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Search results

  1. xristosx

    Fjord's Adventure missing

    i just wanted to know does anyone have the mod Fjord's Adventure i found the thread but the links broken and it seemed good to play :p http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/135/
  2. xristosx


    did he make the one with all the characters and some sitting on balrog? :D that pic is awesome i printed it and put it on my diary for school :p or is it not that :D
  3. xristosx

    Time of Faith

    sounds like a good story not much tho :p but wtf is this lawl probably need to fix that it happens when your jumping left
  4. xristosx

    Cave Story Room of Glitches

    that didnt happen lol :D
  5. xristosx

    Discusion: Cave Story 3 ~ The Crowned Witch

    next time look, back further in the forum to check how to deal with these i think shining phantom mentioned it earlier in this topic ok? :p
  6. xristosx


    :p so he doesnt care that someone is selling his freeware game :D
  7. xristosx


    hey has any said anything to pixel yet? :p
  8. xristosx


    i cant report it because i dont have a ebay account,but im strongly against it :D , i just asked my friend to search up cavestory on ebay as a joke and saw that auction to my surprise :D thats how i found it :p
  9. xristosx

    Discusion: Cave Story 3 ~ The Crowned Witch

    lol you just said 20..... sorry :D
  10. xristosx

    Discusion: Cave Story 3 ~ The Crowned Witch

    whats after exactly 20 mean? :p
  11. xristosx

    Cave Story Room of Glitches

    lol works for me eivai ena gala piknithy :D (greek, i Cant write it properly with out symbols :p ) any who WHY DO I HAVE TO CHOKE!!!! is this just some stupid test :D Can you get out?
  12. xristosx


    its pretty much cave story delux package :p
  13. xristosx


    LOL look at this http://cgi.ebay.com.au/CAVE-STORY-Custom-Package-PC-CD-ROM-Like-Super-Metroid_W0QQitemZ160081069252QQihZ006QQcategoryZ11047QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem who would sell it :p or even buy it :D
  14. xristosx

    Just completed the game!

    either way im not offended even if you do or dont say its cheating this is just petty scwabling over nothing so whatever. :D
  15. xristosx

    Just completed the game!

    works on vista cool :D if my school changes their os i dont have to worry :p ands whats that got to do with life pot cheating?
  16. xristosx

    Insignificant Studio's: 'The Underside'

    lol i can make a web site like that (retarted) awsome colors for writing dont i :confused: ;)
  17. xristosx


    hmmm this program was weird on the machine gun :confused: lol, snakeacine gun :( 1000hp ;)
  18. xristosx

    Insignificant Studio's: 'The Underside'

    hey they actually have a site up now http://www.superfundungeonrun.com/insignificantstudios/index.php :confused: really bad color sceme
  19. xristosx

    Sue's Workshop - Ideas

    wow yeah thats interesting thank you, i might try mucking around with sues workshop :confused: ill just have to work my head around the code a bit ;)
  20. xristosx

    Sue's Workshop - Ideas

    but the mimiga cant be de-equiped in the first place....right? :confused: ;) so why should it do it with a second character(mimiga mask)?
  21. xristosx

    cave story stepmania

    i have made a song for step mania using the cave story theme song from the cave story remix project link to download - http://www.momoshare.com/file.php?file=32337cbb14948492ca196c15d40da90a just copy this zip to the song folder and extract also if you haven't played step mania give it a try...
  22. xristosx

    Cave Story: Jenka's Nightmare

    too late i bet it all on Thursday :confused: ....a bit late for hel p but thank you anyway ;)
  23. xristosx

    Cave Story Stuff

    lol, hope this isnt sick.... :D :p
  24. xristosx

    Discusion: Cave Story 3 ~ The Crowned Witch

    lol :D ill remeber that :p
  25. xristosx

    Mod: Caveoholic!'s recent addiction/The Origin of Evil (Final Version)

    how come the undead core isnt there when i play it(is this supposed to happen?) , sue and misery are only there and i didnt know you could kill sue and misery :p