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Search results

  1. C

    Wiki Indie Project

    Well, do you want to help indie games become more popular? I will help too, since I write tools and user software for Wikipedia. I can also edit the pages directly, as one of the contributors.
  2. C

    King: Strife and Sacrifice (AKA King's Story)

    Yes, it requires a very minor amount of ASM knowledge - mainly calling the graphics render function. Ask these kinds of questions in the Quick Hacking/Modding answers thread. People are often willing to answer those kinds of questions.
  3. C

    Wiki Indie Project

    On Wikipedia, I would like contributors of the CSTSF to use their knowledge of how to use scholarly citations in academic essays and dissertations to improve articles about Individually Developed Games (Indie Games) on the website Wikipedia. == Articles to be expanded == Tower of Heaven...
  4. C

    Show off your org music...

    I thought GIR hated MIDIs. But actually, Musical Instrument Digital Interface might just be his new waifu.
  5. C

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Yes you just copy and paste the thing you need into the thing you want.
  6. C

    Switch to phpbb?

    Okay nevermind then. Any moderator or administrator on the CSTSF is now free to change the thread's title to Switch to VanillaBB? and then move it to the SPOT so it can be played as a forum game.
  7. C

    Switch to phpbb?

    Do you guys understand what PHP is? PHP is a programming language. phpbb is an open source bulletin board. You do realize that software can be modified, right? Any feature you want? It's right there.
  8. C

    Switch to phpbb?

    Actually that part was a joke. I did not install Reddit into http://noxid.ca The rest of the original post was serious, more or less.
  9. C

    Switch to phpbb?

    Think about the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor. Because it doesn't work with just simple BBcode, IPBoard does weird stuff, like exhale raw HTML in your face if you switch editing modes in the incorrect manner. However, phpbb and vBulletin never have this issue. The only issue...
  10. C

    Switch to phpbb?

    Since the Switch to IPBoard? thread is too old now, we need a new one. Now, before you begin to move this thread to the SPOT, this is actually a serious suggestion and not a troll post. I have done lots of speed tests using Noxid's server, since his server does have a copy of phpbb. I never...
  11. C

    Show off your org music...

    I thought GIR did that perfect rendition of UN Owen Was Her, when he hacked the OrgMaker WAV100 so that it would have the exact same tones as the original MP3. Therefore, whenever we downloaded GIR's UN Owen Was Her, it would actually be a ZIP file, and come packaged with a modified OrgMaker...
  12. C

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I am an ASM hacker and I would much rather change the sprites than modify the executable. And yes, I purposely broke past the 1337 post line just to post this, because it's so obvious that you should never hack something when you can copy and paste an unused sprite into the correct place so...
  13. C

    You know what's weird? Your profile feed is your own personal forum. You have like, the ability...

    You know what's weird? Your profile feed is your own personal forum. You have like, the ability to administrate threads and lock them, but only if they're on your own feed.
  14. C

    Weird... hm...

    Weird... hm...
  15. C


  16. C

    Oh, btw, did you get the Mint Language to work? Where is your Java installed? Do you know?

    Oh, btw, did you get the Mint Language to work? Where is your Java installed? Do you know?
  17. C

    Thanks man.

    Thanks man.
  18. C

    No it's not possible to heal before Sacred Grounds. However, in B3 of Sacred Grounds, there are...

    No it's not possible to heal before Sacred Grounds. However, in B3 of Sacred Grounds, there are 2 hearts (or +4 health points). If you go back into the previous room, and then go back down into B3, the hearts will regenerate. Therefore, you have infinite life if you don't care about speed...
  19. C

    We gotta Vary Shit Up

    Hell mods are wonderful when they come at the "end" of a real mod as a bonus section. However, when hell mods are just hell mods, then there are just too many of them that exist nowadays.
  20. C

    .bin into .nds

    He seems to be trying to convert raw binary data into a Nintendo DS compatible file. Yes it's possible. If anyone has written a program or a script to do it, I have absolutely no idea. Sorry about that.
  21. C

    Another Jenka's Nightmare remake

    Dooey did this. It's very simple. You can find the code on this forum somewhere...
  22. C

    Another Jenka's Nightmare remake

    Yes, and this is why CMP and the conditional JMP commands are required for sure. HP has no cap and no minimum. Actually the minimum is -65536, and the maximum is 65535 (a 17 bit integer), but all that will be displayed is -9999 and 9999. This is not helpful for what you are trying to do. The...
  23. C

    Another Jenka's Nightmare remake

    Why would ZarroTsu need to use ASCII cheapness when ZarroTsu already has x86 Assembly knowledge better than Pixel knows how to be super awesome?
  24. C

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Teleportation in Cave Story is really simple. If you understand x86 :awesomeface:
  25. C

    Modding tools for mac?

    Modding on Mac is actually quite feasible now. Booster's Lab is written in Java. It works on Mac. I tried Booster's Lab on Linux and I was able to make a simple Cave Story mod on Ubuntu. The Java Doukutsu Assembler, the hex assembly patcher, and the Python Doukutsu Assembler also work on Macs...