Any Cave Story Clone Makers - PBM editor?

Jun 8, 2007 at 9:43 AM
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Any Cave Story Mod Makers - PBM editor?

There a bunch of people on here who edited CaveStory and made their own games.

What program did you use to edit the PBM files Pixel uses as sprite reference.

I'm on line looking everywhere. I want to create patches so you can play as Curly or King or somethign cool like that.

Cool idea eh?

So anyway, i know there are a few people that made some games. Any advice?
Jun 8, 2007 at 12:38 PM
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You use Paint for it :o

Anyway calling a mod "clone" would mean that you reffer it as a game which is really unacceptable since its only a fanwork, not another game, better call it mod or hack.
Jun 8, 2007 at 7:06 PM
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I always used photoshop myself.

My take on "clone" is that you made the engine (or got it from a completely different source) but the game still looks and feels like the original game. Also, clones usually aren't intended to have anything to do with the original game other than play like it.

Something that uses the original engine and resources but modifies the content is a "mod".

Didn't mean to derail the thread but I thought I should clarify what SP said. ^_^*
Jun 8, 2007 at 10:40 PM
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photoshop and mspaint dont save to pbm format.

though mspaint does open the file, photoshop doesnt.

i want to edit the sprites, someone must have done this before

and you're right, its a mod.
Jun 9, 2007 at 12:23 AM
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No, Paint does open and save .pbm files. I use it all the time; just Save As a .pbm file.

You can save any paint file as a .pbm, Pixel's ones seem to have a set colour palette, so I usually copy the image into a new file and save it so I can use all the colours I need.
Jun 9, 2007 at 9:47 AM
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I want to make a patch for my friend where I edit Quote to look like him and he gets to play CaveStory as himself. :o It's a birthday gift.

That and edit the game so Quote is Curly and Curly is Quote.
Then edit the text of the game and switch the word Curly to Quote and then edit Curly's face shots to Quote.

Making the game a bit more female. :D
Jun 9, 2007 at 9:56 AM
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i opened MyChar.pbm in paint.


removed all the eyes off quote as a test
Used the color of quotes skin

Save as..

then i had to type the extension .pbm and saved. asked to over write and i did.

ran cave story and it gave me an error. cant load.

Jun 9, 2007 at 10:22 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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i opened MyChar.pbm in paint.


removed all the eyes off quote as a test
Used the color of quotes skin

Save as..

then i had to type the extension .pbm and saved. asked to over write and i did.

ran cave story and it gave me an error. cant load.


You should search in the forums for editing PBM's... It was asked here over 9000 times ^_^"
Also, please stop double posting, you can edit your posts :(
Jun 14, 2007 at 11:08 PM
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Why does everyone leave out the detail that you need to add "(C)Pixel" to the end of the file in a hex editor or Cave Story won't accept it? Or at least link to this thread...

I've already been working on "Curly Story" for several days now, too. It's a simple concept I'm sure everyone's already thought of at one point, just as simple as making the timer start the moment you start the game and disabling all save points, allowing you to speed run the entire game with an 'official' time count.
Jun 14, 2007 at 11:27 PM
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I guess it's because most people overwrite "(C)Pixel" in the exe itself instead of adding it to the pbm/bmp.

Now, why people forget to mention THAT, I don't know.
Maybe just forget. You don't need to do it very often.

(Damn, I love that thread. They're all "Wham! you can do this stuff and we're totally discussing things that'll go right over the monkey's head when he reads this in several months! Shablang!)
I need to learn computer lingo...
Jun 15, 2007 at 1:20 AM
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i finished the Play as Curly patch in about 3 hour 2 days ago. Going to be posted on my site on Friday.

edit: oh isee, this si Cruly Story, you play from Curly's perspective. cool.

I have set up so you play Cave Story AS Curly. I just replaced Quote with Curly.

This is pretty cool!

edit: Echidna-san, Curly wakes up before Quote by a couple of weeks. She is definitely awake way before the Doctor shows up which is only a couple of weeks before Quote shows up.

edit: Echidna-san,wait for Friday when i release my patch. Use my pbm files, their fully edited. You dont need to make a mimiga mask edit like you did.
Jun 16, 2007 at 11:46 PM
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I feel you're missing the point to some extent.

And the fact that games aren't necessarily made in the final order from the start. I have been planning on adding more to the beginning as well, but lack sprites of "killer robots" and such.

I already have every detail of the story memorized as well as each boss's movements, to the point where I could probably do a decent 3 hp run of the entire game only to die at or immediately after the muscle doctor.

I purposefully replaced the Mimiga mask with Curly and not the whole thing because I still intend on having you use Quote for some parts later in the game. It was never a temporary "hack" to begin with. If anything, the character switch object you obviously didn't bother to get is a temporary hack to be removed when said point in the story comes along.

Also, have a look at this.
Jun 17, 2007 at 4:16 AM
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i played your curly story thing till after i beat quote
is there anything more or am i missing something

and i see your point.


EDIT: found the character changer

i see i see.

you can use my Quote head shots if you want.