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Search results

  1. WoodenRat

    Valentine's Day 2017

    valentine's day sucked
  2. WoodenRat

    where are u

    where are u
  3. WoodenRat

    The NEW post your picture thread

    6 years in and people are STILL posting themselves sucks to suck noob get cucked lel
  4. WoodenRat

    Why we love Cave Story

    I was probably around 10 when I first played it. fell in love instantly. It wasn't even translated back then, so I played until grasstown in japanese. then my brother told me there's a translation. took me like a year to actually complete it. Damn. Monster X, The Core, and the trio at the end...
  5. WoodenRat

    Orlando Massacre and Terrorism

    what a time we live in
  6. WoodenRat

    Force blocking the Windows 10 update

    heh, classic DoubleThink
  7. WoodenRat

    how's everyone doing?

    Flash was king of the internet back in the 00s, we live in different times now though! and damn son I just realised, I'm as old now as you were when you made an account.
  8. WoodenRat

    how's everyone doing?

    ea damn Ralren you fat bastard I'm glad you're alive lol. sounds like you're living the american (canadian?) dream. and man I don't even know what Discord is, sounds like some hacker chat website. and yeah everyone else, good luck on your exams, don't take it too hard Hina, just be a world...
  9. WoodenRat

    Artwork and Stuff

    shit man that's pretty nice
  10. WoodenRat

    how's everyone doing?

    was kinda wondering how the old regulars (and new people) were doing? most of you fuckers are like 30 now, since back in 2010 when I was 24/7 on these forums/irc you guys were older than me. did you finish your universities? get married? jobs? something. the irc is dead most days so I'm just...
  11. WoodenRat

    Some Idiot Thinks Cave Story Copied Undertale

    I would knock him out with one left jab/right uppercut.
  12. WoodenRat

    most retarded interface ever?

    yeah I know the search function exists captain cuckold! I just want a quick way, a quick interface. like it used to be. and people from 2009 still seem like babbies to me. god damn 2009 was a total baby boom and I don't know why.
  13. WoodenRat

    most retarded interface ever?

    I come back to these forums after decades of hiding and find the most retarded interface ever. how the hell do I even look for my posts? doesn't matter, it matters that insignificant stuff like Avatar are more important than Posts. I wanna make it simple, like back in '09!
  14. WoodenRat

    not dead yet!

    not dead yet!
  15. WoodenRat

    The NEW post your picture thread

    me in an old soviet bunker lel Edit by DT: Nice broken link nerd
  16. WoodenRat

    Robot arms

    15 years? I hope you're joking man, we use soviet cars from the 70s and they work just fine. they look boss too.
  17. WoodenRat

    Dear everyone ever: Stop using Skype

    I never use Skype. I guess I'll have to download your NSA Pidgin program then.
  18. WoodenRat

    of course, I read it in the news. canadian man dies in cuckold accident. alas, he was a good...

    of course, I read it in the news. canadian man dies in cuckold accident. alas, he was a good man. but no one's immune to getting cucked LEL GET CUCKED M8
  19. WoodenRat

    Comment by 'WoodenRat' in media 'Curly Brace.'

    can't believe it's been 5 years. looking at this picture, it's funny how fashion and beauty standards have changed over the years!
  20. WoodenRat

    you still alive nigga?

    you still alive nigga?
  21. WoodenRat

    Comment by 'WoodenRat' in media 'Curly Brace.'

    you're right tricky billy! It is funny!
  22. WoodenRat

    Artwork and Stuff

    haha, that looks boss. like it could be used in a youtube meme video or something. really meta.
  23. WoodenRat

    Dear everyone ever: Stop using Skype

    So can someone tell me which channel/web page I need to connect to our irc page? Or is it the thing of the past?
  24. WoodenRat

    Robot arms

    It depends if I could feel the embrace of a woman with them.
  25. WoodenRat

    that is true

    that is true