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  1. M

    The Chuck Norris Game

    your missing the point, its soposed to be a joke, it doesn't have to be possible.
  2. M

    I made a thread called Coca Cola Babies in the forum games thread, i need it moved to the...

    I made a thread called Coca Cola Babies in the forum games thread, i need it moved to the S.P.O.T if you can this would be a great favor! thank you and have a great day!
  3. M

    Coca-Cola Babies

    If one day,giant, floating Coca-Cola cans came down to earth and started to mate and have little Coca-Cola babies, would this end world hunger?:confused:
  4. M

    The Chuck Norris Game

    Chuck Norris, currently he is in orbit waiting for the perfect moment to come down and destroy the world because of your ignorance with a round house kick to your fayace!