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  1. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    actually, from the looks of it.. he didn't hack anything, he only edited what was already there, like sprites and values. nothing new for you to learn there.
  2. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    rawr. that was interesting :) if the background is orange (or blue, or any non-black), it's a work in progress save. the last frame will probably be unfinished.
  3. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    hehe, good. i'll get back to seriously spriting, then. i've got time anyway. care if i add a melee attack as well as some ranged ones? not sure how good you are at scripting ai, but you could probably increase the touch damage and collision box during the attack..
  4. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    hmm. hey folks, i had designed this thing to replace the mower thing i made: i think this look can work.. the mower was pretty hard to get right. i'd like to know your opinions though. kind of posting this because i'd originally just mailed it to DB but i don't want to bother him with this now...
  5. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    well.. you dó spend a lot of time without one of the better weapons if you agree to that trade. it'd only make sense for you to get something better in return. two weapons would do
  6. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    sounds neat. and pretty insane! hey, one idea: i've never really tried scripting anything in CS, but do you think you could let the flame matrix switch to a copy of the basic matrix and back? that'd make the "upgrade" a little less useless. if the yellow bar could be saved between the two...
  7. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    updated slightly. separated the blade frames for re-use (to make it look good, i'll need three actual frames for many poses.. as usual, refresh before you look at it. the changes: three blade frames on the bottom, for ease of use. also made the attachment points for the legs move close together...
  8. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    geh. social skills shouldn't be a prerequisite of schools, since they suck at evaluating them in the first place. i had to deal with that too, once.. anyway, i can't wait to see how this animation would look ingame. i guess i'll have to add a jump and attack first though. any comments so far?
  9. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    3-frame aggressive animation, and grey boots as i intended them. they're still big, but they don't look as ugly anymore. the turning blade thing is made to be completely un-transparant. i could change it to let some background colour through, but i don't think it'd look too good.
  10. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    moving vehicles, eh? heh, i got out easy, my parents and the doc who prescribed the ritalin all knew that i wouldn't do something i didn't agree with. i only had to deal with one hell of a headache when i stopped. anyway, i tweaked the jumping bot to not show it's propeller when it's resting on...
  11. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    ritalin.. the devil's drug. everyone believes it'll help, but it dumbs you down. i was on it for about a month. felt like i was hitting my head against a brick wall every time i tried to think or create something. also a bitch to get rid of, by the way... >_>
  12. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    something tells me lace is bored.. anyway, hurray for more exploration!
  13. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    you've been.. busy while i wasn't watching. busy.. spamming stuff :mad:
  14. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    inactive mechs, eh? i like that. i should probably still dull the colours a bit, because they'd collect a lot of dust and grime. aannd... epic? heh, thanks. i dó intend to make a living out of graphics work later, but i'm just doing this because i like the mod. money would be nice, but it isn't...
  15. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    .. no. i didn't know. but i did suspect something. and neither of those choices had as harsh a punishment as this situation, where you could end up with nothing but 8 shots to kill whatever's in your way.. anyway, about the sprite. how is it?
  16. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    in the original cave story, you either know what you're trading it for or it's very obvious that you're taking the easy route. also, giving your main gun to a girl for an indefinite time.. you'd usually expect something good back. not something that isn't even worth it as dragonboots said it...
  17. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    a game should be playable without prior knowledge other than the controls... that's why i mentioned it. in the original cave story, agreeing to stuff never inconveniences you. same goes for most other popular games. people just don't like having to revert to a previous savegame because they...
  18. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    night spirit: what should it be launching? i see it launching white bolts in the game... should i keep it that way? drolls/demon: could you be more specific? there's all sorts of farm equipment. should it resemble something? should it just be an amalgation that looks dangerous? should it look...
  19. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    actually, i was kind of aiming for some info as to what else could use work. so yeah, requests are welcome. more than welcome, even.
  20. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    okay, i may be a bit biased here, but those little monsters turned out adorable! shall i make some more sprites? i'm enjoying this :D also, i finally managed to beat curly.. yay me :p
  21. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    okaaaay... argh. so that means two things: less of a challenge, and the work i've done this far could've been better. oh well.. i'll adjust. Adjusted!
  22. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    kept on spriting for a bit yesterday, and fixed it up today.. two spike tiles. one is supposed to be red glass or some other kind of crystalline structure, and the other is random sharp junk. figured you could use more junk. ya know, with half the spaceship being ravaged and stuff?
  23. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    soo.. no using black, then. what's the colour limit in cave story? standard 16-colour? 256? guessing from the original graphics, i'd say 16.. anyway, i uploaded a different version that has a 4-frame flying animation which seems a bit more alive, and also includes a falling sprite. if i recall...
  24. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    they're lossless, pngs. i saved as 16-colour bmp first, then to png to preserve those colours as i put them on photobucket. if you download them and save as 16-colour bmp again, it should be exactly as i have it here. but if you really want me to send them, sure.
  25. Dekker3D

    The Dark Platform - After The Fact (Mod)

    thought the boxes were ugly. thought i could do better. jumpy/flying dude :) (bored, lookingatcha, 3-frame flying; the dark blue is meant to be the background colour and there's a 1-pixel border around every frame so i can see what it looks like) anyway, i can't get past curly. i'm stunning...