I planed to do it in 4 days. In the end it takes me 4 weeks. Here is the release of V1.1 with Mac and Linux support. More responsive, less laggy with multi-threading switch.
Full change log:
+ Add Linux OS support (32/64 bits)
+ Add Mac OS support (universal 32/64 bits)
+ Move to multi-threading framework
+ Remove Wellcome Dialog
+ Add command line parameters support
+ Increase camera drawing distance
+ Decrease input latency
+ Improve overall performance
+ Improve 3Dification algorithm
+ Add various small bug fixes
Special Notes: based on the result of the survey of Linux and Mac support that i'm running from the beginning up to now -
https://goo.gl/forms/Iun9FIvxpnmJgAlY2 -, more than 98% users are willing to pay to have their OSes supported so the minimal price for those two portings is 4.99$
+ V1.1.x Bugfix, Customizable input mapping, Virtual Reality
+ V2.x New 3dification framework to solve the limitation of current one, 3dn filesize will become much smaller, 3d shape editor will become more powerful and smarter.
Final Bonus: video of Zelda II - The Adventure of Link