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  1. TheChosenOne521

    RaveStory 2

    I played it and I'm really satisfied :) I feel now like man with melted brain... I'm not sure, but I think I found bug (Debug Cat didn't want to help me fix this): When I reached Burger Secret and went back to The Rave??? I couldn't went back to The End...
  2. TheChosenOne521


  3. TheChosenOne521

    How is going making the new version of Lunar Shadow? <img...

    How is going making the new version of Lunar Shadow? <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  4. TheChosenOne521

    Lunar Shadow Project

    Thank you for directions. :D And I'm PATIENTLY waiting for next version ;)
  5. TheChosenOne521

    The Journey Home ~ A Valentine's Day Mod

    Very nice mod. I had great time when I was playing it ;)
  6. TheChosenOne521

    Lunar Shadow Project

    FINALLY!!! :D ==EDIT - 20-02-2015== I played it and... I WANT MORE :) Some warnings: I was fighting with Grialdyn, but I went from Western Tower, not Entrance. Now this boss is still visible (even when activate "sun" in Tower D). What's the cause? Micren isn't dead when I defeat him. He is...
  7. TheChosenOne521

    Curly's Adventure remake V0.0.1.3, now with 100% less persistant exclamation mark!

    I played previous version of "Curly's Adventure" and I was sad, when you abandoned this mod... But now, when you released newer version of this mod, I hope, it will be better than previous "Curly's Adventure" Waiting for looooooongeeeeer version :D
  8. TheChosenOne521

    I will face everything and RISE

    I will face everything and RISE
  9. TheChosenOne521

    Doctor Who Story (DISCONTINUED)

    Ohhh... It's very sad. I wanted to play full version but errors don't like me :( I hope that your next mods will be more interesting for others ;)
  10. TheChosenOne521

    Cave Story 2?

    I don't know what to say about this... It's very complicated to me... :(
  11. TheChosenOne521

    Why is my life kicking me??? (x2)

    Why is my life kicking me??? (x2)
  12. TheChosenOne521

    Why is my life kicking me???

    Why is my life kicking me???
  13. TheChosenOne521

    Lunar Shadow Project

    I want to play newer version :) I can't waaaaaait ;D
  14. TheChosenOne521

    How Long Has It Taken You to Beat Hell?

    "It's not too late, it's never too late" to beat hell :)
  15. TheChosenOne521

    What did you get for Christmas?

    Oh, I forgot about it :(
  16. TheChosenOne521

    what's the story behind your nickname

    Inspired by some songs and Animator vs. Animation series
  17. TheChosenOne521

    What did you get for Christmas?

    Nothing :(
  18. TheChosenOne521

    Kto wie...

    Kto wie...
  19. TheChosenOne521

    Tu się zgadzam xD Może jeszcze jakąś inną uda się nam wymyślić <img...

    Tu się zgadzam xD Może jeszcze jakąś inną uda się nam wymyślić <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
  20. TheChosenOne521

    Czyli tak

    Czyli tak
  21. TheChosenOne521

    Musimy odczekać trochę, żeby się imiona nie myliły xD

    Musimy odczekać trochę, żeby się imiona nie myliły xD
  22. TheChosenOne521

    <img src=''...

    <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Kończą mi się pomysły <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />
  23. TheChosenOne521

    (Zgadnijcie z kim ofiara kontaktowała się przed śmiercią) TOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK

    (Zgadnijcie z kim ofiara kontaktowała się przed śmiercią) TOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
  24. TheChosenOne521

    (Mam już teczki, o które prosiłeś) DAWIIIIIIIIIIIIID

    (Mam już teczki, o które prosiłeś) DAWIIIIIIIIIIIIID
  25. TheChosenOne521

    Doctor Who Story (DISCONTINUED)

    Newer version is better than previous :D, but the Sonic Screwdriver image is partly transparent. Did you use a black color in this graphic?