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128 Endings Mod Remastered

May 29, 2019 at 5:54 PM
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A most hilarious mod from Modfest XIV now on forums... and remastered on Modfest XXXI!

Explore things on very weird Island and unlock as many endings, as possible.

Changelog (pre-remastered entries are written in Rungrish):
  • Initial release.
  • Ending 19 become accessible.
  • Fixed Doctor's endings.
  • Fixed some types.
  • You can escape now from Shack and Storage.
  • Added subroom for Yamashita's Plant.
  • You can't now jump out of Surface.
  • Reduced waiting for fake endings.
  • Death and drowning now proc same ending.
  • 2x more endings!
  • Fixed endings with same numbers.
  • Quote can jump unlimitedly high.
  • New locations: CSMC Town and Dreams!
  • New title screen banner!
  • And many more, more changes!
  • 28 more endings!
  • Fixed bug with Youtuber License.
  • Fixed bug with License Shop.
  • Dreams location has been overhauled.
  • Added Shadow world, can be opened with dream blade, when you with it attempt to get ending 2.
  • Added a even more items!
  • New title screen banner.
  • Made some items a bit less tedious to get.
  • Dream Blade can't be get on beginning.
  • Fixed signpost in Graveyard. (Remastered):
  • Initial release for the remastered version.
  • Is built upon Cave Story Tweaked's code, which means access to all tweaks and configs from it.
  • Added Endings list with all obtainable endings in it.
  • Added endings counter at the title screen.
  • Resprited licenses and some other common items and NPCs.
  • Added new Dreamful Sanctuary level, unlockable after completing epic quest ending and all fake endings.
  • In Sanctuary, several NPCs will reward the player for completing certain endings themed after common activities in the mod.
  • Reworked Dream Blade's behavior.
  • Added actual piercing to Polar Star.
  • Added new message into Enlight's Egg, themed after how remaster was made.
  • Fixed deleet for Cucumber ending dialogue.
The true remaster.
Full changelog is at: https://pastebin.com/PUeJTrg9 (as it very unsorted, big and messy).
  • Changed some text to be more understandable, have less typos or more relevant.
  • Decreased Dream Blade's XP requirements to 40/110/180 and reworked some of behavior.
  • Endings list can be shown on pressing Map button and has several new things to help find endings faster.
  • Completing every ending possible and lore-relevant endings will change title screen and title music.
  • And a lot more Quality of Life!
Doukutsu Club page with the download link:
If you want old version, go here:


  • Title.png
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May 29, 2019 at 8:49 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Okie, time to check out this mod!

First off, I really like the Seth Everman reference in the title music! Sounds really good in org!

(as a side note though, there's a Sega Genesis file called "CREDITS.md", is it supposed to be in that file or was it meant to be saved as a text file?)

Now, I know this image is SFW, but someone will try reporting Curly's underboob.

Since this is a hunt for endings in the mod, it's time to scout for them all while also looking for bugs and stuff. Physics are a bit weird, but I'll get over them.

Start point: Endings 2, 10, 11, 30, 40 found. Total: 5

Graveyard: Endings 1, 9, 13, 16, 19 (save point), 24 found. Total: 11

Yamashita Farm: Endings 14, 32, 33, 56 found. Total: 15

Got in Enlight's egg and...
Egg Terminal said:
Hi! There is Trashbox Bobylev. And I hope, that you enjoy this mod. This world are separated within 4 locations. These locations can be detected by music. Collect the Polar Star to kill everything. Become a bunny to shock up some peoples. If you really mad, pick up the cursed item. If you remove curse from it, you will gain access to dreams. Silver Locket will open way to First Cave. Arthur's Key is necessary for arriving to CSMC Town. Always read a tooltips. If you bring something to this terminal, you also get a ending. That's all.
WOW, that is a lot to take in. It'd be nice if the hints were more spread out evenly in other locations to make keeping track easier. Or you can just read it off this post because I'm a fool to have it out here in the open.

15 endings in, 85 more to go, I'm noticing something that's gonna get tiring very quickly. This mod is really suffering from Dreams of Reality 2 Syndrome. Exploring around would REALLY be so much easier if there were a save disk used in the mod so I didn't have to start over and grab all items over and over again before finding more endings. The least I can say is that this mod is far more lenient than DoR2, and that most items I've found so far are so close to each other, that it's tolerable to an extent.

Bug found: I can't go to the First Cave if the Nothing weapon is equipped. Was there a flag planned for the fireplace entrance if that was in use?

First Cave: Endings 41 (hermit gunsmith), 44, 45, 47 (storage), 48 (storage), 52 (storage) found. Total: 21

Aww, I was really hoping the Life Capsule gave me an ending...

