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Search results

  1. Cripplechair

    It would have a low percent-yield, but perhaps we could somehow rig up some sort of mouthpiece...

    It would have a low percent-yield, but perhaps we could somehow rig up some sort of mouthpiece that harvests the awww's and d'awww's of those who look upon him. We then chain a whole bunch of subjects down, equip them with the mouthpiece, and show them Young King at regular intervals. With...
  2. Cripplechair

    Awwww dat king avvytar iz so kyuuut~ Uh... *ahem* I mean that avatar is rather quite adorable.

    Awwww dat king avvytar iz so kyuuut~ Uh... *ahem* I mean that avatar is rather quite adorable.
  3. Cripplechair

    Flipped Races

    I don't, since this mod won't be using his faceset.
  4. Cripplechair

    Flipped Races

    Sure, but let me doctor up the proper spritesheet for him first. I think I posted his entire spritesheet earlier, but I made modifications to his head on the quick reference sheet since then. I'll have the sheet you want up in like five or ten minutes, it's a quick edit. Edit: Double feature...
  5. Cripplechair

    Flipped Races

    It's not abandoned, just... not... very quickly updated. By which I mean I forgot I was working on this but now I remember so I'll start working on stuff again when I find the time. Edit: Like my sig says, I'm a lazy bastard and I sprite on a whim. Between the two, I uh... don't really get...
  6. Cripplechair

    What type of instrument do you play?

    Damn son, you're starting out with a nice piece of hardware there. You better love that thing like a child. It's only expected to start out pretty screech, I know I was for awhile. Keep at it, you'll eventually learn proper breath control and whatnot naturally with practice. The songbooks are...
  7. Cripplechair

    What type of instrument do you play?

    Do me a favor and learn the shit out that thing through love and practice so I can invoke some nostalgia vicariously through you. A songbird sweet potato was my first and second, back when they had two different sizes of the thing. The first I gave away as a gift, the second got dropped a few...
  8. Cripplechair

    What type of instrument do you play?

    You can get a decent clay 6-hole pendant ocarina for like $15 or $25. Or if you want a... *shudder* plastic one, they're like $8 or $10. 12-holes are a lot more pricy, usually like $60-$100 for a full-sized one. Or go crazy overboard with a four-chambered ocarina for over $1000. I get my...
  9. Cripplechair

    What type of instrument do you play?

    I'm almost a little surprised that three other people here also have ocarinas. Keep practicing guys, we need to bring the ocarina back. Also, if you learn how to play even just half-decently and play it in public, you'll get a shitton of praise and comments.
  10. Cripplechair

    Dear god, how am I supposed to be able to reply?

    Clearly you never came across the thread with MetaSeraphim's, ahem, 'literary works.'
  11. Cripplechair

    What type of instrument do you play?

    I play the ocarina and a tiny bit of the piano. I prefer six hole pendant ocarinas, but I can also play a 12 hole (my two 12-hole ocarinas broke though, I have trouble not dropping things :toroko2:). I'm also at that lovely sweet spot in which I can say I've been playing ocarina for seven years...
  12. Cripplechair


  13. Cripplechair

    Requests by Noxid

    Take all the time you need Nox, I'm in no rush. :critter:
  14. Cripplechair

    I'mmmm.... some ways into development. Meaning I've changed the mouth and the eyes, also added a...

    I'mmmm.... some ways into development. Meaning I've changed the mouth and the eyes, also added a little more fur tuft at the top of the head. ...MagicDoors?
  15. Cripplechair


  16. Cripplechair

    all dem avatarz

    all dem avatarz
  17. Cripplechair

    Requests by Noxid

    Sssooo... are the requests still in progress?
  18. Cripplechair

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I'd get the new graphics card, myself. So in other news, I've sort of destroyed my sleep schedule. >Thursday night: Stay up all night doing homework, get less than two hours of sleep >Friday: Classes from 9AM to 4PM, with an hour break thrown in at 10AM >Skyrim at 4:30PM until my 6PM class...
  19. Cripplechair

    Is It Something Emotional Or Physical?

    Your mental state can have a direct effect on your physical state. For example, extreme stress/anguish can actually cause physical pain. As for this, I'm not qualified for any sort of medical training or experience, so I'm not going to jump to conclusions. I suggest arranging an appointment...
  20. Cripplechair

    Who Is Stronger, Quote Or Curly?

    I don't think he has to be any more load-bearing than Curly, she just happens to be the one always in need of towing. Speaking strictly in terms of physical strength, I'm going to guess they're roughly even. Their body builds are roughly the same, although Curly might be just a teeeeeeeny bit...
  21. Cripplechair

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I just... I just died a little inside. Storyline is (or should be) a pretty big aspect of most any RPG, not that it's really my place to tell you how to enjoy a game. Edit: So it turns out I had a lot more homework than I thought I did. I've been doing homework since 7PM, and it's almost 4AM...
  22. Cripplechair

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I grew up on Zelda, Skyward Sword is another game I want. I also want Cave Story 3D, but I don't have a/know anyone with a 3DS. Christmas... Christmas.
  23. Cripplechair

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Turns out I'm in the same boat. I accidentally a fuckload of calculus that I need to study for, amongst other things.
  24. Cripplechair

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Normally I don't buy games immediately, but in this case I got it as a birthday gift. Also I feel very, very alone in this thread.
  25. Cripplechair

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    In less than 20 hours, the long-anticipated fifth addition to the Elder Scrolls series will be released in stores and unlocked on Steam. Anyone else excited? I have it preordered and preloaded, ready to start off as a khajiit/argonian once it's unlocked. Discuss your Skyrim...