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Search results

  1. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Yeah, Norton won't do you any good if it isn't updated. You can scan your flash drive with an antivirus program, though. Typically, you just go to Computer ("my computer" in XP), right-click on the drive, and click "scan with (name of AV program)" or whatever. www.nicalis.com doesn't look like...
  2. brianbdm

    Oh, I do a bit of everything, but I guess I mostly do image editing. I don't usually like to...

    Oh, I do a bit of everything, but I guess I mostly do image editing. I don't usually like to start from scratch. I do web designing, but that doesn't have much to do with CS.
  3. brianbdm

    Uh, actually I just got it yesterday. I found it online (google image) from a website that was...

    Uh, actually I just got it yesterday. I found it online (google image) from a website that was actually in Spanish. It was somebody's gaming blog. They were talking about the games they were playing. Majica roja! (Yeah, I can read a lot of Spanish) I actually found it again here.
  4. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Ugh. I hate things like that. Unfortunately, those fave AntiVirus things are everywhere online. And 99% of the time, it's not the browser's fault. As long as you have an Antivirus at home, (Norton, AVG, Avast! etc.) You should be fine. I don't really see how talking about how CS Wii is...
  5. brianbdm

    Oh, I'm just starting. Like, a couple days ago. I've done some scripting stuff before, but just...

    Oh, I'm just starting. Like, a couple days ago. I've done some scripting stuff before, but just a bit, so I understand the concept. I'm reading Dragon Boot's guide right now. Have you seen it? Personally, I'm a bit more of a graphic designer, but I'm going to try my hand at modding. I've got a...
  6. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    So then, a .midi file is like a .org file, except that the instruments are stored in standard/universally used data on sound cards instead of in a specific program's .exe file? I was just wondering because it occurred to me that it might be nice to swap out some of the worse music with something...
  7. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Isn't .midi kind of like a really fancy .org file?
  8. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Does anybody know what the music sound format is for the Wii? It would be weird for them to still have used ORG files if they couldn't get the music to loop correctly.
  9. brianbdm

    Most Well written Cave Story song.

    I have to say that my favorite over all is Moonsong. Its a 5-way tie between Mischevious Robot, Hero's End, Last Battle, Scorching back, and Running Hell for second. There are several others that are quite impressive, like Pulse, as you said. The only reason I don't think they are the "best" is...
  10. brianbdm

    Wii music: garbage or just misunderstood?

    I feel that there is certainly a difference. I wouldn't be surprised if people listened to the main theme and just decided to forget about the rest. Some of it is incredible and some of it just plain sucks. It's kind of like double-or-nothing. And has anyone noticed how incredibly similar the CS...
  11. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Yeah, I kinda got off track. At least it wasn't as off-subject as the routers that supposedly give people cancer... :(
  12. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I'll double check... The weird thing is that I only get the problem about half of the time. Hm... nope, I didn't. I fixed it now, though. It's still really strange that I got it to work a couple of times before, though. I honestly have no idea what could cause the inconsistency. It couldn't have...
  13. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I've seen Dragon Boot's site. He was the one who introduced me to the tvtropes. TOTALLY ruined my life. (in a good way, as in, made me into a mutant, evil, invincible sorcerer kind of way) I thought I'd try making a MOD, but I always get errors saying that the maps can't be saved if I ever try...
  14. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Where do you all learn all this stuff? I'd like to learn things like this for myself. CS has inspired me to try to make a small game or something of the like, but I'm not sure where to start. Where would you suggest?
  15. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Oops. Yeah, I forgot to quote it. Sorry.
  16. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I thought that at first, too, but you actually can use either the B or A button to switch weapons. It can go either way. I use the Wii Remote, too. Mostly just becaue I refuse to shell out another $20+ for another controller when I've already spent over $100 just for 2 wii remotes and nunchucks.
  17. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I asked because I heard of a DOS emulator for the DS. I wondered if it might work on it... I guess not, though.
  18. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    It's probably a bit of a mix between the two. Nicalis would have kept everything the same that he could to save time. Obviously, EVERYTHING couldn't be the same, otherwise they'd practically just copy the executable and other files to the Wii, and those .exe files only run on Windows. ~This is...
  19. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Since the Wii runs on different codes and stuff from regular computers, it might have been easier just to start over from scratch, using the original source code as a referrence. This would have been remaking it. I don't know if this was the case, however. It doesn't seem like they did.
  20. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    That's why I wonder if it's actually a bit more of an emulation than a port. It just seems too similar to have been completely remade.
  21. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I tried it out. It didn't sound different to me. It may make the game bigger, but not by much. It's only a tiny picture for each sprite. It would probably increase the size by a few mb. That's almost nothing, but the game itself is only, like, 30mb in the first place. does anybody know actually...
  22. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with that. It could have used a few more frames of animation, though. With the better graphics, it makes it actually look a bit choppy. Has anyone else noticed this?
  23. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    From what I've heard, basically the wiiware version is like one big compressed folder with the same basic components as the PC version, except compressed and in a different format. Somebody (smarter than me) will probably make a program that can automatically change the files between the wii...
  24. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Cave Story Wii was a joint production between Pixel and Nicalis. They both hold the copyrights to it. Pixel alone holds the copyrights to the original Cave Story. It's like when SEGA makes a game on a Nintendo platform. The companies work out some sort of contract together to make it work. It...
  25. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Messing with computers and stuff is just a hobby for people. It certainly isn't any more of a waste of time as playing the game itself. I like modding things. I have a modded DS and I'm going to mod my Wii as soon as the warranty expires.