CSMC Town: Endings 60, 77, 96 found. Total: 24

Headman music good.

Also, apparently I need a license to be a Youtuber? Just play Tuber Simulator for free, and that's a great price!

Bug found: You can't get this again if you get a different ending.

Bug found: No <KEY used for this dialogue
Endings so far: 24/100 found.
I'm going to take a break and come back to this later. The DoR2 Syndrome is real with this mod, I will edit this post when I continue into it!

EDIT: Time to find more endings!
Graveyard: Endings 23, 64 found. Total: 26

CSMC Town: Endings 65, 76, 78, 79, 80, 89, 97, 98 found. Total: 34

Is it just me though, or is CSMC Town... barren? Only members referenced are BLink, Cucky, Cyber, Tpcool, yourself, Bionicobot, and 64bitmodels. Was kinda expecting ColdCallerLoopy, Enlight, Brayconn, Txin, Katina, or even 2dbro and Kiseff.

This is literally DoR2, goddamn it!

Now, I am tempted to use the Debug Save, but here's an issue with that, the cursor is removed from the Title screen (not like just hiding it out of bounds, I mean actually removed), so it's impossible to load a saved game anyway. I'm just praying there isn't any bullshit platforming, Sonic.EXE, or a hidden final boss that only BLink and Enlight know how to access.

Start Point: Ending 26 found. Total: 35

Shack: Endings 21, 22, 27, 95 found. Total: 39

Yamashita Farm: Endings 3, 4, 5 found. Total: 42

First Cave: Ending 42 found. Total: 43
Found bug: No <KEY when talking to the Gunsmith without a weapon.

Surface: Endings 28, 29, 35, 37, 38, 39, 50, 59, 63 found. Total: 52

So who's Saraseka?
Endings so far: 52/100 found.
Jesus christ, there's still 48 left! What else is there to do?
Terminal said:
Become a bunny to shock up some peoples.
...Next time I edit this massive post.

EDIT 2: Despite there'll be an extra 20 endings planned, as well as some points being addressed such as this:

I will finish playing the current build of the mod as it is so far. So smash like if you're 100 endings in already, and let's just jump into it!
First Cave: Ending 49 found and WHOAAAAAAAA

...Total: 53

Now, I've already been everywhere and did both the cursed item and the weapon endings, so I'm just gonna count the endings involving a the mimiga mask. He just looks so cute and adorable this way, aaaaaaaaaaa

Mimiga mask: Endings 6 (Yamashita), 20 (start), 36 (Surface), 53 (Surface), 55 (Yamashita)
Other: Endings 8 (Yamashita), 12 (Start), 15 (Yamashita), 31 (Yamashita), 61 (First Cave),
License: Endings 66 (Rocket), 67 (Cooking), 68 (Tidewalker), 69 (Cyber's Favorite), 70 (Lovecraft), 71 (dishwasher), 72 (Anti-Zombie), 73 (Plant), 74 (Terraria), 75 (BLink)
Total: 73
Endings so far: 73/100 found

Have a map on which ones I still need to see, or whatever. Until Part 4 of this playthrough happens, or not. I'm really running out of ideas on where to find more endings...

EDIT 3: reeeeeeeeeee
Dream Blade... where the fuck is it? Hmm...

*looks in Miccs' notes for spoilers*

Are you kidding me? I even considered talking to the Chocobo about the cursed item too, but never bothered to!

I really wish there were hints suggesting to this, similarly to the hints given in the licenses. I even failed to acknowledge it in the paragraph of clues given by the Terminal in the Enlight Egg.

Now to see whatever that baby can do.

Now let's try it on the bird and... oh... still killed it with the Polar Star.

Now let's use it on various characters.

Dream Blade: Endings 83, 84, 85, 87, 94, 99 found
Other: Ending 88 found
Total: 80

Oh, thank you, b0ss!

...You lied to me.
Endings so far: 80/100 found

Well, I feel like this is the part where I let out the white flag. 80's still good, but it'd be nice to see all of them. Blehhhhhhhhh
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May 29, 2019 at 9:25 PM
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Yo title thread says 100 endings but everything else says 50 what is going on here.

Sillies aside;

I actually ate soup before this so this hits me hard.
Well guess I'll go get the locket the-

...Or not.

Allright, let's see what's in the chest then.


I think it's a bit broken don't you think?

Also noticing quite the sliding on my movement, kinda annoying if I couldn't...

And now the pc tells me I suck too :(, guess I'll just-

I see how it's gonna be.

