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  1. DimJim

    How Curly was drained.

    just going to post my theory again, quote took her outside and shook her really hard, then hung her up with the tow rope to dry if it was sex, then whoever was leaving messages on that computer was a big fan of sexbots which would make sense, living in a tiny house in the middle of a waterway...
  2. DimJim

    Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

    here's an image, using core tileset because i think it's easy to see what's going on in that one i expanded the tileset to make the gray stuff going on more obvious what i did was select a bunch of the tiles from the gray, showing that i can still use the tiles, but they don't show up in the...
  3. DimJim

    Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

    decided to start using this, after i figured out how to open maps in the editor i wound up with this i don't know if the sprites are supposed to do that but i'm pretty sure they're not running at 2x because 1x is tiny the tileset picking thing is also only showing the tiles that appear before i...
  4. DimJim

    Concerning The Underside

    i think the guy who made the "original game" disagrees with you.
  5. DimJim

    Concerning The Underside

    well it's not
  6. DimJim


    Dynamite is made of sticks of charcoal covered in nitroglycerin. It should be obvious how it works after seeing the jellies explode.
  7. DimJim

    You're so addicted to the Cave Story Forums that...

    u no wat shut up i said i couldnt remember exactly so shut up
  8. DimJim

    Insignificant Studio's: 'The Underside'

    Hint straight from the forums: duncan is gay
  9. DimJim

    -=The Future=-

    The save point doesn't help much when you get there with 2 life left (Which just so happens to be how much damage the critter-things do).
  10. DimJim

    -=The Future=-

    I wanted to kick you in the face every time I died in Metal Lines.
  11. DimJim

    Hey, look! Over by that tree! It's a Cave Story comic :D

    This guy's already at the Labyrinth, and he edits the story.
  12. DimJim

    Insignificant Studio's: 'The Underside'

    What's the third boss?
  13. DimJim

    Who or What woke Quote up?

    GET. OUT.
  14. DimJim

    Just dreaming...

    I started dreaming about it, then Jacob came in and fucked everything up.
  15. DimJim

    Cave Story ~ The Lost Mage and Pirate

    I gave up after turning around to stay away from a jumping critter only to shoot the Rock Ogre in the head after returning from the generator (This is just after the security checkpoint).
  16. DimJim

    On the Subject of Why Mimigas Wear Sweaters and Also Their Attire.

    Mimigas wear pants, they're just made from hollowed-out pumpkin shells. [/insidejoke]
  17. DimJim

    CS Quotes made better by pants

    =Snake= Penetrates through pants. =Fireball= Bounces along pants. Rather powerful on gentle pants. =Missile Launcher= However, its ammunition is pants. =Blade= King's pants dwell within. =Nemesis= Pants of the Goddess. =Spur= Hold down the pants to fire a laser. Pants Juice Pant System...
  18. DimJim

    Santa's strange house

    Well, Santa's all furry and stuff, and that's white-hot plasma, so it could set him on fire when he tries to shoot something.
  19. DimJim

    Who's sexy in Cave Story?

    Observe the steroid user.
  20. DimJim

    Who's sexy in Cave Story?

    King's not dead, because he's the son of Chuck Norris' dog.
  21. DimJim

    Santa's strange house

    Why didn't Santa want to get his key when he had a gun that shot white-hot plasma?
  22. DimJim

    Who's sexy in Cave Story?

    Let's just say his childhood wasn't the most pleasant thing imaginable.
  23. DimJim

    Santa's strange house

    Santa's spikes are gay.
  24. DimJim

    How Stuff Works @ CS. XP, life caps, missiles

    Any color that is not the color of Quote is a bad color.