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  1. nuclearminer66

    I made a DnD-like discord server

    nah, it's been dead for years now.
  2. nuclearminer66

    im not dead again almost did but anyway

    im not dead again almost did but anyway
  3. nuclearminer66

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    Thankfully, you still have a Fake Death Pill left. Just let it work it's magic, and... TIME PARADOX
  4. nuclearminer66

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    when you try to use it, however, it explodes and now you're stuck with constant deja-vu.
  5. nuclearminer66

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    Unfortunately, you had pulled the same trick last year and the IRS is catching on to your bullshit. Wat do?
  6. nuclearminer66

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    Quote begins to do the Moskau kick-dance, kicking the hourglass while doing so.
  7. nuclearminer66

    I made a DnD-like discord server

    OK, fixed the link also we had session 0 today next is on sat at 3PM EST
  8. nuclearminer66

    I made a DnD-like discord server here's the link, if you want
  9. nuclearminer66

    Cave Story on the Virtual Boy here's a community i found for it, maybe start there?
  10. nuclearminer66

    Cave Story on the Virtual Boy

    1: why the hell do you own a VB 2: how would you differentiate some of the sprites this game needs more than 2 colors
  11. nuclearminer66

    Discussion on our favorite cinnamon roll murderbot

    Curly is cute. But why? Discuss.
  12. nuclearminer66

    business sans time remember: he's a mii costume

    business sans time remember: he's a mii costume
  13. nuclearminer66

    Was Nicalis a mistake for Pixel?

    i just call it the bubble gun i dont feel like having that argument again
  14. nuclearminer66

    Was Nicalis a mistake for Pixel?

    has anyone mentioned how we know exactly how to fix Curse Broken in CS+ but they havent fixed it in 7 years bc thats the kind of problem i have with them
  15. nuclearminer66

    Let's Type! The Shadow Moses Incident

    this is a port of my thread over at METAL GEAR SOLID .___TACTICAL ESPIONAGE ACTION___. RULES (who reads these) Im the DM here, trying to story Only one action per post Unless otherwise stated, one character per player Try not to double...
  16. nuclearminer66

    You just gonna drop by and not celebrate Cat Month?

    (UwU) its time for murder
  17. nuclearminer66

    yes i beat it i dont count the other endings as finishing the game anymore

    yes i beat it i dont count the other endings as finishing the game anymore
  18. nuclearminer66

    i finally beat CS+ in hardmode h

    i finally beat CS+ in hardmode h
  19. nuclearminer66

    CS+ just updated on steam. why

    ah my hope has been dashed once again of course nicalis is succ
  20. nuclearminer66

    CS+ just updated on steam. why

    Can someone go check to see if they fixed the "curse broken" bug? they might've finally gone and done it
  21. nuclearminer66

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    curly and kazuma sing snake eater then they fly the island into space (by jamming an n64 controller in balloses eye)
  22. nuclearminer66

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    gim seys: rip in pizza sue then he kills quote and leaves
  23. nuclearminer66

    The Community-driven Cave Story Fanfic

    and then a Nother Robot comeths forth: hello i am gim