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Search results

  1. Noxid

    Any good crossovers?

    I was referring to my own, because I made a CS/Azarashi crossover and a CS/SGX crossover. Well, more reskins, but w/e Also, I don't really see any reason for the thread to be closed... there's nothing bad about it really besides it being a silly idea.
  2. Noxid

    Ah, I must have meant call ascii2num That and the other typos I blame on spending about three...

    Ah, I must have meant call ascii2num That and the other typos I blame on spending about three straight hours typing that thing up. Also, the labels is something I certainly would have had trouble with too. Thanks for the help, now to try and test this beast...
  3. Noxid

    I don't lock threads *just* because people say to I have feelings too :[

    I don't lock threads *just* because people say to I have feelings too :[
  4. Noxid

    Any good crossovers?

    *looks at sig* Well then. Mystery solved.
  5. Noxid

    Mkay, so I'm getting a new type of error now --------------------------- Error...

    Mkay, so I'm getting a new type of error now --------------------------- Error --------------------------- Trying to convert [4a5ae0] to hex number. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- Here's my 'source' file. I tried to debug as best as I could, but I don't know how...
  6. Noxid

    Heh, why yess I do. I still use it even! "onefreetea" I also know the password, but I assume...

    Heh, why yess I do. I still use it even! "onefreetea" I also know the password, but I assume you don't need help with that?
  7. Noxid

    Ikachan RAINBOWS

    Hurray more Ikachan Also, sorry, that's the old version of the player. This one should work: http://www.mediafire.com/?c2l99fe26gre3w3 .pttune has edit protection, .ptcop doesn't
  8. Noxid

    Quote not to be in Super Meat Boy

    They are my personal scapegoats. Nicalis is also responsible for taxes and screaming children in supermarkets.
  9. Noxid

    East coast represent! :P Also I tend to leave myself online whenever I have the computer on...

    East coast represent! :P Also I tend to leave myself online whenever I have the computer on, regardless of whether or not I'm actually here or not.
  10. Noxid

    Umm, gotta keep on top of things cause I'm a mod? Really though, it's 12:30 AM and I've not...

    Umm, gotta keep on top of things cause I'm a mod? Really though, it's 12:30 AM and I've not much else to do besides check the forum, lurk the IRC and watch youtube. Nonetheless you still make a valid point.
  11. Noxid

    Hah, what a coincidence. Sometimes I forget I have that picture there. It makes me smile. ps: :P

    Hah, what a coincidence. Sometimes I forget I have that picture there. It makes me smile. ps: :P
  12. Noxid

    Please don't say this ever again ;_; It's not endearing. Also your sig is a bit too tall.

    Please don't say this ever again ;_; It's not endearing. Also your sig is a bit too tall.
  13. Noxid

    The Ever Changing Sentence

    colorless green ideas sleep furiously Oops that's more than one word isn't it...
  14. Noxid

    What are you doing?

    I've never heard of having flashcards for foreign holidays. I'm drawing a fence.
  15. Noxid

    I really, REALLY think Pixel is making a new game

    http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA022293/ AKA Pixel's page.
  16. Noxid

    Quote not to be in Super Meat Boy

    I bet it was more likely Nicalis that said no. I heard that some Indie brawl developer also asked to use quote, and they were declined.
  17. Noxid

    What did you dream about last night?

    Last night I had a dream where I was playing hockey with a puck made of ice and drinking maple syrup from a can. Canada 4 lyfe
  18. Noxid

    Videogame Myths and Urban Legends

    The triforce actually *being* in Ocarina of Time. Also, Beating the Running Man. Probably already mentioned but idk.
  19. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    You need hax. http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/871/ That thread can tell you how; the rest is up to you.
  20. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    What? Since when?
  21. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Flags are stored in a bitfield, 8 flags per byte. There's a CheckFlag function, and it's used as such: PUSH (Flag num, hex) CALL 40E930 ADD ESP, 4 TEST EAX, EAX JZ (code to execute if flag not set) (Code to execute if flag set) You could do it as you suggested, or you could test if the flag is...
  22. Noxid

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Script events 0000-0100 are reserved for head.tsc and will give you problems if you try to use them There's no real easy way to do invincibility without hax, other than the fact that the player can't touch (take damage from) an NPC while a script event is running.
  23. Noxid

    Lets Play The Post Count Game!

  24. Noxid

    I only ask that you follow common sense. According to the forum rules, one-liners like 'lol' and...

    I only ask that you follow common sense. According to the forum rules, one-liners like 'lol' and such are against the rules. Making four separate posts when they could have easily been put onto one just doesn't make sense (We do have an edit button). I'm just trying to make sure that you know...