- At the start, during the intro dialogue, there is a mistake, it says "This mod is a the blade challenge." to fix it change it to "This mod is the blade challenge." or "This mod is a blade challenge", either one works.
- Also, during the dialogue Kazuma says "Sue!" I don't know if this is intentional or not but it doesn't have any real relation to the challenge, as far as I know, so it would probably be best to remove it.
- There is a random chain segment above the treasure chest, in the starting room, that stores the Blade. Screenshot:
- The 'bkMoon' has not been configured correctly, currently it just tiles and looks quite ugly, I don't know how to initialise it so that it scrolls like it does in the game, I haven't modded Cave Story in ages but, someone on here will surely tell you.
- When you pick up the Booster v2.0 the '=' signs have not turned into the white orbs like normal, I went into the script to see if I could figure out a solution, what you have to do to fix it is remove the <TUR command from the event then they should appear as white orbs.
- Also, after getting the Booster v2.0 the Sparkles entity remains and just repeats the same message over and over, the reason is that you have set it to disappear when the Flag ID is set but you have not set the Flag ID and, if I again am not mistaken, for 'Disappears once Flag ID is set' to work you have to leave the map, there is a chance I am wrong about this though, anyway, here is a solution to this:
- The first one is to add on a <DNPXXXX to delete the Sparkles.
- The second one sets a flag, after you have collected the Booster v2.0 once so then when you select it again it the flag jump activates and it takes you to event 0501 which displays the Sparkles to be empty.
<MSG<GIT1023<IT+0023<MSGGot the =booster v2.0=!<NOD<RMU<FL+XXXX<END
- You have used a Critter in the map but currently it appears as different segments of a Night Spirit. The reason for this is because in the 'Map Properties' you have set both of the NPC tilesets to 'Moon' this means when the Critter entity you placed is looking for the sprites to use instead of taking...
...the sprites from the top corner of NpcCemet...
...it takes them from the top corner of NpcMoon, to resolve this all you have to do is set 'NPC Tileset 2' to 'Cemet'.
- Finally, whenever you die it is quite annoying having to go through the intro cutscene all over again, I suggest putting a Save Point in the opening room so the player can use it after the intro cutscene so they don't have to watch it over and over again, having to do that removes lots of the enjoyment and makes the mod a lot more monotonous, it is best to get the player back into the action as soon as possible to avoid frustration, keep a fast pace and reduce the chance of a rage quit.
Overall there are quite a lot of flaws and issues to be worked out but, the mod itself seems quite fun, I didn't get very far due to the reason above, and I've always liked challenge maps and this one does seem interesting and actually quite challenging so, keep it up and good luck with the mod.