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Search results

  1. Dubby

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Anyone ever figure out how to set the exe to read music data from a separate (.dat maybe?) file? I'm sure doing so would allow one to have just about as many BGMs as they wanted. Something like [ 0000 0010 0000 0790 ] 0x10 ( dword : list start ) ( dword : list stop ) [ 0014 0000 03C0 0000 21E0...
  2. Dubby

    Terraria Top 5 Items

    1. Mythical Crystal Storm ( best multi-purpose weapon for dealing with regular enemies ) 2. Unreal Megashark + Crystal Bullet ( best anti-boss weapon ) [ although a Mystic Magical Harp is better vs. the Destroyer ] 3. Unreal Hallowed Repeater ( best anti-player weapon ) 4. [either] Wings 5...
  3. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Uh, yeah. Apparently I broke the TSC parser in some places, working on it right now. Edit: Found the problem and fixed it. Turned out a mis-placed JMP in the agility code was resetting the player's X position whenever <HMC and then <SMC were called in tandem.
  4. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Updated for v0.36.0~
  5. Dubby

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Any idea where the boss x/y coordinate information is stored? IE: where a boss appears on the map when the map is specified as having a boss. (Such as Omega)
  6. Dubby

    Logic behind the names of guns

    . . . . . . . . Stop sniffin' the paint thinner, boy.
  7. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Sorry about the long hiatus, folks. Real life caught up with me, and kept me pinned for quite a while. I'm finally able to put time back into CS:R again, so expect updates in the near future.
  8. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign
  9. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign "{: {": "}: ":{ Someone going :" with either a fancy stache or villianeous brows. ^_^ Yep. He's the last boss so far, and by far the largest, so makes sense he'd also be the hardest! Glad you enjoyed it! Hehe. There are upgrades for the new weapon you can find...
  10. Dubby

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Need a link to the most up to date ANP.txt list. I seem to of misplaced mine. :confused:
  11. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign Huh, I thought Curly Brace was { . I'll write in some contigency dialogue for his name though, just to be safe.
  12. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign It's on his cap, I think. Each boss has a tactic that can be used to win the battle more easily than otherwise. Experimentation is your friend (and so are save points!)
  13. Dubby

    Cave Story NewGame+ v0.1

    *raises an eyebrow* Remember, Chrono Trigger was not a platformer. Rules on what you can do, can't do, what's feasible and what's not, change when the game becomes a platformer.
  14. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign Uhh, no. Thanks for pointing that out. Hmm. ...grenade? There are star blocks, missile blocks, and fireball blocks. You'll get the fireball in grasstown.
  15. Dubby

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Check your editor's read/write protection in the options. If that fails, manually turn off the write protection to your folder with windows explorer.
  16. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign Whenever I get around to it. In other words, probably a few months before the next update is released. Unless of course, there's some crazy little game breaking bug I missed somewhere, then that'll get fixed asap. Otherwise, yeah. Few months for the next installment.
  17. Dubby

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Hah, interesting. Oh well, it was just a passing curiosity.
  18. Dubby

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Hmm. Would flags over 7999 still -work- though?
  19. Dubby

    The Island (Mod Contest)

    You're going to have to take a picture of yourself holding up a picture of yourself which you autographed.
  20. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign Ah, I forgot about that bug. Thanks.
  21. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Thank you for pointing that out. The problem was a missing <FL-0525 in the script, since the trigger needed it's vanish flag changed. I'd forgotten that <DNP tends to set the flag. Derp. Updated the fix to 0.30.2 If you're having trouble with a boss, try changing your tactics.
  22. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign Officially back from vacation now, and resuming development. Also, updated published version to 0.30.1, which fixes a few issues that people have pointed out.
  23. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign It's in one of the pots to the left of kanpachi. Stand in front of a pot and press down to use it. The locket is not required to confront balrog. That's also not a problem.
  24. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign Missiles can break star blocks, but not their explosions. Starblocks are basically your generic "destructible" block now. Got to the weed before the sand zone? That's not a problem at all. It's possible to get to the sand zone without going to grasstown, but it's...
  25. Dubby

    Cave Story - Redesign v0.50.6

    Re: Cave Story - Redesign I haven't been able to reproduce that problem, can you tell me what your system specs are please? Actually, all weapons are supposed to be able to break star blocks, but explosion's aren't, so thank you for pointing that out. There will be a way to get back to the...