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  1. S

    Cave story music

    I am trying to download the cave story music in mp3 from the link in this website. However, the download is very slow and after a while it stops downloading. Is there a mirror for the cave story music?
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    Original music of Jenka1

    Familiar music? There is this music when you go to that old lady who wants her puppies. I remember hearing the same music on a song on a radio? Is that possible?
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    Final boss (spoiler)

    I beileve I have reached the final boss. I beat misery, then I beat the doctor, then he turned into this beast doctor and he beat me. I just want some tips on how to beat him. When he is just a normal man, I just shoot all my missles at him and his life drains pretty quick. But I didnt evade his...
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    Gamepad issue

    I have a gamepad, but cave story use the small analog stick instead of the main pad control. How do I change it to use the main pad control? Thank you.
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    I have reached the point where this human (katumu?) is offering me to escape with him on the dragon. What is the meanning of the decision I am taking now? If I agree will the game be over? will I be able to load afterwards? Or does both choices lead to a different adventure(more levels even when...
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    Two unrelated questions

    Hello, I am new here and I have two unrelated questions. First of all, I have reached the boss that is this machine/vehicle the size of the screen. it drives left and right and then stops and shoot purple stuff. I know I am supposed to shot its green things when it opens, but either I shoot him...