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Apr 10, 2017 at 5:30 AM
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It's still a sort of a waste of space... Well since we got PEONS it's fine I guess
Wasted space != more optimized.

A lot of the "garbage" you can clean up is actually just the compiler making proper use of the processor pipeline to speed things up.
Apr 10, 2017 at 9:35 AM
Catz R cool
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Apr 29, 2017 at 1:41 AM
The TideWalker
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an npc spawner


XXXX is the entity ID and YYYY is the frames between spawn time

also stops spawning when you die

E: Having the scriptstate set to 0 makes it spawn nothing so it won't fill up your map with null entities.

offset NPC100

push ebp                
mov ebp, esp

///are we dead?
mov al, playerFlags    
//If player dead stop attacking, AL is just a smaller EAX that holds only FF (255 dec) bytes of space like the player flags is only FF big, if you put EAX into it it would be all messed up when comparing it to anything
test al, al              //compare to 0 but saves space
je :end_of_code          //don't spawn anything if you're ded

cmp npc.scriptstate, 0   //is <ANP 0 ?
je :end_of_code          // if it is, jump to "end_of_code" (JE stands for Jump if Equal)

mov edx npc.direction    //MOVe into EDX, the npc's direction
cmp npc.frametimer edx   //CoMPare the frametimer to EDX
jg :create_npc           // if it is higher than the npc's direction then create an npc.

inc npc.frametimer       //INCrease the frametimer
jmp :end_of_code         //jump to the end of the code to advance another frame

//now we start PUSHing values onto the stack so we can CALL the NPC_create function

xor eax, eax               //makes EAX 0 but takes less bytes than "mov eax, 0"
mov npc.frametimer, eax    //reset the frametimer
push 100                   //Only 200 (hex) entitys can be placed on the map, it starts checking for an open slot from the pushed number
push eax                   //Parent value (a variable that is handed to the "child" NPC, unused here
push eax                   //NPC's direction, also 0
push eax                   //YVelocity, also 0
push eax                   //Xvelocity, ditto
mov ebx npc.Y              //MOVe the NPC's Y position to EBX
push ebx                   //Child NPC spawn at parent NPC's Y position
mov ebx npc.X          
push ebx                   //repeat for the X position
mov eax npc.scriptstate    //MOVe into eax, the <ANP number
push eax                   //the NPC's ID number in hex (example: 42 dec 2A hex would create Sue)
call 46efd0                //create npc function
add esp,20                 //resets the stack, each PUSH offsets it by 0x4, and we had 8 PUSHes, and 0x4 X 0x8 = 20 so add esp, 20

//if we had more code here other than end_of_code we would have to reset our pointer after CALLing a function using "setpointer"

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

It's heavily commentated because I wrote it up for Enlight to help him maybe get into ASM

Also have some falling blocks because reasons
Works identical to vanilla (almost?) but it has 4 sprites that animate instead of 1 that's static

also each sprite is lower than the last instead of farther to the right because of how my spritesheet was arranged.
offset NPC279

L_framerect_distance = B3
U_framerect_distance = 0

sprite_width         = 20
sprite_heigth        = 20
maxfallspeed         = 2000
fallaccel            = 20
maxframes            = 4

push ebp                
mov ebp, esp
add npc.moveY, fallaccel
cmp npc.moveY maxfallspeed
jl :speed_fall_ok
mov npc.moveX maxfallspeed
cmp npc.scriptstate, 1
je :solid
cmp npc.scriptstate, 2
je :render
mov npc.flags, 8 // ignore solid
inc npc.scripttimer
cmp npc.scripttimer 13
jl :render
mov npc.scriptstate, 1
mov npc.flags, 0
jmp :render

mov edx, npc.collision       ;see if we are still in the air
and edx, 8
je :render
//hit floor
mov npc.scriptstate, 2
mov npc.moveY, -200
mov npc.flags, 8 // ignore solid
mov [49E1DC] 10 //soft quake duration
//create smoke

xor eax, eax            
push 100                
push eax                   //Parent value (a variable that is handed to the "child" NPC, unused here
push eax                   //NPC's direction, also 0
push eax                   //YVelocity, also 0
push eax                   //Xvelocity, ditto
mov ebx npc.Y              //MOVe the NPC's Y position to EBX
push ebx                   //Child NPC spawn at parent NPC's Y position
mov ebx npc.X          
push ebx                   //repeat for the X position
push 4                     //the NPC's ID number in hex (example: 42 dec 2A hex would create Sue)
call 46efd0                //create npc function
add esp,20

mov eax npc.moveY
add npc.Y, eax
inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, 5
jl :cont_render
mov npc.frametimer, 0
inc npc.framenum
cmp npc.framenum, maxframes
jl :cont_render
mov npc.framenum, 0
xor eax, eax                            
mov eax,npc.framenum                
imul al, al, sprite_heigth
mov npc.DisplayU,eax                  
add eax, sprite_heigth                      
mov npc.displayD,eax
mov eax, L_framerect_distance    
mov npc.displayL,eax                
add eax, sprite_heigth                      
mov npc.displayR,eax
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
May 8, 2017 at 4:31 AM
The TideWalker
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I remade the mini balrogs from CS beta as seen at the beginning of this video.

