Shadowfire said:
I booted it up and already, there was no icon for the executable. It don't know how you managed to do this, but it just looks um... really ugly. Starting it up, that was an interesting intro. Then to the title screen, the part just before the game. VERSION WHAT?!
He screwed the exe :/
First of all good things:
I like the bunch of edited images!!

Amazaing how you made the weapon images, I like the new rocket launcher and the bow kinda lot! I also like the Textbox and the main chara kinda much...
Lol I also liked the Da_save.dat Idea. The bow Text was amusing lol
But there were also much Bugs and other weird things...
MAJOR things:
1. You screwed the Exe! Not good

2. You stolen Nator's Healthbar thing! Not the blue but the grey one... I dont think thats ok you should had asked him... :/
3. You also have stolen his map colours too... You had ask him, give credit to the authors of things and ask they before you use them!!!
Okay also minor things I noticed (This doesnt mean they arent weird!

1. The Music changes in the Intro thats kinda weird... Its also weird that there is text in the intro...
2. The "Dying" music is kinda weird O_o
3. Lol its kinda weird that the mod goes through some "random" Cave Story maps O_o
4. If you are in ruins and leave the door in the clinic you get yourself into the labyrinth...
5. The ma pignon is too hard

More Health Capsules please...
6. There are some weird bugs: If you get the life capsule in the Jail there are Sounds (Those text blinking sounds) so I'am pretty sure there is a Script error! (Got it, it should be event 500! Not 200!

7. Those Spikes and Red Water looks a bit weird in Jail 1 lol
8. Some other maps look weird too O_o maybe its just your mapping style...
9. In the "underworld" you can go to the left and get killed why not make a small underworld map without that left part, if you dont need it!? O_o
10. When you die because of the water (drowned) the image looks... lol weird and unpretty...
11. Its weird that the underworld is underwater but the Jail 1 has no water in it lol
12. You can go to the Store and into Outside...
13. The Charakter has his/her eyes closed if she/he fall.
14. There is a "Monester"? Isnt that called "Monster"? lol
15. The Power Critter doesnt "die" if you beaten it, it just disappears if you want to go trough the door... Odd...
16. If you open one door the other one gets open lol
17. That old Mimiga has got the face pic of Prof. Booster...
18. There are too much Energy capsules in that Cave Room.
19. On much doors there are bugs if you want to go back!
20. The Level 1 Image of the Bow needs to be fixed.
21. The Booster image looks weird.
22. You can skip the booster... But I dont know? Is that really a bug? Or can you skip it in ur mod?
23. You can't go throught one door in the cave room!
24. There are some "dots" missing at end of sentences...
25. In the Prefab House you can fall down at one place thats not really nice... lol
26. There are also other Script errors...
27. Kings key? lol Is it just me or is the name a bit odd

28. Well Arthur looks a bit weird the facepic should be like the charpic...
29. Arthur's ears should be fixed lol
30. King's Dialog is weird.
31. The next map after the Reservoir was weird... Why it wasnt was Mimiga Village? You came from there... Odd...
32. Some of the Mimiga look weird lol
33. The Red demons walking animation was weird.
34. Why you got knocked down? I dont got it...
35. Kings dialog need to be fixed.
Overall rating:
This mod is cool but the weird points of it make it look unproffessional thats what I dont like... You should create the maps from scratch and the Tilesets should fit better and not every map has a new one thats weird lol