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Search results

  1. OmegaFoxie

    Now Taking ORG Requests

    nice work man, keep it up
  2. OmegaFoxie

    Because I'm a weirdo that likes to do it themself. Like I have people offer to code stuff for me...

    Because I'm a weirdo that likes to do it themself. Like I have people offer to code stuff for me and I respond with "Nah I'd rather learn to code that myself" And because there is no mp3 or flac downloads for selfmade org songs and recording in audacity is tedious and all that stuff.
  3. OmegaFoxie

    So basically it's been about 11.5 years since Cave Story came out and we still have no plugin...

    So basically it's been about 11.5 years since Cave Story came out and we still have no plugin for any big / popular media player that plays the songs accurately. I mean, somehow I feel like you gotta applaud Pixel for that.
  4. OmegaFoxie

    Now Taking ORG Requests

    They already did that
  5. OmegaFoxie

    .ORG files into .OGG files?

    Oh my gosh thank you Just one thing I played Pulse and it sounds fucked up. like the start is completely wrong. Is there any other settings I should check? Or does someone here atlest have a link where I can message the guy who made the component?
  6. OmegaFoxie

    at the time i posted it it was 80% tho :c

    at the time i posted it it was 80% tho :c
  7. OmegaFoxie

    The little "New Posts" display is 80% posts from me atm.

    The little "New Posts" display is 80% posts from me atm.
  8. OmegaFoxie

    WinAmp Plugin in_org.dll (ORG player)

    Hey uhm... I noticed something... Certain songs (mainly the main / plantation theme) sound awful. This is because of the Wave 63 sample, which is corrupted or something (in any case it definitely is different from the sample in Org Maker / OrgView / Cave Story in general), I'd fix that myself...
  9. OmegaFoxie

    .ORG files into .OGG files?

    Is there any way to disable the 10 second fade out on the foobar component? I'd use the winamp plugin instead, but it's crap (some of the samples are corrupted / different so it sounds awful)
  10. OmegaFoxie

    So the forum must've glitched out or something because I received this email...

    So the forum must've glitched out or something because I received this email: http://imgur.com/gFLa920 The thing is that the reply mentioned in the email was not posted in my thread, but rather in another thread, and wasn't even in response to me.
  11. OmegaFoxie

    Program similar to OrgMaker2?

    Alternatively, you can grab the samples from Org Maker 2.10 and use them in Fl Studio (It's a bit tricky but definitely possible)
  12. OmegaFoxie

    That feeling when you mess up your first thread's title. Good job brain

    That feeling when you mess up your first thread's title. Good job brain
  13. OmegaFoxie

    @SuperJaws100 Actually, I was more anxious than excited, but yeah, I know forums are usually...

    @SuperJaws100 Actually, I was more anxious than excited, but yeah, I know forums are usually really chill unless there is some big event going on, hehe
  14. OmegaFoxie

    Yay just made my first proper post, feel oddly relieved. Maybe because I'm very cautious about...

    Yay just made my first proper post, feel oddly relieved. Maybe because I'm very cautious about leaving a good first impression.
  15. OmegaFoxie

    [Obsolete, please delete] Drag & Drop Script for Org2XM v1.0

    Update: Edited the title so it's atleast 75% less vague. This is for people that want a proper and easy way to convert your .org files to .xm modules. If you just wanna convert your tracks straight to .wav I recommend you to use the Foobar2000 component. More specifically, Org2XM 1.0 (I'll...
  16. OmegaFoxie

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    No seriously like one time I tried to explain to my mom how the .org format works and after like 20 minutes she just went "Please, enough is enough..."
  17. OmegaFoxie

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    Gestation is great! Though I like Mishievous Robot a bit more~ Modding and music making... I'm slowly getting there, although my dead brain does not want to let me at all Yeah, I expected not to see many "newbies" here, heh Yes, chip cookies are great c: (Yes, I just replied to your post in...
  18. OmegaFoxie

    The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

    Ello *Insert cheerful / funny introduction here* Long story short I'm a huge cave story fan and I talk way too much about it and tend to annoy the frick out of everyone around me with it (Especially when I start talking about the music...like god somebody stop me already) For example as I'm...
  19. OmegaFoxie

    Alrighty, thanks c:

    Alrighty, thanks c:
  20. OmegaFoxie

    I literally just made my account because I wanted to post something in the music forum, not sure...

    I literally just made my account because I wanted to post something in the music forum, not sure tho if I should introduce myself first and where.