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Search results

  1. Fluff8836

    DLL Mod Loader + Extra music formats mod

    I tried this, and edited the exe as instructed. It works and can hear the OGG music in place of the original music. HOWEVER, when I exit Cave Story, my computer got the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH. :( ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NOEXECUTE_MEMORY (0x000000FC) Parameters vary. This is detrimental to the...
  2. Fluff8836

    Cave Story Islandopoly

    Thanks for the compliments thus far. Thread title updated since the holidays are fading away. @Polaris, you have mentioned that certain dangerous beverage again. I have seen about it way before while lurking in these forums. Heh.
  3. Fluff8836

    Cave Story Islandopoly

    Ever wished for a new board game for Christmas when you were young? Well, I have a very special "printable" board game just for you! Complete set in ZIP file attached below Story Jenka somehow managed to gather a HUGE amount of Cion and, for some reason, wants to sell the Island to a worthy...
  4. Fluff8836

    Cave Story for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis

    If you're keeping on talking about Cave Story for SNES, I'm afraid I am going to have to expose this. Take a look at these YouTube videos below. SpriterSonikku had been doing this using Super Mario World as a base: DSqhCoDd7I0 ulPV7t0R6tI The PC no longer has the SMW physics. And the enemies...
  5. Fluff8836

    @Noxid I've experimented using Paint and pasting the screenshots. Turns out the board and the...

    @Noxid I've experimented using Paint and pasting the screenshots. Turns out the board and the components would not fit in this resolution, won't be able to see the bottom part of the board. I need Title Bar Space on the top. Even if I separate the Dice Roller components, the chat and statistics...
  6. Fluff8836

    Hello! I have developed Visual Basic desktop apps. Check 'em at www.fluff8836.net/vb and try 'em...

    Hello! I have developed Visual Basic desktop apps. Check 'em at www.fluff8836.net/vb and try 'em out.
  7. Fluff8836

    Show off your org music...

    That is true. The first time I heard that particular song was from a certain YouTube video with content NOT Undertale related but using that song as its background.
  8. Fluff8836

    Show off your org music...

    Yep. And the "in-a-zip" and password-protection is spoiler purposes for those who didn't play Undertale. (That's what the spoiler buttons are for!) Additional steps to get my ORG.
  9. Fluff8836

    Show off your org music...

    ORG_UT_BATTLE.zip (Use ORGMaker 2.1.0) Use 7-Zip or any unzipper with a decrypter in order to get this ORG. (ZipCrypto) An epic song from Undertale. I only played the Pacifist run, so I couldn't bring myself to do Genocide. I may be spoiled for Genocide, though. [/spoiler]
  10. Fluff8836

    RaveStory 2

    Great game. I found a problem, though, and this is related to spoilers...
  11. Fluff8836

    OrgMaker 2.1.0 - English translation in progress

    Okay, thanks for the info and your time. I understand all of this. 2.1.0 English and the 2.1.1 JP official are the same thing.
  12. Fluff8836

    OrgMaker 2.1.0 - English translation in progress

    Organya Twei 2.1.1 is now available to download by the public. Even though it was made back in 2014, it was private, but now it is marked open. Download: 2.1.1 (Changed to actual site, no direct link) Up for a new Translation task?
  13. Fluff8836

    The Temple of Unusuals

    Thank you for your input. Secret areas where you can get upgrades can be very tricky, make sure there is enough health. Like the first post says. Number 2, the first autogun in the very first stage is entirely functional by "moving" a lot of blank NPCs in the line of fire, set to call event if...
  14. Fluff8836

    The Temple of Unusuals

    I... think I get the picture on what you say... But that will be nice if the rewording was posted (but in a spoiler) and I will take careful consideration and replace what is necessary for Demo 2. Currently started to work on Level 3. Obviously progress will be exceptionally slow. Depending on...
  15. Fluff8836

    The Temple of Unusuals

    Things will definitely change in the full release because I already had an idea floating across. I may end up creating a level room with 8 stage doors so that you can return to the Temple Base after completing a single stage. That way, saving will still be possible between stages, rather than...
  16. Fluff8836

    The Temple of Unusuals

    If you can point out what needs to be corrected on dialog and tiling, I will note this and find the best way to correct it and the change will be so in Demo 2 (which will have levels 3 and 4 along with the first two). The death effect was not ASM, it was purely done with the Head TSC and...
  17. Fluff8836

    The Temple of Unusuals

    I placed 2 blank NPCs near the top corner in every stage. The NPC with Event 60 is used when you use the・Escape Device・ item (found in an Item Shop in Level 2-2) to go back to Temple Base directly. The NPC with Event 900 is used when Curly dies. For the NPC with Event 900, the death script...
  18. Fluff8836

    The Temple of Unusuals

    I have only installed the simple ASMs using Doukutsu Assembler. (and had already installed the infinite Mimiga Mask via OllyDbg in advance for further development) Tested and had no trouble over it. (But I could not use TIMG ASM, it conflicted with Mimiga Mask.)
  19. Fluff8836

    The Temple of Unusuals

    I started working on a mod since November of 2009 and here I present the first demo of the game. This mod will be very difficult, I HIGHLY encourage not to take damage too much, have your weapon leveled up to the max (and use that to thrust yourself up). There are so many bottomless pits, traps...
  20. Fluff8836

    1001 Spikes

    Forgive my triple-post. But! Nicalis FINALLY released the new version on October 1 for the WiiU and 3DS which hopefully fixes all the bugs I have mentioned earlier for North America. And the PAL territories get it as well for the first time. This post is merely a letter-knower.
  21. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    Officially, 30 days have passed and no one has beat my current score yet. OK! It's time to unveil the new score now. 0'57"4 Video
  22. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    Doing it again here. I am keeping my new time under wraps until either my current record is beaten or (this time) 30 days have passed from my last post. If you have a new time, please quote this post to alert me. Follow my strategies and tips on this earlier post.
  23. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    WELL! Accepted another challenge and managed to get... wait for it... 0'58"2 And here is the video here. Watch it entirely please.
  24. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Jenka's Nightmare Challenge

    Making sure to keep falling without landing on certain ground. Just when falling, hold the opposite direction and "hug" the wall making sure never move to the left. Did it with trial and error. Then, it is just a matter of going back up and how you do it. Watching previous videos I upload and...
  25. Fluff8836

    Cave Story - The Twinkle Toes Challenge

    I took on the challenge. My record is 1'34"4. VideoContains 3 successful attempts playing as Curly. Please do not mind the phone ringing background noise. Yes my PC has a fax modem.