Air man

Sep 1, 2008 at 8:13 PM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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freezit4 said:
But Bass ain't that epic either since the sword-only Zero easily pwns it(although of different dimensions/realms/timeline/series whatsoever) and Axl is somewhat similar to him.

Look, if Mega Man, using LOVE AND PEACE, can defeat Bass, someone who is outright said to be the superior robot, then Bass could beat Zero through GUTS AND EFFORT, especially since Inafune compared Bassnium/Fortenium to Getter Rays (what Spiral Energy from TTGL was based on).

Also, if we're crossing series, Bass.EXE >>> every other character ever. He's fucking God tier.

Anyway, Axl and Bass are absolutely nothing alike, and you saying something like that is so many types of ignorant that it makes me think you haven't even played a game with either of them in it.

freezit4 said:
And one reason why original MM series rock/mega is because of whee~ which Bass simply is unable to do.

This is stupid. The dash is superior since, unlike the slide, the dash is used far into the future.

freezit4 said:
But why EXE? It's like RPG style, but it seems the whole series is around the same thing.

You know, I shouldn’t need to say this more than once. Are you mentally challenged? Besides, Mega Man 1-6 are basically the same game with a few different features and different stages, basically the same as EXE, so why are you complaining?
Sep 2, 2008 at 9:21 AM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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oh and that protoman too ):