I actually ate soup before this so this hits me hard.
Well guess I'll go get the locket the-
...Or not.
Allright, let's see what's in the chest then.
I think it's a bit broken don't you think?
Also noticing quite the sliding on my movement, kinda annoying if I couldn't...
And now the pc tells me I suck too

, guess I'll just-
I see how it's gonna be.
Quick check behind the door reveals the graveyard and a chest that immediately pulls my attention. Locket? Time to climb in the fireplace to...first place.
Where I immediately die for jumping into a spike with my super jumps.
Ooh and I get an ending for that too.
Looks like going into the passage on the right brings me to an abyss, while the hole in the floor leads me to... becoming a mad? Guess I'd be pretty mad too at a trap like that if I weren't just hunting endings.
Cthulu also doesn't seem up for a talk and instead beats me up, guess I'll have to go get a key.
A nothing huh, that's the best Cave Story weapon 2019 right there.
Oh hey King, how are you doing?
No King, it's not anything like those bad memes that stray the internet these days, its the best weapon!
Besides, summoning big bad? Sounds like a good way to skip all the fuzz and fight the big mean ol' bad guy and get it over with!
Bah, and I don't even get to fight him >:c
At this point I realized I should've started counting the amount of endings I was getting to see if there really were 100 endings, but it was kinda too late in realizing this.
I was also a bit distracted by this cute little guy here.
Ah jeez, youtube needs licences now? Darn laws.
Nearby room includes a room with two pots, one changing you into a mimiga, which is an awesome idea for a pot and this will forever be one of my fave pots in a cave story mod
haha some can tell why.
The other pot had crap.
This was not my fave pot.
It was starting to be very clear that almost about anything I could interact with could give a new ending, before I make a wall of text to beat all my other walls I'm probably gonna skip over most of the less mentionable ones, don't get me wrong though, I do still enjoy them.
Oh so the cursed item, in fact can be uncursed to get access to dreams, guess I'll have to find out how, thanks Enlightened egg! I'll make sure to bring you lots of items to feed me MORE ENDINGS.
Reaching the Surface area revealed to me that my jumps, in fact, are infinite. That's neat.
And King came here too! ..And gave me the thrid fake ending, seems I missed the second... or is that a real fake one hmmm!!
So far, my quest to uncurse the nothing hasn't been successful. I don't need to kill 64 enemies while holding it do I?
Could've sworn Misery took my gun and shot me, but instead it seems I shot Not-Misery.
Oh wow the Doctor finally
noticed my inner evil power has seen how good of a person I am and gave me the Crown. Now everyone can be happy

Except me since it doesn't uncurse the nothing, dang.
Looks like nobody at either the graveyard or farm areas know how to uncurse it, guess I'll look on further at first cave, more fresher characters to meet!
That is, my quest has found a sudden stop as the nothing stops me from entering the cave, dangit!
I don't think I've ever taken so long to reach first cave in a cave story mod- not even Death Story.
Let alone get a life capsule that...surprisingly doesn't give an ending!
You my good sir, tempt me.
Dammit King, give me the second fake ending, don't go drunk instead.
Oh hi Blinkylink what are you doing here. Thanks for making me a her- waaaait a second..!
Bah, hiding the zombie apocalypse though, what were you even doing wtih that.
With that done, it was now clear i probably got most endings between 1-49, which left me wondering what was left to dooo...
That is until I realized the first king room had a door that could be unlocked by cthulu's arthur's key, guess he wasn't going to see that ever again, and now I could continue my efforts to fix the cursed weapon...in csms town...?
And immediately I get called out for liking the nothing and get Curly forced into hard labor, so much for hospitality

This is where the lack of saving started to bother me, as it was starting to get a bit bothersome to constantly grab the nothing and key and go back to the csms town.
But at least i found my Youtube license, better get ready to sub to my great not-existing content.
Tommy since when did you become a chest pla- what even is a chest player?!
Oh a license shop, looks like this is gonna open up a looooot isn't it... Again, this is why I wish I could save. Especially since I don't wanna try out every single licence on everybody and hope it does anything.
For some reason, I was also now unable to grab the youtube license anymore, which was a shame.
And with that, this is a slap in the face. Very interesting timing, but it kinda decreased my motivation to go on, please don't do stuff like this.
But how can I quit when my ultimate goal is finally met. So many minutes spend and here it finally is, the great reward for my struggles.
And it even remembered me getting the blade! Yesss!
My first target was cthulu, which brought me to a place with a way different(yet interesting) atmosphere.
And then came me trying to break this thing open for a couple minutes until I gave up because finger tired.
Sadly for me, not everyone seemed to be dreaming which was a bit of a disappointment.
Curly's dream seemed to be similiar, even if in another place. Why is everyone having these weird serious looking dreams?
I missed a textbox that apparently cursed curly, couldve sworn it said
The idea of king having a dream was, unsurprisingly, fake.
Curly and cthulu were the only people who I found a dream for, which was way less than I hoped for, so I went back to the town.
The gallery was a fantasic sight. Every next image was another masterpiece in it's own right.
I hate the door from the town back to the starting point too, if I wanna return why don't I just restart?
After a couple endings after that, I decided I kinda had enough and still decided to look through what I missed.
So what can I say about this? It can be a nice little timewaster where you interact with stuff to get yet another ending. At first it was pretty neat but eventually when I started getting to the csms town I started getting a little burned out. Obviously the little ending jokes get a bit more dull when you're looking at them for a couple hours but what really got me was the constant need to grab certain items so you could get an item and then do it again, getting the nothing and key at least 30 times can get extremely annoying after a while, and it really made me wish there were any saves, and not for the only save point to just laugh at me for expecting to finally save, and a door that also just takes me right to the start.
Speaking of the nothing, when the game first told me that it could be uncursed into an item that let you see dreams, I was pretty motivated to grab it every time to see if the next character would uncurse it. But I've probably grabbed it at least 50 times without any result until I found the person I was looking for, only to realize that it only worked for just maybe 2-4 people in the game.
Its these kinda things that kinda eventually demotivated me to go on (and admittedly, it was getting late either way.).
However if I look past these issues, this is a nice little slightly humoristic timewaster, and I can tell a lot of effort was put into this. Despite the lack of saves, the fact that there's very little time between the ending screen and playing again is a good timesaver. I'd say this mod is pretty neat, but still has some issues that might need fixing to really be better.