Assembly sucks when you first start.

Jan 21, 2011 at 3:44 AM
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LunarSoul said:
So, it seems I'm way over my head for assembly. So there will probably be no "hacks", but I will make an effort to make new bosses w/ sprites.
If you want, I can post the story (spoilered, of course) so far.

Assembly sucks when you first start. The guide is pretty decent, but there probably should be guides on specific parts of assembly, but we don't. Maybe I'll make one when I know more about it. Nevertheless, you should at least try, even if it's complex right now. I felt the same way, and know much more now.

At least try editing the Polar Star to be slightly different. It's too common in mods.
Jan 21, 2011 at 4:37 AM
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Re: Misery Story

HyMyNameIsMatt said:
Assembly sucks when you first start.
Are you serious? Oh lordy. Listen - if assembly sucks when you start, you are doing something horribly, horribly wrong. Assembly is not some tool for you to abuse, it is a way of life. Look at noxid, look at gir, at dooey, at rune. These people breathe assembly, they drink assembly, eat assembly, and snort assembly. They're all damned good hackers, and its not because they force themselves to trudge through assembly -- they look forward to it, they love it. You see, it's the process, not the result, that matters. If you're just using tsc and assembly to get to a finished mod, and for no other reason, you need to find a different hobby.

The same point holds when learning assembly. If you don't really want to learn it, if you think learning it would be too hard, if you aren't thrilled when you can use what you know, if you don't like using it, then stop. There is no point in even attempting to learn a new language if you think it sucks. You will never master it, or even come close to grokking it. Ever.
Jan 21, 2011 at 4:43 AM
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Re: Misery Story

I don't know lace, I kind of had to force myself at the beginning. I remember back in the day looking at it all and just thinking "oh god OH GOD what is that how can anyone understand that?", since it really looks ugly compared to higher level languages. But eventually it all became easy enough after making a couple of things and such (Like the portal gun, which was basically my first hack. If you go and look at the code, well it's just very sloppy).

It's kind of how I felt about japanese before, except that assembly was easier to learn since there's simply less to learn.

Basically what I'm saying is it seems like a mountain at first, but you learn to love it (kind of).
Jan 21, 2011 at 4:46 AM
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Re: Misery Story

gir, i am disappoint.
Jan 21, 2011 at 4:51 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Eh? Why disappoint? Gir's story seems perfectly reasonable. In fact, I kinda assumed that was how most people got into assembly >_>
Jan 21, 2011 at 4:58 AM
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Re: Misery Story

What is wrong with the world? Why must people FORCE themselves to do awesome things? Why force yourself to learn a new language? Why do people do something but for the fun of DOING something? In cstsf-koan, I might say:

Why do people climb a mountain except for the goddamned CLIMB?

I mean shit guys. Really? I need to talk to noxid. Or rune. At least they appreciate assembly.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:01 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Lace, I tell myself the same thing (Albeit a little simpler). The thing is just that I don't grasp the concept well, kinda like how I started with TSC. There's just a lot more to learn in Assembly. I try, but I don't think Assembly is right for me, so I'll stick with very minor Assembly hacks.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:11 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Thanks Ollie. At least you understand. I'm holding off a bigger post because cheesey has been writing one forever, but thank you. Also if you do smaller assembly hacks, you'll get to understand the language better, and then you'll be able to do more expansive hacks. Just do waht's fun for you now, and hopefully you'll get somewhere.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:12 AM
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Re: Misery Story

It's not that we don't appreciate it, it's that it takes TIME to get to appreciate something so bizarre and unwieldy, kind of like modern/avant-garde music. Heck, I remember the first time I ever touched a programming language - it was TI-BASIC, which is about the most dumbed down programming language known to humanity, but it still kinda sucked at the beginning, at least partially, in the sense that there is a lot of frustration.

