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  1. N

    What do you call the place where Ballos was imprisoned?

    Well, Isn't this a coincidence, I was just thinkin about this today. In any case, I either refer to it as 'Hell' or 'Sacred Ground' more so with the latter because I love corrupt Irony
  2. N

    Most annoying way to die

    that made me lol. But, yeah that would sorta suck though :/
  3. N

    Most annoying way to die

    For me it's -getting run over by Monster X -When I run outta boost (it happened at THE worst time in my 1st run through Hell) -Getting crushed by Heavy Press, funny story I heard some where that Heavy, couldn't crush you so I said "I'll just save some time and not mo-" *CRUSHEDLOL!* "D:<". To...
  4. N

    Little problem with Doors

    Okay I've just started workin on my mod now (after writing up the script via WordPad) and I've hit a bit of a snag (already...) It basically started when I was modifiying the 'Egg Corridor' map, I did so by adding a simple extension to the area near the end and adding a door to another map I...
  5. N

    Cave Story FanArt

    Okay, fix'd. Still, I shoulda noticed it was in .bmp format earlier, my bad ^^;
  6. N

    Cave Story FanArt

    This is basically all I got as far as CS fanart is concear'd -Ballos vs. Tyrant Baal: Actually a good match up, if you think about it they have their similarities... I do draw things by hand, but it's of subpar quality and it's not even remotely related to CS...maybe in the future I'll try...
  7. N

    The relationship between Quote and Curly

    Well, I'm not one for debates's my testimony. -Lol, I didn't know some people thought Curly and Quote are siblings (frankly I didn't know either, didn't pay attention to that part in the dialouge >_> ), but if that is indeed correct then I think (more or less) their relationship will...
  8. N

    Favorite Cave Story Song

    Eyes of Flame: Nice tune, really got into it when I fought 2nd phase Ballos. Last Battle: Another fine music selection, I especially like the middle/climax White: Never really figured out what this one was supposed to used for. But I still like it Running Hell: Dunno why but it really goes well...
  9. N


    These pics are made of lolz, dood XD
  10. N

    Gonna give this a shot...

    ...Modding that is. I have little knowledge of hackin, but I can toy around with it enough to know what goes where and how what works (that aways seems to work when certain computer related things are put into consideration) But I wanna know a few things before I dive into this full force. -Is...
  11. N

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    Lol, I'm new here. So yeah Yo to all of you (I'm no good at intros...)