Jan 16, 2013 at 10:00 PM
After this lovely dibate, I've decided I'm going to work on Jenka's Nightmare. You can begin sighing and rolling your eyes if you want.
To be frank, I really liked Jenka's Nightare (4 years ago), and was really hoping it (and several other mods) would be finished by now. But it seems it met the same fate as the dial-up modem, and so we sit here.
I had no problem with MagicDoor's version, in theory. But after careful analysis, the flaws far outweigh the highlights.
That said, the original mod was not perfect, by any means.
But something about the dialog flow and charm behind the mod, even in its incomplete state, drives me to believe it deserves a much better sequel than a sloppy one.
EDIT: To clarify, despite the topic's title, this is not a full remake of the game. Maps and events as they are will likely stay intact, however things that are poorly explained or sloppily done will be improved upon. This is as much a "remake" as MagicDoor's version was, but there will be a larger hand in improving the mod as a whole instead of just tacking on new events at the end.
This shall be the discussion topic. There will be a quote below with my own, and your contributed ideas for the mod. If you see an idea you don't like, feel free to discuss how it could be done better. The more contributions the forum puts forth, the better the final mod can become as a whole.
To be frank, I really liked Jenka's Nightare (4 years ago), and was really hoping it (and several other mods) would be finished by now. But it seems it met the same fate as the dial-up modem, and so we sit here.
I had no problem with MagicDoor's version, in theory. But after careful analysis, the flaws far outweigh the highlights.
That said, the original mod was not perfect, by any means.
But something about the dialog flow and charm behind the mod, even in its incomplete state, drives me to believe it deserves a much better sequel than a sloppy one.
EDIT: To clarify, despite the topic's title, this is not a full remake of the game. Maps and events as they are will likely stay intact, however things that are poorly explained or sloppily done will be improved upon. This is as much a "remake" as MagicDoor's version was, but there will be a larger hand in improving the mod as a whole instead of just tacking on new events at the end.
This shall be the discussion topic. There will be a quote below with my own, and your contributed ideas for the mod. If you see an idea you don't like, feel free to discuss how it could be done better. The more contributions the forum puts forth, the better the final mod can become as a whole.
Elaborate on the intro to the game a bit; perhaps some exposit before Q/C/B are whisked away to the island.
Add more secrets.
Add rewards for sequence breaking.
Add a bonus area for players who find all the 'pieces' to a 'mirror'.
Add more expository dialog behind both the island and the areas available on the island.
Keep Ballos dead.
Keep King dead.
Keep Toroko dead.
Consider the original crew showing up as soon as the player reaches the 'surface'. (I mean seriously shouldn't they be concerned that Sue suddenly vanished?)
Finish the story
Finish the game
Add a cat room
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