Quick check behind the door reveals the graveyard and a chest that immediately pulls my attention. Locket? Time to climb in the fireplace to...first place.
Where I immediately die for jumping into a spike with my super jumps.
Ooh and I get an ending for that too.
Looks like going into the passage on the right brings me to an abyss, while the hole in the floor leads me to... becoming a mad? Guess I'd be pretty mad too at a trap like that if I weren't just hunting endings.
Cthulu also doesn't seem up for a talk and instead beats me up, guess I'll have to go get a key.
A nothing huh, that's the best Cave Story weapon 2019 right there.
Oh hey King, how are you doing?

No King, it's not anything like those bad memes that stray the internet these days, its the best weapon!
Besides, summoning big bad? Sounds like a good way to skip all the fuzz and fight the big mean ol' bad guy and get it over with!
Bah, and I don't even get to fight him >:c

At this point I realized I should've started counting the amount of endings I was getting to see if there really were 100 endings, but it was kinda too late in realizing this.

I was also a bit distracted by this cute little guy here.
Ah jeez, youtube needs licences now? Darn laws.
Nearby room includes a room with two pots, one changing you into a mimiga, which is an awesome idea for a pot and this will forever be one of my fave pots in a cave story mod haha some can tell why.
The other pot had crap.
This was not my fave pot.
It was starting to be very clear that almost about anything I could interact with could give a new ending, before I make a wall of text to beat all my other walls I'm probably gonna skip over most of the less mentionable ones, don't get me wrong though, I do still enjoy them.

Oh so the cursed item, in fact can be uncursed to get access to dreams, guess I'll have to find out how, thanks Enlightened egg! I'll make sure to bring you lots of items to feed me MORE ENDINGS.
Reaching the Surface area revealed to me that my jumps, in fact, are infinite. That's neat.
And King came here too! ..And gave me the thrid fake ending, seems I missed the second... or is that a real fake one hmmm!!
So far, my quest to uncurse the nothing hasn't been successful. I don't need to kill 64 enemies while holding it do I?

Could've sworn Misery took my gun and shot me, but instead it seems I shot Not-Misery.
Oh wow the Doctor finally noticed my inner evil power has seen how good of a person I am and gave me the Crown. Now everyone can be happy :).
Except me since it doesn't uncurse the nothing, dang.
Looks like nobody at either the graveyard or farm areas know how to uncurse it, guess I'll look on further at first cave, more fresher characters to meet!
That is, my quest has found a sudden stop as the nothing stops me from entering the cave, dangit!

I don't think I've ever taken so long to reach first cave in a cave story mod- not even Death Story.
Let alone get a life capsule that...surprisingly doesn't give an ending!

You my good sir, tempt me.
Dammit King, give me the second fake ending, don't go drunk instead.
Oh hi Blinkylink what are you doing here. Thanks for making me a her- waaaait a second..!
Bah, hiding the zombie apocalypse though, what were you even doing wtih that.
With that done, it was now clear i probably got most endings between 1-49, which left me wondering what was left to dooo...
That is until I realized the first king room had a door that could be unlocked by cthulu's arthur's key, guess he wasn't going to see that ever again, and now I could continue my efforts to fix the cursed weapon...in csms town...?

And immediately I get called out for liking the nothing and get Curly forced into hard labor, so much for hospitality >:(.
This is where the lack of saving started to bother me, as it was starting to get a bit bothersome to constantly grab the nothing and key and go back to the csms town.
But at least i found my Youtube license, better get ready to sub to my great not-existing content.
Tommy since when did you become a chest pla- what even is a chest player?!
Oh a license shop, looks like this is gonna open up a looooot isn't it... Again, this is why I wish I could save. Especially since I don't wanna try out every single licence on everybody and hope it does anything.
For some reason, I was also now unable to grab the youtube license anymore, which was a shame.

And with that, this is a slap in the face. Very interesting timing, but it kinda decreased my motivation to go on, please don't do stuff like this.

But how can I quit when my ultimate goal is finally met. So many minutes spend and here it finally is, the great reward for my struggles.
And it even remembered me getting the blade! Yesss!
My first target was cthulu, which brought me to a place with a way different(yet interesting) atmosphere.

And then came me trying to break this thing open for a couple minutes until I gave up because finger tired.
Sadly for me, not everyone seemed to be dreaming which was a bit of a disappointment.
Curly's dream seemed to be similiar, even if in another place. Why is everyone having these weird serious looking dreams?
I missed a textbox that apparently cursed curly, couldve sworn it said sans...!
The idea of king having a dream was, unsurprisingly, fake.
Curly and cthulu were the only people who I found a dream for, which was way less than I hoped for, so I went back to the town.
The gallery was a fantasic sight. Every next image was another masterpiece in it's own right.
I hate the door from the town back to the starting point too, if I wanna return why don't I just restart?
After a couple endings after that, I decided I kinda had enough and still decided to look through what I missed.

