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Search results

  1. Mint

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  2. Mint

    It's nice to see you have fun with the whole thing, good luck with the mod!

    It's nice to see you have fun with the whole thing, good luck with the mod!
  3. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    I haven't even picked up visions yet because I got blindsided by Castlevania and had a friend lend their copy of Pokémon XD so I've been doing gen 3 grinding as well whilst resisting the urge to replay moon and balancing that with work and my weekly stream, give me a break. If I were to get...
  4. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    I don't know what you are talking about but I currently have no plans for the launcher at this moment.
  5. Mint

    More Forum Themes (Half-Joke/Half-Serious)

    This is something i've been wamting for a while. I like CSAARGHME's style but having a dark variant would be nice too.
  6. Mint

    Pancake Quest

    Well I see I've left my testing tiles here yet again while forgetting to remove them. I know what im fixing tonight. I mean uhhhh there's no tiles that allow you to do these sections more easily, pretend theyre not there and that if you do fail at a platforming section that you most certainly...
  7. Mint

    Pancake Quest

    ( ) That said, there was a major oversight related to that room where you can get trapped. This was fixed in version (And its things like this why i was hesistant to really call it 1.0 yet, the mod IS complete otherwise and should be beatable in it's current state)
  8. Mint

    Pancake Quest

    --- PANCAKE QUEST --- Thieves have taken your pancakes! It's your job to take them back! A short-ish mod featuring 3 main levels as you travel to take back your pancakes! Made for CSMC Modgala '24. Doukutsu Club Page (download here!!)
  9. Mint

    Moon mentioned, sorry for the wall of text. About the whole 2d+3d thing, Moon shows that it...

    Moon mentioned, sorry for the wall of text. About the whole 2d+3d thing, Moon shows that it used to be a PS1 game because it used prerendered backgrounds just like Square's games (ie Saga Frontier or Final Fantasy, worth noting that a lot of the devs were ex-Square employees and a bunch worked...
  10. Mint

    Stream's over, for those who missed it a vod can be found here.

    Stream's over, for those who missed it a vod can be found here.
  11. Mint

    Going through my old mods live in just a moment.

    Going through my old mods live in just a moment.
  12. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    The fun thing about this is that the underlying reasons for this are an argument for having a launcher. Almost nobody goes into the file systems of their phone or tablet anymore even when you download because that funny meme you just downloaded can just be send to your friend directly through...
  13. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    It fills a small niche for people that are either really lazy or in the dark when it comes to messing with files or filesystems. Moreso if I actually bother improving the UX and add useful things like profile.dat management. That aside it could also be argued that if enough people show interest...
  14. Mint

    CSModLauncher (BETA)

    You misunderstand. My point is that this program doesn't save these files outside of copying them when using the downloader/updater, so if that happens then it's because the mod it downloaded still somehow uses the old format, which isn't an issue with specifically the program (unless you count...
  15. Mint

    CSModLauncher (BETA)

    It's moreso that I currently don't have any good ideas as far as getting anything out of Doukutsu Club goes mostly because of how Knack is. This is already a thing, for some reason in the past though I made the 'smart' decision to just name it something else. I could rename it back to JSON (and...
  16. Mint

    CSModLauncher (BETA)

    Im terrible at managing branches (it took me a day to set up a local repo on my Pi for a discord bot) but here it finally is, the old, terrible code I made in 2018 now open source. The code is a mess between me making this when i had no idea about proper programming back then and the fact that I...
  17. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    I do want to mention that either way with the current state of Doukutsu Club it's not as easy to get mods or grabbing the latest version or anything without essentially making a specialized browser. Though the least i can do is allow people to link the Doukutsu Club page of the mod before...
  18. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    I'm open to posting the source but I think I really want to fix a million things first and delete the update feature because I believe it's a security hazard. It's not like it's an amazing tool anyway.
  19. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    My past comes back to haunt me. Never expected to actually see potential demand for picking this back up given how terrible it is.
  20. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    Given that I can actually load the pages unlike how Curseforge possibly ip banned me and requires an account I'd say it already is significantly ahead
  21. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    Then I hope you can manage to find things to help distract your mind with, since I do feel like topics like these can snap your mind back into the not so great zones.
  22. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    Jade I'm gonna be honest here rather than just hide behind servers discussing this possibility and I hope you can debunk my admittedly not good thoughts with equally honest answers. And I'm not saying this to make you sound like you're completely "wrong" here because I do genuinely wish the best...
  23. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    Honestly my problem is that either by bad wording or whatever I just get this "I've already done shit but this place sucks, you guys should fix it" vibe and I'm realizing it's causing us to just go in circles with this topic so I wanna try turning it around a little if I can before we go a bad...
  24. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    This is implying everyone is doing CSE2 when freeware is still the recommended starting point for everyone. And yes while it's been poorly documented there's plenty other things that have allowed for cool stuff, from modloader to Autumn's stuff.
  25. Mint

    CS community meta discussion

    I didn't want to sound rude (Or discouraging!!!!!) but yeah there's a lot of "you guys should..." "we should..." "someone should..." in this thread but nothing's gonna happen if someone doesn't actually step up and do any of those things or start conversation of working together it's not gonna...