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Search results

  1. FDeityLink


  2. FDeityLink

    Cave Story + on PSP?

    The sprites in CS+ are double the resolution of the sprites in regular CS, so you'd have hack the assembly of the PSP port (I think - not sure how PSP games work) in order to make the game support 2x resolution. AFAIK nobody has even begun to figure out how the PSP port works and what the...
  3. FDeityLink

    meme team is best team

    meme team is best team
  4. FDeityLink

    Cave Story freeware license

    There's a thread here that discusses the rules on Cave Story's and Cave Story+'s copyright rules and who owns them, etc. It seems that Nicalis is the more aggressive one on using their assets and stuff like that while Pixel is much more relaxed about it (allowing mods, even ones using his...
  5. FDeityLink

    Cave Story freeware license

    Were there ever any issues from Pixel or Nicalis with distributing the freeware version on the Tribute Site or were they completely fine with it? Is there legal precedent for blocking game clones if they don't redistribute stuff like graphics, story, characters, etc.? Wikipedia says those can...
  6. FDeityLink


  7. FDeityLink

    Donald Trump Has Won The Presidential Election

    Elon Musk for president
  8. FDeityLink

    Donald Trump Has Won The Presidential Election

    I think we realized that we're all still people, whether or not we supported the same candidate and policies and have the same ideas. That makes it much easier to lay out our thoughts without completely attacking the other person. I think writing on a forum message board also makes civil...
  9. FDeityLink

    Donald Trump Has Won The Presidential Election

    a) I'd argue that although many in this country are not forward-thinking as you say, we've plenty of forward-thinkers in America. Eliminating or slowing climate-change is one such example of forward thinking - we're thinking about the future and the habitat and biodiversity loss and the other...
  10. FDeityLink

    Donald Trump Has Won The Presidential Election

    Both sides had both kinds of people - some on each side did good things and some on each side did bad things. That image is unbelievably inaccurate.
  11. FDeityLink

    Donald Trump Has Won The Presidential Election

    Funny, my dad actually did that because he wants to give them more credit and knew Clinton would win our state anyway. If we were in a battleground/swing state though he would definitely vote Clinton.
  12. FDeityLink

    Donald Trump Has Won The Presidential Election

    It's nothing on what Trump's said, although harsh rhetoric between sides has certainly been a large contribution to the divisiveness of the US right now. I was absolutely shocked to my core when I woke up and saw the results. The fact that America elected a man with absolutely no political...
  13. FDeityLink

    Show us your desktop

    New desktop for the time being because I broke my Windows installation when trying to do a clean install Running Kubuntu (KDE Ubuntu) 16.04.1 (I was gonna dual-boot it anyway) since Ubuntu is nice in functionality but the Unity desktop it uses is total garbage hella clean af
  14. FDeityLink

    Happy birthday! :)

    Happy birthday! :)
  15. FDeityLink

    Happy birthday! :)

    Happy birthday! :)
  16. FDeityLink

    Welcome back! 2 months, on the dot

    Welcome back! 2 months, on the dot
  17. FDeityLink

    Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

    If you modified EntityInfo.txt, you should find where you altered it and fix your mistake in putting in the information. Otherise, if you didn't modify EntityInfo.txt, redownload BL.
  18. FDeityLink

    Alright it's been at least 24 hours: AGAINST ALL ODDS, SPIRIT IS A WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER...

    Alright it's been at least 24 hours: AGAINST ALL ODDS, SPIRIT IS A WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER All the odds were stacked up against Spirit so that it was practically impossible for him to win, yet somehow he still rose undefeated. Congrats Spirit, you stealthy bastard. RNJESUS HATH DECIDED...
  19. FDeityLink

    @Bionicobot sorry, should've specified, it's a random giveaway where I'm picking winners later...

    @Bionicobot sorry, should've specified, it's a random giveaway where I'm picking winners later tonight. So you can still win!
  20. FDeityLink

    I showed my cousin Cave Story, and days later he showed his creation

    3DS for me - then later my brother said his friend got the game for free and I was introduced to the original freeware version and this lovely site.
  21. FDeityLink

    Giving away Stealth Bastard Deluxe Steam key and GameMaker Studio Pro + Android Export Module...

    Giving away Stealth Bastard Deluxe Steam key and GameMaker Studio Pro + Android Export Module key (non-Steam; GMS and export count as one item). Comment what you want (1 item/person).
  22. FDeityLink

    A Distant Memory

    If that's what it looked like in fullscreen, then you have to do the following: If you don't it's not properly running the game in fullscreen And different tools could possibly have an effect on transparency, as IIRC, bitmaps sort of have different types based on bits per pixel and different...
  23. FDeityLink

    Cave Story for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis

    There is no NES version, nor will there be, as even a SNES port would be impossible
  24. FDeityLink

    I showed my cousin Cave Story, and days later he showed his creation

    It's refreshing to see that any game as old as Cave Story is still inspiring new players. It's nice when people can appreciate both mainstream and non-mainstream games, because they're both great
  25. FDeityLink

    Move Skype/IRC chat to Discord
