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Search results

  1. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Drat. Closed again. Well, now I can upload the work I've done: Soaprun Protocol The only thing I haven't done is reverse the 'Flds' command. This seems to affect a lot of things, but it changes all the time, even in an empty room. I could hope (or fear) that it is direct ASM injection, but...
  2. hammil

    The most frustrating game ever

    86.4m using QW I just went like qwwwqwqwwwqwwqwwqwwqwqwwwqwqwwwqwwwqwwqwwqw to the beat of the Mexican hat song. You can just push the hurdle along.
  3. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    YES! IT's BACK ON!
  4. hammil


    Minecraft is indeed a very cool game. However, even when with full iron gear, I can't seem to be able to defeat more than, say 3 mobs before I get utterly PWNED. And I always find lots of mobs because I LOVE mining. Where the dark caves are.
  5. hammil

    Doctor's Pants

    Waitwaitwait......you're doing some 'local cosplay thing'? ... I'd go for brown cords personally.
  6. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    I asked the question:
  7. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Noooooooooooooooooooooo Soaprun message: Why, oh, why Pixel! EDIT: Oh yea, my mistake :o
  8. hammil

    No Time To Explain

    You know.....wit the giant LAZAH! The LAZAH pwns all!
  9. hammil

    No Time To Explain

    Funny ending :awesomeface:
  10. hammil

    Is it just me, or did they ruin it?

    The problem is that all the things wrong with Cavestowii, individually are very small, so anyone can call nitpicking. But if you do a lot of little things wrong, you get a big problem. It's like switching from Windows to Mac. The premise is good, generally faster, no virii, good for media etc...
  11. hammil


    You can socialise in the UK (and Australia, I think)!
  12. hammil

    I'm gone now - Bye bye

    What do you call him...? Cheezer?
  13. hammil

    Cave Story Night

    Well, one of us could host it ourselves, but then we could only have 8 people. However, we could always [CENSOREDAAAHOMG] Look, it's just a little [GOAWAYBASTARD] C'mon the link's right here: [AAAAAARGHSTOPITSTOPIT] Aww crap.
  14. hammil

    I'm gone now - Bye bye

    Duuuuuuude............ That is some heeeeavy shit. I didn't realise it was all so serious. I remember the days (about a week ago) when everyone talked about random crap, and we all had a good laugh, now I just feel depressed. Goodbye guys, leaving FOREVERRRRRRRR jk. Anyway, evidently...
  15. hammil

    An old glitch!

    How does that work? Removing your invulnerability thereby change script events and/or jump higher?
  16. hammil

    Cave Story Night

    Shame I couldn't be there, but 11pm GMT is past my bedtime :sun: Maybe next time we could do it at, say 9PM GMT in the Summer? So then it would be a reasonable hour and date for everyone in America, Europe and some of Oceania. And definitely we'd need some sort of formal prior organisation to...
  17. hammil

    What do you need for a 100% game?

    REMEMBER: GET THE IRON BOND DAMMIT! I had to play through again when I realised that was what I was missing. Why does pixel make stuff so damned obscure? Like: It appears it takes some time to reboot Do you want to _leave her here_? I mean, come on! Also, for 100%, get Chaco's lipstick and...
  18. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Maybe.....maybe he's joking....or a translation error t-that's it! Translation! It's not true GODDAMMIT! IT'S NOT REAL!!
  19. hammil

    Cave Story Night

    3 things: 1: What program? 2: It probably won't be malware or we wouldn't be using it. 3: The download will be a few meg (I should think) and the installation seconds
  20. hammil

    Cave Story Night

    Saturday's probably better, as then, in all timezones, it will be the weekend. Speaking of timezones, which one (and what time) will it be?
  21. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    I relish the challenge! Shame though that he's not going to just open the server for the time being - I was going to have some fun reverse-engineering the server protocol. Ah well - until mid-season!
  22. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Soaprun update: New version due mid-season, according to the most recent server message
  23. hammil

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    Hmm, so this Hiragana won't work in google translate, but Katakana, or Kanji, will? Could someone help me out here..?
  24. hammil

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    They become invincible when you set the invincible flag... You sure the files aren't read only?
  25. hammil

    Different names in CaveStory PC and Wii??

    So...there's no such thing as Engrish, it would be more like Eng[l/r]ish? And as for the Korons/Colons, I think it would be 'better' to call them Colons, since they are Curly's 'children' and all the robots are named after keyboard characters, so it seems natural that Curly would name them...