In short, I think you are misinterpreting Matt's comment that "assembly sucks at the beginning" and Gir's story. Many of the most worthwhile things in life involve a lot of frustration, especially when you're first learning them.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:15 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Mmm, if you say so.
Although I do believe that frustration is merely your brain telling you that you're doing it wrong. I just think that if you don't get joy out of learning something, then you should stop learning it. My pov. I guess yours and Gir's and Hy's is that frustration is required to do anything worthwhile. I don't understand that one whit, and I feel sorry for you all.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:17 AM
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Re: Misery Story

You mean you've NEVER felt frustration while working on assembly??
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:20 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Not really, no. I don't actually get frustrated much at all, except at people.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:22 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Wow, that's kind of amazing. That's like the exact opposite of me; I personally find computers to be the single most frustrating thing on the planet, and I almost never get mad at people. I guess one of the main reasons I'm so into computer programming is that I want to "fix" them and make them less frustrating.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:24 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Lace said:
Not really, no. I don't actually get frustrated much at all, except at people.

I refuse to believe you have ever debugged anything if you've never felt frustration whilst programming.

Either that or your definition of "frustration" is MUCH stronger than ours.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:24 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Lace said:
Mmm, if you say so.
Although I do believe that frustration is merely your brain telling you that you're doing it wrong. I just think that if you don't get joy out of learning something, then you should stop learning it. My pov. I guess yours and Gir's and Hy's is that frustration is required to do anything worthwhile. I don't understand that one whit, and I feel sorry for you all.

Lace said:
Not really, no. I don't actually get frustrated much at all, except at people.

This is weird, as you are apparently a computer gamer.

Challenge involves frustration, and without challenge there is no achievement.

Of course, different people have different amounts of frustration they're willing to tolerate.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:28 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Wow... I left for an hour and this happened. I need to be more clear now. By assmebly sucks at first, I mean that it's hard, not that it's something to force on yourself. I always liked assembley, but even with a desire to do something difficult, it may take time for a person to see it from the best perspective. Besides, assembly is an aquired taste, and it's perfectly natural to like something more only after you've done it more...
... nice thread lunarsoal.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:31 AM
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Re: Misery Story

magic9mushroom said:
Challenge involves frustration, and without challenge there is no achievement.
yes to the second part, no to the first. Yes, I am challenged by games and by programming and by languages. No, I don't get frustrated at them. Monster X I died like a bajillion times. I didn't trash my keyboard or ragequit, I made new plans of attack. A few years ago I was consistently getting mauled at a board game by my brother. I didn't get frustrated, I spent three weeks figuring out how to beat him. For me, challenge does not involve frustration. Challenge is fun, and I refuse to equate frustration with enjoyment.

Oh, hello there hy. I don't really see how hardness means sucking*, and you should be ashamed of yourself for being so inappropriately vague. Hm, yeah. Is till don't really agree with what the majority of these people have said, and also think you're all crazy particularly gir.

*haha sex
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:34 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Lace said:
yes to the second part, no to the first. Yes, I am challenged by games and by programming and by languages. No, I don't get frustrated at them. Monster X I died like a bajillion times. I didn't trash my keyboard or ragequit, I made new plans of attack. A few years ago I was consistently getting mauled at a board game by my brother. I didn't get frustrated, I spent three weeks figuring out how to beat him. For me, challenge does not involve frustration. Challenge is fun, and I refuse to equate frustration with enjoyment.

I would like for you, for the purposes of this thread, define frustration.

I believe this is where most of the confusion lies.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:44 AM
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Re: Misery Story

Lets just drop the conversation and move on to the next thread because no one is going to have their opinions changed.

Lets leave this thread for posts about Lunersouls mod idea.
Jan 21, 2011 at 5:49 AM
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Re: Misery Story

HyMyNameIsMatt said:
Lets just drop the conversation and move on to the next thread because no one is going to have their opinions changed.

Lets leave this thread for posts about Lunersouls mod idea.

This would probably be a good idea.