Unfortunately, Ys and a great deal of other Falcom game series just do not have the same kind of presence outside of Japan as many other series and rpg companies such as Square-Enix. However, Falcom, has been around just as long as they have churning out one great series after the other and adding new installments to existing series every few years. They are about to announce details on Ys 7 soon, as well as Legend of Heroes 7. They also plan on making a new version of the first two Ys games on PSP called Ys Chronicles, so we'll see how that goes.
I'm a big fan of the genre and the the current plan is to start development of a new site that I haven't named yet, that will focus on several of these classic action-adventure rpgs, that I can merge the content of the current XyZ site into it. It'll go into other series as well such as Falcom's Xanadu series, including Faxanadu, Compile's Golvellius, and SNK's Crystalis. So if you ever want to learn more about the genre and find some more interesting and old school series that have been around forever, stay tuned. : )