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Search results

  1. RuneLancer

    pocket pc, cave story?

    Actually, pixel does give out the source code under certain conditions.
  2. RuneLancer

    Mini mod: Infinte booster hell

    This being a matter of opinion, then, it did not require you to resort to rudeness, particularly to a new member whose familiarity with the boards and its implied workings may not be so great. A simple "This would be more at home in the CS video thread" wouldn't have been any harder to type out...
  3. RuneLancer

    Mini mod: Infinte booster hell

    Sounds pretty damned on-topic to me, seeing as it's a video of this particularly hack and not just a generic CS video. Seems the boards are getting less and less friendly daily...
  4. RuneLancer


    Bend over, slim. I'm a big fan of NDH. It's great music. :D Rammstein was my first german band, like most people, but I started looking for more "out there" stuff and stumbled on a few other good groups. Eisbrecher and Megaherz are at the top of my list. And fancy that, I'm going to germany...
  5. RuneLancer

    Possible Spambot Sightings

    Sex sells. And the internet is packed with it. If spambots like these are still around forums, it's because people are still dumb enough to fall for them. All's it takes is one click - some people get curious, think they found something good, and sign up - so spambots just post that shit all...
  6. RuneLancer


    I used to listen exclusively to video game music when I was younger. Nowadays, my MP3 player has some Iron Maiden blaring out of it almost 24/7. :) So, the big names that give Rune big thrills? - Iron Maiden (no band gives a live performance more intense than Maiden. Not one of 'em!) - Sonata...
  7. RuneLancer

    hbc port anyone?

    Easy there. I meant obtaining a copy for the CS hacking community, not obtaining a copy for a legitimate project and distributing it without Pixel's consent here. ;) Seeing as no mod involves any assembly, it's unlikely he would. Doesn't hurt to ask though...
  8. RuneLancer

    Npc Hacking!

    In this case it would be 1 byte per entry, indeed. The display bounding box stored in the npc file is not the one used to locate the sprite in the .pbm but rather to display the sprite onscreen. It is used to offset its position in relation to its bounding box. The sprite display bounding box...
  9. RuneLancer

    hbc port anyone?

    That's a nice find. I no longer work on Cave Story but I'm sure the community would love to get their hands on a copy of the source, if you ever find a way to get ahold of it from Pixel. Good luck; you're off to a pretty good start so far.
  10. RuneLancer

    Npc Hacking!

    That is correct. The display bounding box is an imaginary rectangular box that defines (binds) the image to display. Usually, it's stored as 4 32bit values indicating the left, top, right, and bottom positions of the rectangle, but sometimes "right" and "bottom" mean "width" and "height." 45 01...
  11. RuneLancer

    hbc port anyone?

    I suppose if you could get ahold of him, you could try asking him for it. But if he didn't release his source publicly, he probably won't give it out to some random person. Still, IMO, it's your best shot. CS was ported to PSP. I dunno much about that project, but maybe you can track it down...
  12. RuneLancer

    hbc port anyone?

    Nevermind. Most forum members around here are like that, unfortunately. Don't fret, it's just acceptable behavior, apparently. To port a game, you need access to its source code. This, we do not have. That would mean whoever would do this would have to reprogram the game from scratch. While a...
  13. RuneLancer

    Assembly Hacks

    All hex editors are the same thing. Some have extra fluff around them, but at their core they all just let you edit hex. Alpha channels have to be explicitely specified to be used. To apply one, a lot of extra work is required and if you're not going to use the alpha channel, you may as well...
  14. RuneLancer

    Bonesaw is ready!!!

    Yeah... all's I'm getting are pictures of saws. Maybe a little introductory post about this thing would be in order for those of us whom haven't invested points in mind-reading last level up? :D Well, whatever, when in Rome... Bonesaw! Bonesaw! Bonesaw! Bonesaw! Bonesaï! Bonesaw!
  15. RuneLancer

    Title Screen Different

    You read it. That's a dump of the CS code which handles which song to play at the title screen based on your hell run time. :p (The original offsets in the exe are preserved; that's what all that razzle-dazzle hexademical nonsense in front of some lines is about.) If you're unfamiliar with this...
  16. RuneLancer

    Title Screen Different

    Huh, a CS thread in the gamer's lounge? Fancy that. Might as well... There you go. That's how the title screen picks which song to play. (Spoilerized since it contains, well, spoilers. Assuming you want to find out the times/music on your own.) (Edit: well, that failed miserably. :p )
  17. RuneLancer


    In school, students are at that ripe emotional cocktail phase called puberty and are looking for an identity. If this is how they choose to express themselves and are happy being who they are, you really should just let them be and not try to decide for them what's best. Over time, they'll...
  18. RuneLancer


    When in a group, people find each other funny because of two things. 1- They know and are familiar with each other. 2- The other members of the group are also amused. This is why a joke works when "the cool kid" does it, and why the exact same joke will fall flat if that kid nobody really...
  19. RuneLancer

    Possible Spambot Sightings

    ...Holy crap, since when has that been there? :)
  20. RuneLancer


    Fixed. There's your explanation. A hot chick isn't going to just knock on your front door and ask you to take her there and then. Especially when nobody knows your name and you always keep to yourself. 15 year old guys with a girlfriend goes out and meets people. That's why the guys all seem to...
  21. RuneLancer

    Possible Spambot Sightings

    Hmm, now I'm confused. Don't satellite lounge posts not increase your post count? Either way, you get the basic idea. :p
  22. RuneLancer

    Possible Spambot Sightings

    Is it possible to have the boards terminate automatically an account if it still has 0 posts after, say, a week? Seems to me this would quickly cut back on spambots, and a week is long enough a delay to post if you're ever gonna post, IMO. Could be two, I dunno. I doubt the forums have that...
  23. RuneLancer

    New Forum Admin

    Well with all due respect, I don't actually know you so I'd have to go against your wishes and give him more respect and cooperation. :p I think the forums needed this badly. With SP now able to properly handle all situations because of his new rights, and now that he can ban, we have no excuse...
  24. RuneLancer

    Har, a new toy!

    This is the last update on this project I'll be making here, as this is no longer Cave Story-related and fairly off-topic. Expect to hear again from it eventually though. :p (No, no releases yet. It's still a good week from being ready; that's display-only, it doesn't write things back so don't...
  25. RuneLancer

    Har, a new toy!

    Edit 1: screenshot. Edit 2: release. Edit 3: updaet lol. ANYTHIIING. o_O Seriously. :p I haven't posted about this in a while, and things have been quickly changing. This project has now become a universal editor. I'm putting together a scripting language that allows you to easily define the...