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A remix I found on YouTube that I can't find on the site anymore

Oct 7, 2023 at 10:12 PM
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Hello, CSTSF. I think it's been at least a year and a half since the last time I posted on the site.

Many years ago, I downloaded a remix of Running Hell from YouTube so I could add it to my music library. I remember adding the video to my Favorites list on YouTube (as I do with other videos and music that I figure I'll want to play again at some point). When I went to check for it again after a few years, the video was gone. I double checked yesterday and didn't see the video in the playlist. Somehow, I managed to not put the name of the channel along with the filename at the time of downloading it, but I'm fairly certain the name of the channel was "The Ophidians".

I still have the file and I have uploaded it (Link) to see if anyone here recognizes it. I'll put some additional details that I remember about the video in a spoiler box below. If anyone does recognize it, let me know if it's still up somewhere or if there's anything you remember about it. Otherwise, enjoy this remix that has been missing for a while.

EDIT: Thanks Embarr for finding this for me! "Link" has been changed to the YouTube video.

Given when I discovered Cave Story and when I would have been searching for remixes, I probably found the video between the fall of 2014 and the summer of 2015. The first time I noticed it wasn't in my YouTube playlist was probably around 2016 or 2017. I couldn't find the remix or the channel by searching for them on the site by name, so I'm assuming that the channel was deleted from YouTube or something. Also, totally possible I misremembered the name and just searched for the wrong thing.

The video part of the video was just a still image that started zoomed in and gradually zoomed out as the song played out. After about a minute and a half of searching on Google Images, this was the fan art being used in the video (the 2017 date listed on that site is just when the image was reuploaded there. I have no idea where the original post is, but it was released far earlier than that). I also remember there being some kind of hue-shift to the image that the video had, but I can't think of many particulars to that besides "the image was more red".

It's possible I have other remixes from YouTube that aren't up anymore, but I can't think of any other examples. I might have to dig around for those. If I find more, I'll just add them to this thread.
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Oct 9, 2023 at 6:19 AM
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This is what you are looking for. Ironically, I've also had this downloaded for quite a while, which is why I was able to find it. I originally saved it few years ago to play it on Audiosurf 1.

The name I gave the file, "CaveStoryRunningHellQuoteRemashed.mp3" was a lot more verbose than what you wrote, but the keyword "Remashed" was the deciding factor here. The artist's name is Retrospecter, but taking a look at this Steam group the artist is in, I can imagine that his YouTube channel's name was originally "The Ophidians."
Oct 9, 2023 at 8:01 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Thank you so much for finding this for me! When I opened that video, I checked to see if it was in my Favorites list and it was... I just missed it somehow. For some reason, YouTube has no native functionality for searching within a playlist, so when searching for "The Ophidians" wasn't working for me, I just had to go through the playlist to see if I could spot what I was looking for. After finding a somewhat terrible workaround for searching through the playlist, I was able to find it in there. Video number 4,302 of 4,914. This playlist was at YouTube's 5,000 videos maximum in a playlist because it really was just used as a dumping ground for anything I took interest in, then shrunk over time due to videos being deleted and set to private. I also just searched "cave story running hell remix" and had it pop up as the first result. I don't think I'll ever figure out how I managed to blunder the search this badly, other than just remembering an old name for the channel it was posted on and not remembering exactly what the remix was called.

Also, it looks like this was your first post that the system counted toward your total. Congratulations and thank you for using it on this!