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Search results

  1. duncathan

    Extra Life 2015 - support Noxid's Bubsy marathon!

    TODO: cave story but bubsy make a bubsy with nox What could pawsibly go wrong?
  2. duncathan

    Shocking: we sort of still live in middle ages

    Oh man hearing this come from you really brings me back You've grown so well, blink He's completely right, by the way
  3. duncathan

    Why is Cave Story considered to be 8-bit?

    I don't think I have ever heard someone call it decadent
  4. duncathan

    Thoughts on Lua

    I don't really see the practicality of implementing lua in CS. We've already got TSC for scripting purposes, and I'd rather use a compiled language like C or C++ with that .dll thing we've got as an ASM supplement/replacement.
  5. duncathan


    Speak for yourself. Depression does not necessarily imply sadness, you know. It's just that that's often the most prominent symptom. I'm usually very happy, but that doesn't mean I haven't had (or don't have) my fair share of problems.
  6. duncathan

    Between the two best Cave Story reviews on the Internet, which one is better? (Poll)

    Nobody's told me any reason that these two are the best; can I get an answer?
  7. duncathan

    How can't pess Trolly at wall

    The sofa
  8. duncathan

    My Prior Issues With GIRakaCHEEZER

    Well, 37/40 people voted in favour of maintaining GIR's position as moderator. I hope that clears things up.
  9. duncathan

    My Prior Issues With GIRakaCHEEZER

    Sebti I assure you it was tearing me up inside to post what I did, knowing that GEAR will forever be correct Who's video was that anyway, I always forget
  10. duncathan

    My Prior Issues With GIRakaCHEEZER

    Grr A K A cheese-r
  11. duncathan

    My Prior Issues With GIRakaCHEEZER

    For the record, I was one of the people who pointed the video out to the staff Sorry for causing that
  12. duncathan

    Who is the most overrated character in this game, in your opinion?

    Tbh xander we all just kinda wanna fuck with you and vote jack just because we know he's your favorite Take a look at the poll, the only vote not on him is your own
  13. duncathan

    @Yinga trust me man it's not worth the effort It's fun at first but god does it make you feel...

    @Yinga trust me man it's not worth the effort It's fun at first but god does it make you feel like shit in the end
  14. duncathan

    My Prior Issues With GIRakaCHEEZER

    This is accurate The only time I've ever been mad about getting warning points was right after the IPB when I hit the point limit and got auto banned because IPB didn't tell members about infractions received That was an honest mistake on the staff's part tho; they had no idea of knowing I...
  15. duncathan

    Think about this for a second: Would you consider a CS plush toy line a good idea or a bad one?

    >tfw not everyone understands that xander here is an ebin memer
  16. duncathan

    It seems so simple to you, and I don't blame you for that, but really it's oh so complicated

    It seems so simple to you, and I don't blame you for that, but really it's oh so complicated
  17. duncathan

    God I'm so glad I've learned that being an asshole on the forums is stupid

    God I'm so glad I've learned that being an asshole on the forums is stupid
  18. duncathan

    My Prior Issues With GIRakaCHEEZER

    Holy shit why are you guys so worked up about warning points They expire in like a month or two and they don't mean anything until you get ten and you get autobanned (something which I haven't seen in quite some time) Warning points are really just a way to show how bad the offense was; one...
  19. duncathan

    Who do you think will be prime minister of Canada?

    NDP got fucking slammed into the ground holy shit
  20. duncathan

    Literally nothing at all It's a number Lego.com provided me with when the username Dunc was taken

    Literally nothing at all It's a number Lego.com provided me with when the username Dunc was taken
  21. duncathan

    My Prior Issues With GIRakaCHEEZER

    There's no need to be dicks to him guys; it's well within his privileges to make a complaint like this e: this was directed primarily at shows
  22. duncathan

    100 more posts until I have to leave the forums forever

    100 more posts until I have to leave the forums forever