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Search results

  1. brianbdm

    CS Comic Challenge

    My vote is~ Best concept: Hiino Best overall: Gir Good luck to all~ =D
  2. brianbdm

    CS Comic Challenge

    It sounds like fun! I usually have a slightly harder time drawing when the subject is chosen for me, but I'll give it a shot. The main conflict is that the deadline is the exact same day as my Chemistry AP exam (meaning huge, evil test that people have to study tons and tons for). I'll still try...
  3. brianbdm

    [MA Winner] <(Schism)> - Demo 1.0

    Re: - Demo 1.0 No Way!!!! =D I have reason to live again!!! I can't wait to see more of Schism come together!
  4. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    I've had the same problem myself. I changed the loop time in the old org maker myself. Also, thanks for pointing out that alternative, Noxid. I'd rather try that method. BTW, I love that avatar. ^^ It looks vaguely familiar... :awesomeface:
  5. brianbdm

    Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

    Ah, I didn't notice that. That's understandable. -------- The first rule about computers: Never say never! ;)
  6. brianbdm

    Curly Brace's Story *FIRST DEMO*

    You know that there are freeware programs to open .rar files, right? http://www.7-zip.org/ Here's a link to 7-Zip. It's one of the most popular free ones. You can download the installer (just 1 mb), install it, and you can have the archive extracted in less than a minute. I'm not even exaggerating.
  7. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    I don't really know anything about musical theory, so I just add what sounds right to me. Sometimes that means that I mess up, though. I do a lot more drawing than music work, anyways. I'm a different kind of artist. :D
  8. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    *Headdesk* >_< My apologies, Ollie. Sorry, I'm tired. I'll fix those posts. That's my epic fail for today.
  9. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    This one, Gir. Sorry. ~~~~~~~~ I added a bit of track 7 between measures 9 and 24. This is kind of what I was thinking about the tracks playing back and forth. http://www.mediafire.com/?zve5go2yhrhga1a I hope I don't offend people when I change their music. I just don't like to describe what I...
  10. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    There are, like, a dozen other ones, but MediaFire seems to be the only one without waiting time and slow downloads. It's the best you can get for a free file hosting site, as faar as I know. Every once in a while I use Rapidshare, too, but not often. ~~~~~~~~ That's a really cool track, Ollie...
  11. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    It's short, it still needs drums and volume adjustments, but I still like this little tune. http://www.mediafire.com/?d6dn4eddovei4qj From Gunstar Heroes
  12. brianbdm

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Oh my gosh, I can actually listen to the music now without doing deaf! Some of it is still a bit quirky. Like the Gestation sounds kinda cool with the timing different, but it doesn't fit in with the rest of the tracks in the tune.
  13. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    I don't think I got any comments on this earlier, so I'm going to post it again- http://www.mediafire.com/?qz2qq578o7d4anc Do you think that these slurs help things at all? I know that they need work, but they seem to help the tune at times. Here's the one without the slurs-...
  14. brianbdm

    Thanks a bundle, Gir! The chords sound much better~ I've been too lazy to learn anything so far...

    Thanks a bundle, Gir! The chords sound much better~ I've been too lazy to learn anything so far, but I'm going to have to soon! ^_^
  15. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    "As usual?" ^^ (Yay, I feel significant! :D ) I'm glad you like it. It's the first original one I've done in a while. Here's another copy org- http://www.mediafire.com/?3gv54cb9uahamav I probably could have sped it up a bunch to make it sound more smooth, but I kind of like it this way. I'm...
  16. brianbdm

    Show off your org music...

    This is starting to sound really cool! It still needs quite a bit of work, though. What do you guys think of it so far? http://www.mediafire.com/?l35ohwgl5g0iy91 You have 1:10 until the world blows up ...or something.
  17. brianbdm

    So, after hearing about how much you like Scot Pilgrim, would you be jealous if I told you I had...

    So, after hearing about how much you like Scot Pilgrim, would you be jealous if I told you I had a 17 year old highschool girlfriend? ^_^
  18. brianbdm

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I've had a few problems like that, too. I haven't tried too hard to fix them, though. I just started working on something else.
  19. brianbdm

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Is it possible to have more than 30 facepics without getting up to the neck in assembley?
  20. brianbdm

    Comment by 'brianbdm' in media 'In a collectible metal box, to boot.'

    I lost the game! =D lololololol~
  21. brianbdm

    Comment by 'brianbdm' in media 'I found this guy'

    I can't explain why Kanpachi is so awesome. All I know is that he is!
  22. brianbdm

    You seem to be quite the music expert. Could I get your opinion on a track? I have no musical...

    You seem to be quite the music expert. Could I get your opinion on a track? I have no musical background whatsoever, so I just play it by ear. If it sounds wrong, I figure I've done something wrong. I'm trying to make a bit of a dramatic effect. I'm using the closed hat to sound like a clock...