other's thunder.

Anyway, I'll play this mod as some point.
I expected someone to have a same idea way before me, after all Cave Story came out very long ago, I just couldn't find any myself.
Thanks for showing me those mods. :)

EDIT: Sorry, I can't get any of the above mentioned links to work, can you give me the direct download?
I would really like to check out the mods of people before me.
I hope you don't think I'm stealing your idea, since I really don't know about any of those mods.
My idea came from when I know that there's a "Curly Mode" with simply the sprites switched, so I thought:
"Huh, but that's exactly the same story, from the same view." So, yeah.
Very sorry if you (or anyone) feels like I'm copying them.

EDIT: Oh, HaydenStudios, I also have to thank you for introducing me to Cave Story and modding.
I was on Youtube searching for "Video Game Secrets" one day, I came across a video called "Cave Story has a fourth ending!".
I thought it looked like a great game, so I downloaded it, and I tried it, but failed, so instead, I went for the best unmodded possible ending.
Then I did some research about the fourth ending of Cave Story, and ended up in this forum, at your fourth ending mod post.
Anyways, thank you, again. :D
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Jan 23, 2013 at 7:31 PM
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Age: 28
Pronouns: he/him
Curly-Brace said:
Sorry, I can't get any of the above mentioned links to work, can you give me the direct download?
I would really like to check out the mods of people before me.
Not sure why those links aren't working for you, I just tried them myself and they all worked. I would be a bit uneasy about downloading them without a dev thread to contextualize them if I were you though.
Curly-Brace said:
I hope you don't think I'm stealing your idea, since I really don't know about any of those mods.
My idea came from when I know that there's a "Curly Mode" with simply the sprites switched, so I thought:
"Huh, but that's exactly the same story, from the same view." So, yeah.
Very sorry if you (or anyone) feels like I'm copying them.
Can't really accuse you of copying me seeing as how some of the mods listed above began before I even knew Cave Story existed. And especially considering that your description doesn't really line up completely with the other Curly mods aside from the parts that run along side the events of Cave Story.

Curly-Brace said:
Oh, HaydenStudios, I also have to thank you for introducing me to Cave Story and modding.
I was on Youtube searching for "Video Game Secrets" one day, I came across a video called "Cave Story has a fourth ending!".
I thought it looked like a great game, so I downloaded it, and I tried it, but failed, so instead, I went for the best unmodded possible ending.
Then I did some research about the fourth ending of Cave Story, and ended up in this forum, at your fourth ending mod post.
Anyways, thank you, again. :D
Oh, uh, sure, you're welcome. Wow, it's really encouraging seeing people that got here because of me. Glad I had that kind of an impact. :D