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Search results

  1. Landonpeanut

    I know. :<

    I know. :<
  2. Landonpeanut

    Favorite retro games.

    I prefer the common Lincoln exponents. Really though, they're so much easier to use.
  3. Landonpeanut

    Yes, and it took 16 hours.

    Yes, and it took 16 hours.
  4. Landonpeanut

    A bit of advice

    What could be worse?
  5. Landonpeanut

    Not anymore. :D

    Not anymore. :D
  6. Landonpeanut

    What would you do if you were king of the world?

    Admittedly, I have very little experience in controlling a world, so I would spend much of my time determining what people are capable of managing separate regions of the world, then just let them take care of most of it. Then I would live in a library.
  7. Landonpeanut

    Favorite retro games.

    Lincoln Exponents.
  8. Landonpeanut

    Free Games

  9. Landonpeanut

    A bit of advice

    Well, I eventually ended up going to sleep, but at the surprisingly normal time of 9:45 PM. That totals up to... 37 hours awake, I think. I stayed semi-coherent the entire time and even used it to fix my sleep schedule. Fun! Really though, pulling an all-nighter during relaxing activities like...
  10. Landonpeanut

    A bit of advice

    As time wears on, I'm feeling more and more of the crash approaching. I'm quite surprised I've managed to make it to 6:30 PM. :p
  11. Landonpeanut

    A bit of advice

    Pulling an all-nighter, then forcing yourself to stay up the entire day will leave with a short period where you feel entirely awake, but are probably just loopy from the general lack of sleep. *wooooooo*
  12. Landonpeanut

    Man, today sucked. Also, it's a long story.

    Man, today sucked. Also, it's a long story.
  13. Landonpeanut

    The Happy Birthday Thread

  14. Landonpeanut

    I actually couldn't go because of a partner presentation, as well as missing the practice...

    I actually couldn't go because of a partner presentation, as well as missing the practice yesterday. So.... derp.
  15. Landonpeanut

    CS fanfiction: Caev Sturei, Teers in the Rane, and originul story by Cultr1!!

    You should really just post the written version. Really.
  16. Landonpeanut

    What would you do if you were king of the world?

    I don't understand how you could do this, even if you were the king of the world.
  17. Landonpeanut


  18. Landonpeanut


  19. Landonpeanut

    I know.... Damn, too much is happening today. :<

    I know.... Damn, too much is happening today. :<
  20. Landonpeanut

    I can't handle your avatar, it's blowing my mind. Also, Charlie Sheen.

    I can't handle your avatar, it's blowing my mind. Also, Charlie Sheen.
  21. Landonpeanut

    What do you think of the 3ds?

    Quite frankly, I don't see any improvements over the original DS that actually make it any more fun to play. Also, I don't understand the feasibility of a hand held console that costs more than most high performance consoles. EDIT: Holy fuck telescopic stylus totally worth $250.
  22. Landonpeanut

    Reasons to not forgot to log off at a public location

    This seems to happen quite frequently. People who are friends with me on facebook may remember when "Men" was added to my interests, activities, books, ect.
  23. Landonpeanut

    Wait, level 69 Cosplayer?

    Wait, level 69 Cosplayer?