So what can I say about this? It can be a nice little timewaster where you interact with stuff to get yet another ending. At first it was pretty neat but eventually when I started getting to the csms town I started getting a little burned out. Obviously the little ending jokes get a bit more dull when you're looking at them for a couple hours but what really got me was the constant need to grab certain items so you could get an item and then do it again, getting the nothing and key at least 30 times can get extremely annoying after a while, and it really made me wish there were any saves, and not for the only save point to just laugh at me for expecting to finally save, and a door that also just takes me right to the start.
Speaking of the nothing, when the game first told me that it could be uncursed into an item that let you see dreams, I was pretty motivated to grab it every time to see if the next character would uncurse it. But I've probably grabbed it at least 50 times without any result until I found the person I was looking for, only to realize that it only worked for just maybe 2-4 people in the game.
Its these kinda things that kinda eventually demotivated me to go on (and admittedly, it was getting late either way.).
However if I look past these issues, this is a nice little slightly humoristic timewaster, and I can tell a lot of effort was put into this. Despite the lack of saves, the fact that there's very little time between the ending screen and playing again is a good timesaver. I'd say this mod is pretty neat, but still has some issues that might need fixing to really be better.

Now it's time to go back to not playing mods again for months until I get to writing another wall whoops.
May 29, 2019 at 10:08 PM
Soup Man
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very good mod.

glad to have helped out with the title screen and stuff, since the mod turned out to be pretty good. one of the better mods released recently.
i still need to find like 60 endings though.
Jun 5, 2019 at 4:16 PM
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New version has been uploaded.

EDT: I published hotfix, that removes Dream Blade from mod's start.
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Jun 5, 2019 at 4:56 PM
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"Officially Worth 1 Rupee"
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This is actually wonderful. 10/10, I love big weird games like this. Excited to play more. I feel the same as Hax, I really wanna see more of this.
Jun 8, 2019 at 3:33 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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P.P.P.S. Uhh maybe credit people who helped you make your mod somewhere in the core files? Or at least acknowledge that other people helped you if there are credits after the 100th ending or whatever.
There is a credits file, but it's in a file that nobody can open. So now we'll never know who helped him :(
Jun 8, 2019 at 3:40 PM
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Are there actually any endings that aren't super boring here
Yep. If you got Dream Blade, you can perform a epic quest for ending 127.

I should point out before I go - I was never clued into whether I really needed the Polar Star at all?
You don't need PS everytime. Polar Star changes some interactions into their tragic version (without PS you will hug shroom, with PS you will kill them).

When you slide past the door into Cthulhu because of the shitty movement physics.

Okay, maybe I'll increase friction.

-GOT 40
What the heck just happened?

You ate a very bitter soup. You don't like soups?

This title picture looks like one of vb's drawings. But given the lack of any credits or any other pointers, I'll have to assume everything in this mod must be by TrashboxBobylev?
Actually, I'm put credits in mod's archive. CREDITS.md.

Instead, you would have a corridor with some kind of challenge in it that if you persevere through, you get an ending... maybe about the trials and tribulations of navigating a corridor.
There is some challenges, but mod didn't mean to be challenging. This is a some kind of rofl mod.

Also, I add new challenge in current update. Check this.
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Jun 9, 2019 at 1:53 PM
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128 endings, huh? And I thought Zero Escape was pushing the envelope.
Jul 1, 2019 at 4:38 PM
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jeez, i'm still getting endings over here! good mod!
Jul 25, 2019 at 7:55 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Amazing work on the mod! I have a question about the Dream Blade Quest, though
Is the Mimiga Fang bugged somehow? I seem to only be able to get it once per 'save file', as in I can't get it again unless I close and reopen the game. I have the Music Box, killed all the Mimigas, read the sign, checked out the throne room, killed the Mimigas again, but no fang. Is there something I'm missing?

And a few actual-probably-bugs:
The sign for the locket doesn't update until you leave and re-enter the start room
The Nothing can still be obtained, and uncursed, if you already have one

EDIT: New bug, if you get to the
Start Point via Ender Gate without Arthur's key, you can obtain one from some dust. But it has no 'you already looted this dust' text, so it just pretend to give you a new key

EDIT 2: That ending was unexpected... and leaves a lot unanswered.
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Dec 14, 2023 at 5:58 PM
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Hello, haven't been here in a bit, did I...
Anyway, the Remastered version is now up in main post of this thread, with changelogs and download links provided.

(128E Remastered actually came out in July 2022, but I only now, in December 2023, 1.5 years later, decided to make it actually playable, after Kyle Satwon played it on his mod showcase stream and didn't understand much.)