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Cave Story: "Another Dimension" 3D Project (Not-A-Mod)

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Jul 7, 2013 at 8:13 AM
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FrozenFire said:
Looking a little deeper into the model with my imagination, I could actually see how Quote would look like in 3D. Keep up the great work! :D
Jul 13, 2013 at 2:59 PM
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Nice! Ill definitely be keeping tabs on this thread. Thinking about it now though, i'm surprised it took this long for someone to try making a 3D 1st/3rd person CaveStory.
Jul 24, 2013 at 3:06 PM
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Cool. Just please finish it and don't abandon it like it used to happen here.
Also please give me a demo soon. Lord Frisbee wants to be entertained :)
Jul 26, 2013 at 12:55 PM
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I can't wait to see how you do balrog.
Jul 26, 2013 at 6:43 PM
tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!!
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Balrog will probably be easy. Of course, I know nothing.
Jul 27, 2013 at 1:33 AM
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Don't you understand HOW HARD IT WOULD BE TO MAKE BALROG?!?!?!?!?!
It would be ****#%@ impossible!
:balrog:i made balrog.
Jul 30, 2013 at 1:15 AM
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Alrighty, so ideas and development section is done, which I'm all for. I'm just making this last post to answer a few things and to let everyone know what I've been doing and where I'm going with this project and what it means for future projects of mine.

Omega said:
Nice! Ill definitely be keeping tabs on this thread. Thinking about it now though, i'm surprised it took this long for someone to try making a 3D 1st/3rd person CaveStory.
I've seen a doom mod on here and some maps in various games that are Cave Story related, but yeah, not much 3D Cave story stuff.

Sebrex said:
I can't wait to see how you do balrog.
Pretty easy. It will look very close to the original, not a very high poly count. I've seen a lot of 3D Balrogs, but I expect mine to come out looking a little more like the original Cave Story graphical style. Most Balrogs I've seen have had messy shading, dark/bad lighting, or too high of a poly count.

trickybilly said:
Cool. Just please finish it and don't abandon it like it used to happen here. Also please give me a demo soon. Lord Frisbee wants to be entertained :)
I won't be abandoning this, however, I won't be giving a demo soon. I'll explain all of this in this below..

Okay, so I've got two Cave Story fan games in the works (it's incorrect to call them mods since they aren't). They are both 3D and they will both be using the same engine and many of the same models. The problem with making a demo at this point is that I am still working on the engine and it's resources. This is something some modders may not understand. When you are modding, you already have the engine and the editor(s), but I don't even have those, so I have to make those first before any playable game starts to come out of it. This is why it will still be quite some time.

How do I know I won't abandon this? Because I'm an aspiring game developer, and I will also be using this engine and various scripts from the editors for future games that I plan on selling. Making the engine is the hardest part of the battle, and there's no way I'm dropping it. Once I have the engine and editing tools knocked out, it will be very easy to make a Cave Story fan game.

What was the point of this "Another Dimension"? Just me wanting to have models to use in both of my Cave Story fan games. I want them to feel a lot like the classic Cave Story graphics we all know and love. This thread isn't about a game, it's about the graphical style and 3D models that I will be using in both of the Cave Story fan games.

The two fan games I am making are "A Cave Story Christmas" (a.k.a. ACSC), and "The Red Chronicles". The last one is just a working name. ACSC will let you have control over Quote, at least, and it will be fairly short. The other game will let you play as King, and it is planned to have much more content than ACSC. The models shown in this thread are going towards these two projects.


So, you won't be seeing anything from me for quite some time, except maybe some 3D models and graphics in my gallery and in the CS fan art thread. But I wanted to assure everyone that I will be posting in the mod section when I have the engine far enough along and I actually have something playable. It will happen. There is no point in talking about it or sharing much of anything until I get it to that point anyway. I also have no clue how long things will take. All I know is that I will be constantly working on it.

I think that covers everything. If anyone has any more questions, just send me a message or something. Or just wait for my first fan game demo.
Jul 30, 2013 at 3:12 AM
The TideWalker
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Well, with that said I wish you good luck.

I've been keeping tabs on this thread, and It's kind of sad to see the only
good thread of I&D go, :( But I guess that it's for the better.

Again, good luck. ;)
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