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Search results

  1. brianbdm

    How do the Reploids fit in the the time scheme of things? Are they supposed to be robots that...

    How do the Reploids fit in the the time scheme of things? Are they supposed to be robots that were made /after/ the original Megaman, sometime even further in the future than he was made? Or was Megaman a Reploid, himself?
  2. brianbdm

    "What's one step below insane?" -Ben gates "Crazy?" -Riley Poole "Passionate" -Ben gates Meh. I...

    "What's one step below insane?" -Ben gates "Crazy?" -Riley Poole "Passionate" -Ben gates Meh. I would have guessed "Noxid." What about you? =D
  3. brianbdm

    I absolutely don't know who you are, but that's a cool avatar. Did you make that yourself? I...

    I absolutely don't know who you are, but that's a cool avatar. Did you make that yourself? I like the scar across the bluish face. I dunno what it is about it that looks cool- It just... does.
  4. brianbdm

    I've been trying to find you! Well, I'm not going to be on all night, so I'll just leave this...

    I've been trying to find you! Well, I'm not going to be on all night, so I'll just leave this here for you. That's as of 5/30/10 10:19 PM. I went kind of crazy towards the end, but I think that it's a good crazy. Like, as in "Noxid crazy" if you know what I mean? ^^ It's not all the way done...
  5. brianbdm

    Comment by 'brianbdm' in media 'The Doctor is also an amateur pastry chef, in his spare time.'

    If you eat that cake, do you go into a frenzy because of the red flowers or the sugar rush? I see this is where you got your idea for the Muffin Man Doctor avatar.
  6. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    I'm glad that we got to do this. It was really fun to work on. It was almost all Volley's doing. I just got lucky picking some notes. ^^
  7. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    Yeah. But it's important because it doesn't loop. It's quite repetitive, so it wasn't that hard to make it long. I think it was track 2 that never changed whatsoever. One of them didn't, anyways. It kept doing the same 2 measures the whole time.
  8. brianbdm

    New Orchestral Tribute Compilation - A Sleeping Destiny

    If any of you have noticed Noxid's pictures, like the Mr. T Booster and the the Muffin Man Doctor... Yeah, he'd be the one to do it if anyone. :(
  9. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    I've tried my hand at making "copy orgs" a couple of times. They've turned out okay. I've sort of finished this one. It's not the full thing, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do it all. It's based off of this song. It's impossible to get the exact sound with org maker, but I thought it still...
  10. brianbdm

    Yes, yes, exactly! That would be wonderful!

    Yes, yes, exactly! That would be wonderful!
  11. brianbdm

    Another disastrously brilliant masterpiece by Noxid! I really want to see some of these pictures...

    Another disastrously brilliant masterpiece by Noxid! I really want to see some of these pictures included in your MOD. You should put them in the end credits. The muffin man doctor almost rivals the Mr. T booster. Gary Larson would be proud of you. =D
  12. brianbdm

    MOD is an abbreviation for Modification. I'm a Grammar Nazi. Typically, if an abbreviation...

    MOD is an abbreviation for Modification. I'm a Grammar Nazi. Typically, if an abbreviation doesn't have a period at the end like Mr. it is in caps. You are surprisingly poetic.
  13. brianbdm

    Comment by 'brianbdm' in media 'Be Somebody or be Somebody'

    It's professor Booster!!!
  14. brianbdm

    Volley has been telling me that he's learned a bunch of ASM from you. I was wondering where you...

    Volley has been telling me that he's learned a bunch of ASM from you. I was wondering where you learned it all. I don't want to ask you for private lessons or anything, so I was wondering if you'd tell me some place I could learn for myself. (If you WANT to give me lessons, though, that would be...
  15. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    I didn't know that there WAS such a thing as censorship in the US. Take a look at all the crap that's on nighttime TV. Or better yet, don't. Just hearing about it will give you nightmares. I never watch TV mainly because there's nothing good and sports are boring to me. They might give a game a...
  16. brianbdm

    It's so easy to accidentally post a visitor message under your own username. This really makes...

    It's so easy to accidentally post a visitor message under your own username. This really makes me annoyed. -_-'
  17. brianbdm

    If you are talking about your MOD, the title screen just uses several small pictures pieced...

    If you are talking about your MOD, the title screen just uses several small pictures pieced together. If you wanted to make a full background image, that would require more than basic modding.
  18. brianbdm

    I draw characters from video games and manga that I've read. I don't really have a favorite...

    I draw characters from video games and manga that I've read. I don't really have a favorite subject. I probably wouldn't actually use hand-drawn things for a game. I might start out with pencil drawings, but I'd go over it digitally.
  19. brianbdm

    You want me to make a title screen for you? You mean for a MOD? I'm pretty sure that those are...

    You want me to make a title screen for you? You mean for a MOD? I'm pretty sure that those are actually several pictures pieced together. I wouldn't mind doing something like that for you. What did you want?
  20. brianbdm

    Er, sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean or what you're talking about. "Want!!!!" doesn't...

    Er, sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean or what you're talking about. "Want!!!!" doesn't really mean much to me. ^^ I was talking about fullscale art, like the stuff I usually do.
  21. brianbdm

    Sorry. I accidentally replied to my own profile ^^ I meant to write this first before that last...

    Sorry. I accidentally replied to my own profile ^^ I meant to write this first before that last one. No. I used that when I first joined Mirai because I wanted something, but didn't know what to put up. I haven't gotten around to changing it since. I guess I'd better do that soon... I personally...
  22. brianbdm

    That's a bit different. There are a thousand ways to use a gradient. I really like to use the...

    That's a bit different. There are a thousand ways to use a gradient. I really like to use the effect. I was torn between a thousand ways to highlight the character in this one. I finally picked a "laser beam" behind him.
  23. brianbdm

