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cave story beta

  1. AbsoluteVendingMachine

    Cave Story: The Desolate (SAGE 2023 Demo)

    I've been developing a Cave Story beta fangame in the Godot game engine for this entire year and have released a demo for SAGE 2023! This fan game seeks to provide an experience as if the Cave Story beta was a finished game. So far it contains: 4 bosses Dim Caves Central (WIP) Sand Zone (WIP)...
  2. dan_crim

    evil quote

    in cave story multiplayer if you choose to play as toroko it won't make sense when you reach toroko + she will fight her self this gave me an idea a cs beta scratch to
  3. Alex Anomaly Indev Screenshot #1 (very early)

    Alex Anomaly Indev Screenshot #1 (very early)

    11/13/2023 EDIT: The pre-reset Alex Anomaly is now lost media, and it's gone for good. Do not ever ask for any of those builds.
  4. SuIsmissing.png


    Cave Story Beta Anniversary project. 2022.
  5. PrtCaveBeta.png


    TileSet From Cave Story Beta.
  6. Asper_

    Asper's Cave Story Beta Remake

    (THIS MOD IS NOT FULLY FINISHED) but soon it will change. Edit#1 if you want to change weapons, you must enter your inventory. Edit#2 you can't shoot up and down thats a feature. Welcome everyone, I proudly introduce you. My Beta Remake Cave Story. Amazing Features: -Recreated Weapons. -you...
  7. YoshiPilot

    Cave Story Beta Images

    Was browsing reddit, and found this post on r/cavestory: https://redd.it/8gmr9n Thought it was interesting. If we could get some translation of the text, that would be great. Link: http://909.xii.jp/blog/2011/11/03/洞窟物語のウラガワのウラガワ・過去作品補足編/
  8. Milon Luxy

    Cave Story ~ Beta Graphics Mod

    Well, first things first. When I discovered that Cave Story existed a beta, I was impressed with the information, and I was thinking about what the graphics, music and some other things in the beta would look like on the final version together. Growing bored, I decided to redesign the graphics...