offset NPC---

L_framerect_distance = 60
U_framerect_distance = 20

sprite_width         = 10
sprite_height        = 10

Walk_speed           = 100
gravity              = 30
jumpvel              = 300

max_walk_time        = 80
min_walk_time        = 3


push ebp                  
mov ebp, esp  
mov eax, npc.scriptstate
jmp [eax*4+:StateTable]


push 1
push 0
call random
add esp,8
cmp eax, 0
je :set_dir_0
mov npc.direction, 2
jmp :dir_set_stand
mov npc.direction, 0
jmp :State_decide


mov npc.scriptstate, 1
add npc.moveY, gravity
inc npc.frametimer
cmp npc.frametimer, 5
jl :Walk_frame_set
mov npc.frametimer, 0
cmp npc.framenum, 0
je :set_frame_walk_1
mov npc.framenum, 0
jmp :decide_walk_time
mov npc.framenum, 1

cmp npc.direction, 2
je :move_right_walk
mov npc.moveX, -Walk_speed
jmp :move_walk_set
mov npc.moveX, Walk_speed

cmp npc.directive, 1
je :time_set_walk
push max_walk_time
push min_walk_time
call random
add esp, 8
mov npc.objecttimer, eax
mov eax, npc.objecttimer
inc npc.scripttimer
cmp eax, npc.scripttimer
jge :render
jl :state_decide


mov npc.moveY, -jumpvel
mov npc.scriptstate, 2
mov npc.framenum, 2
jl :render
mov edx, npc.collision
and edx, 8
jne :hit_floor
add npc.moveY, gravity
jmp :render
mov npc.moveY, 0
jmp :state_decide


xor eax, eax   //reset values
mov npc.scripttimer, eax
mov npc.frametimer, eax
mov npc.framenum, eax
mov npc.objecttimer, eax
mov npc.directive, eax
push 12
push 0
call random
add esp, 8
cmp eax, 5
jl :State_direction
cmp eax, 11
jl :State_walk
jmp :State_Jump_prep


mov eax, npc.moveX
mov edx, npc.moveY
add npc.X eax
add npc.Y edx

xor eax, eax
mov eax,npc.framenum
imul al, al, sprite_width
add eax, L_framerect_distance  
mov npc.DisplayL,eax
add eax, sprite_width
mov npc.displayR,eax

mov eax, U_framerect_distance
cmp npc.direction, 2
jne :render_left
add eax sprite_height
mov npc.displayU,eax
add eax,sprite_height
mov npc.displayD,eax

mov esp, ebp
pop ebp

print :State_direction  
print :State_Walk
print :State_Jump
Jun 25, 2017 at 5:53 AM
The TideWalker
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Hey guys, have you ever like, wanted to use the money system in CS beta?

Everything you need to know is in the description text thing in the zip.

E: whoops now it works with save files and the TSC command doesn't crash the game anymore
Last edited:
Jul 19, 2017 at 1:18 AM
The TideWalker
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"That dog!"
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Foreground water while still having the background! (never set map bk to 3, it doesn't do anything anymore k thanks)

55 8B EC 83 EC 44 C7 45 C8 04 01 00 00 C7 45 CC 80
00 00 00 C7 45 D0 24 01 00 00 C7 45 D4 90 00 00 00
C7 45 D8 04 01 00 00 C7 45 DC 90 00 00 00 C7 45 E0
24 01 00 00 C7 45 E4 B0 00 00 00 A1 88 9C 49 00 89
45 BC 83 7D BC 03 74 05 90 90 90 90 90 8B 45 08 99
81 E2 FF 3F 00 00 03 C2 C1 F8 0E 89 45 EC 8B 4D EC
83 C1 0B 89 4D F0 C7 45 FC 00 00 00 00 8B 55 FC 83
C2 20 89 55 C4 8B 45 FC 89 45 F8 EB 09 8B 4D F8 83
C1 01 89 4D F8 8B 55 F8 3B 55 C4 0F 8D DB 00 00 00
8B 45 F8 C1 E0 05 C1 E0 09 99 81 E2 FF 01 00 00 03
C2 8B C8 C1 F9 09 8B 45 0C 99 81 E2 FF 01 00 00 03
C2 C1 F8 09 2B C8 A1 90 9C 49 00 99 81 E2 FF 01 00
00 03 C2 C1 F8 09 03 C8 89 4D E8 83 7D E8 E0 7D 02
EB A5 81 7D E8 F0 00 00 00 7E 05 E9 87 00 00 00 8B
55 EC 89 55 F4 EB 09 8B 45 F4 83 C0 01 89 45 F4 8B
4D F4 3B 4D F0 7D 69 8B 45 F4 C1 E0 05 C1 E0 09 99
81 E2 FF 01 00 00 03 C2 8B C8 C1 F9 09 8B 45 08 99
81 E2 FF 01 00 00 03 C2 C1 F8 09 2B C8 89 4D C0 6A
11 8D 55 D8 52 8B 45 E8 50 8B 4D C0 51 68 1C F9 48
00 E8 47 9A 00 00 83 C4 14 83 7D F8 00 75 1B 6A 11


the sprite is now in bullet.bmp and it's in the lower right section.

The only problem with this hack is you can only use one colour of water now.
Aug 2, 2017 at 4:45 PM
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Aug 2, 2017 at 9:25 PM
The TideWalker
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"That dog!"
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If you don't have the version of Doukutsu assembler with the new EDI defines then it might crash. (last updated 7/02/17)

Here try using it on this and if it doesn't work then maybe you aren't applying the patches in the correct order.

Also Andy I know your reading this so can this be the new default one on the tribute site now? every hack in the CSMC (aka all the hacks) are based off this version and it's 99% compatible with all previous DouA hacks (you just have to change your custom defines in each hack to edi instead of ecx in SOME hacks not all and it takes like 10 seconds max)