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Search results

  1. cultr1

    Just passing by, waving to an old stomping ground.

    hi i remember the skype calls and you are still one of the only 2 comments on my steam profile... very classy i might add
  2. cultr1

    this is where i stand on how i view the entire forum now.

    ah sorry! i’ve never had a good memory for that kind of thing, most of my memories of my time here are quite fuzzy. of course what i said above extends to u too in that case. literally haha,,, lotta ppl would just turn up their nose at anything that seemed too “new userish,” cuz we were cool...
  3. cultr1

    this is where i stand on how i view the entire forum now.

    Uh, hi. bump hooooo yeah i’m not gonna lie stuff was pretty cliquey here! i wasn’t really around when Hayden was active so i can’t speak to that but, yeah i feel bad for the way i acted back then as a kid. i wanna apologize to you and anyone else who got caught up in all the bullying. if...
  4. cultr1


  5. cultr1

    What Do You Play Games On

    game Boy
  6. cultr1

    cave story lore explained half life and portal takes place in the cave story universe (Well, now its the Half-Life x Cave Story AU timeline.)

    Is there any proof for the HECU being a completely different team of soldiers? Also Combine don't employ humans, they have humanoid species in their forces but not humans outright. Personally I think this theory has legs, I don't think you're putting enough thought into it.
  7. cultr1

    Show off your org music...

    Dippy: this is great! super faithful. Boost that bass a bit, it gets totally lost through my speakers, even with a subwoofer. Been working on a few things, y'all. Sometimes it's fun to come back to what you know. I'm still pretty bad at writing percussion, so I did two short loops to work on...
  8. cultr1

    What your favorite game that pixel made ?

    JiL-JiL for life babey
  9. cultr1

    how do you find time to do stuff

    A lot of people are giving you joke answers. In all seriousness, my best advice is to better understand how humans deal with time to maintain productivity. This website helped me immensely when I was struggling to accomplish anything with my free time. Hope this helps.
  10. cultr1

    Pixel Art Collab

  11. cultr1


    goosebumps, man. I think you're really on to something.
  12. cultr1

    Youtube General

  13. cultr1

    Full Cave Story Script (WIP)

    Bless you for using the Aeon Genesis translation. The scripts will diverge intensely after you choose to save booster or not. That would probably be a difficult thing to keep afloat in a single document.
  14. cultr1

    Using Organya's Detune Function to Account for Equal Tempered Tuning

    Abstract Typically the detune effect found in the Org Maker program is used for subtractive synthesis, a means for creating a more complex sound with two slightly out of tune notes played in unison. I was curious if the function could also be used to properly tune notes in a single chord song to...
  15. cultr1

    shouldn't it be "bang you ON every furniture?"

    shouldn't it be "bang you ON every furniture?"
  16. cultr1

    Let’s Face it, the Mac version is the best freeware version.

    Alright y'all it's time for some Mac knowledge. What Yoshipilot is referring to is the fact that programs are presented entirely differently in macOS. macOS executables and the supporting files are all bundled into a single package, using the .app file extension which is normally hidden from the...
  17. cultr1

    Be bold, my guy

    Be bold, my guy
  18. cultr1

    I love you.

    I somehow got an email notification for this. I haven't posted in literal years, but I love all you guys. My time here means a lot to me still! Hope you're all having fun, wherever you are. -Ellis
  19. cultr1


  20. cultr1

    CAVE ++ , A CS themed dating sim

    Ofc <3 I'll PM you with contact info, since I don't use the forums too often nowadays :critter:
  21. cultr1

    CAVE ++ , A CS themed dating sim

    Hella, that's dope :debug: I'll def play whatever the first version you put out is! Hit me up if you want someone to playtest a really rough version before you wanna put it out the public, I know how stressful that can be D:
  22. cultr1

    Is the Wii U any good?

    shovel knight! but you can get that on 3ds, too, or PC. My verdict would be that unless you can tide yourself over for a few months with just NintendoLand, Mario Kart 8, and Super Mario 3D World then I'd wait until the new SSB or Hyrule Warriors comes out. Jury's still out on 3rd party...
  23. cultr1


  24. cultr1

    The "No Shitposting" Game

    Sounds like you're the one out, kiddo. Bringing the subject back to something I care about, here in Ashland we have a gas station on the south side of town with a wall covered in retro sodas, every brand you could imagine, and then some. They're still in glass bottles (which is a poor...
  25. cultr1

    Show off your org music...

    I mean, that was kind of the point, that in the forest the arbitrary designations of humans are completely ignored... I agree though, I was never overly satisfied with the percussion's hollowness. I hadn't balanced anything yet, so instruments and focus were a little rough like you said. This...