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Search results

  1. HaydenStudios

    Cave Story HD Mod

    11 years ago, this was considered a pipe dream. But now look. So while the effort here is definitely significant, part of me does feel as if more detail could be added in some of these up-scaled sprites and facepics and tilesets. Which I guess leads into a couple of questions I have. One is...
  2. HaydenStudios

    Cave Story Pre-release versions thread

    Wow, this is unexpected to find an old build sitting around all these years later. Kudos to this guy for hanging onto it. I'll be intrigued to see what all the differences are between these early builds and the finished product that we're all used to playing.
  3. HaydenStudios

    Are you seeing this? [ATTACH] Any idea what's going on?

    Are you seeing this? Any idea what's going on?
  4. HaydenStudios

    Who is the angel in the Balcony cliff?

    I always assumed that those angel statues were some sort of representation of the religious lore of either the mimigas, or whatever race originally inhabited that area of the island. Maybe it was put there by the Cthulhus? Maybe they had their own separate history, and the angel statue is some...
  5. HaydenStudios

    The Red Ogre Letdown

    Hm, interesting, I never thought of the Red Ogre as a let-down, since it felt like an appropriate mini-boss for a more challenging version of last cave. But, I get what you're saying that he is less significant than a lot of other boss fights. I agree with X-Calibar's analysis about his...
  6. HaydenStudios

    Quotar Hero

    I'm way behind on mods that I've been meaning to play, so since I had some free time, I decided this would be a good place to start because it's such low-hanging fruit. I was never very good at Guitar Hero, but this was a fun little mod. In fact, for something with such narrow gameplay, this...
  7. HaydenStudios

    Quote Loses His Mind (again?) [OLD]

    Yes, that's correct, <FOM0016 is what the original game does.
  8. HaydenStudios

    Artwork and Stuff

    Heh, that second one is kind cute, with the way that they're pulling apart and looking a bit embarrassed as if someone just walked in on them during a festive make out session. And the joint drool is a nice touch that captures the feeling of it being kinda gross but also showing a clear...
  9. HaydenStudios

    How do I fix "Versi9999999.0"?

    I'd need more details on exactly what change you made, whether it was with Resource Hacker, OllyDbg, or some other application, and if you remember what change you made. Short of that, it's always best to backup your game, because even when you're being careful, things can go wrong and you can...
  10. HaydenStudios

    Artwork and Stuff

    That is pretty good. I like the expression on Misery's face. It suggests that she's relaxing and feeling comfortable, and yet seemingly pondering something or maybe sharing an intimate moment with someone who's out of frame. I also like the fog effect of the heat coming from her cup of what...
  11. HaydenStudios

    Artwork and Stuff

    Oh that's awesome! The ones in the previous post were okay, but I love the one of Misery blowing snow out of her hands. It's simple, yet the visuals are really captivating and expressive. I especially like the effect of the snow blowing out of her hands in fragments, that was really well done...
  12. HaydenStudios

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    Cool, do you know Japanese? If you know Japanese and are going to make a Japanese translation, feel free to share it, and if it's functional, I'd be happy to update the OP of this thread with a link to it.
  13. HaydenStudios

    Question about inserting music (Cave Story+)

    Yeah, CS+ modding isn't super widely supported partially because freeware modding was already fairly established by the time WiiWare came long, and also due to copyright issues that make more in-depth CS+ mods get into more murky legal territory, so it's not a very large area of interest for a...
  14. HaydenStudios

    Question about inserting music (Cave Story+)

    So, I can speak to CS+ since I've worked with that a lot. There are a bunch of different versions of CS+ around, so I don't know if this has changed, but with the version I've worked with, it's possible to add new org songs without replacing existing ones in the "Original" soundtrack. As for...
  15. HaydenStudios

    does anyone else use cave story's music to fall asleep too?

    That's an interesting thought, using the Cave Story soundtrack for that purpose. When I was in high school, I experimented around a bit with listening to soft music when falling asleep or as an alarm to wake up, and what I found is that that experience will taint my mental associations of that...
  16. HaydenStudios

    Cave Story FanArt

    Very nice, I like the background landscape you have there, it really brings the whole picture to life. I also like the texture on the platform that both resembles the layout in the game and adds more feel to it.
  17. HaydenStudios

    Quote can SPEAK?!

    All things considered, it is interesting how Curly story is really inconsistent with the way it handles Quote and Curly's speech. There are some instances in which it's implied that Curly speaks, but it doesn't show it, but then there are some instances in which she does talk and her words are...
  18. HaydenStudios

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    My memory may be a bit fuzzy, but I think that the tile layer feature in Booster's Lab was intended specifically for either a special customized engine that Noxid made for his now abandoned mod, or it was specifically for an assembly hack. If you're working with a copy of Cave Story that doesn't...
  19. HaydenStudios

    Show off your org music...

    The tune is recognizable, but it just doesn't have that same passion and energy that I feel when listening to Megalovania Proper. Some of the instrument tracks that are supposed to stick out just kind of feel like background noise, and don't blend in very well.
  20. HaydenStudios

    Why did freeware ver. cavestory run at 50tps?

    Right from the Destructoid interview with Pixel that was published in March 2010:
  21. HaydenStudios

    Cave Story FanArt

    Lol... That was certainly something. Interesting little smooth over with the 4K Cave Story cloud background, though.
  22. HaydenStudios

    Cave Story FanArt

    @IdioticBaka1824 Even if it's not up to par with your latest work, that first GIF is still not bad. And the second one is really good, it captures the somber tone of King's death. Lol @minecraftstorymodefan , you sure do love to depict Quote and Misery making out.
  23. HaydenStudios

    If what you're saying is true, then that is indeed a funny story.

    If what you're saying is true, then that is indeed a funny story.
  24. HaydenStudios

    I've found that a lot of modern anti-virus software doesn't know what to do with a lot of the...

    I've found that a lot of modern anti-virus software doesn't know what to do with a lot of the content that gets shared here, since it's so niche and kind of involves working with a game that's almost 20 years old now.
  25. HaydenStudios

    Mimiga's Adventure: Elements' Awakening (DEMO v1.2.2.0!)

    Hey Nadav! I know it's been almost 2 months since you posted this thread here and the response on these forums has been sparse, but I just wanted you to know that I've had playing this mod on my to-do list since I first saw this, and I just recently found the time to play this mod, so hopefully...