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Search results

  1. EnlightenedOne

    EVERY port of Kero Blaster contains a cheatcode to the debug menu. Yes really.

    It works for us (someone did it earlier today). Make sure you're doing step 3 correctly (holding down LEFT on the joystick or dpad and pressing UP followed by DOWN on either of the two while the LEFT button is still held).
  2. EnlightenedOne

    Same. I've completely screwed my sleep pattern just recently.

    Same. I've completely screwed my sleep pattern just recently.
  3. EnlightenedOne


  4. EnlightenedOne

    Top 10 booster versions ranked (you will NOT believe #8!)

    Thank you! Yeah, a lot of my recent mods have incidentally been based upon experimental gameplay gimmicks that have been widely hit-or-miss. It's partially why this mod sat on my HDD for so long; I was aware the grinding never really clicked, despite efforts to keep it short and supply shortcuts...
  5. EnlightenedOne

    With every update comes the bug reports.

    With every update comes the bug reports.
  6. EnlightenedOne

    They haven't logged in since 2015. It's not happening.

    They haven't logged in since 2015. It's not happening.
  7. EnlightenedOne

    Dang, that really sucks.

    Dang, that really sucks.
  8. EnlightenedOne

    There may have been a english translation of the Cave Story beta!

    You should probably actually provide proof if you are intending to keep claiming things like this. You said the exact same thing on the general server (alongside the spam) and consider where that got you.
  9. EnlightenedOne

    Top 10 booster versions ranked (you will NOT believe #8!)

    A Mimiga Island Professor discovers one weird trick to defy his death! Completed in 2018 these health secrets have been tested and improved before being locked away, but are now released four years later to better your body through patented booster technology! Follow these 8 tips to boost back...
  10. EnlightenedOne

    Is the Cave Story world flat?

    The surface is a SPHERE (or a circle if you're a FREAK about viewing two dimensional games as nothing but). It's identical to earth when it comes to physics and so THE ISLAND HAS TO BE IN AN ORBIT. It moves at incredible rotational velocity because the surface planet is rotating. Jenka and The...
  11. EnlightenedOne

    In the next two weeks I'm finally releasing a mod that I 97% completed 4 years ago. This is all...

    In the next two weeks I'm finally releasing a mod that I 97% completed 4 years ago. This is all very relatable.
  12. EnlightenedOne

    So what did I miss, anyway?

    Without spending hours and hours on writing a whole history essay (which I can very easily accidently get sidetracked into, but alas I'm in the middle of watching a school lecture and shouldn't do that right now), the activity in the community has partially migrated/fragmented into a network of...
  13. EnlightenedOne

    That is how search engines work. The crawl webpages and index everything they can find.

    That is how search engines work. The crawl webpages and index everything they can find.
  14. EnlightenedOne

    From my memory there was two things that were never added to the freeware article of TCRF that...

    From my memory there was two things that were never added to the freeware article of TCRF that I've been meaning to get to eventually. One of them was NPC 303 (An unused version of Curly's Machine Gun that's sitting with the late-game additions)... ...and the other I can't quite recall at the...
  15. EnlightenedOne

    There are two.

    There are two.
  16. EnlightenedOne

    Cavern Tale [The Museum Update]

    No. You can't kill it and there's no way to complete Mahin's "quest". It's invincible and Mahin doesn't have any hidden lines or acknowledgement if it somehow dies. Originally back in 2013/2014 I was planning on having this actually be possible/necessary. Mahin would ask you again in the...
  17. EnlightenedOne

    Cavern Tale [The Museum Update]

    Most of my mods check this specific key to do debug things (like skipping parts of levels or cutscenes), since it's OOB TSC (doesn't require assembly patching) and virtually nobody is going to unintentionally be holding down this key when playing mods. It's done via <FLJ9108:XXXX . And in...
  18. EnlightenedOne

    Cavern Tale [The Museum Update]

    Hold down the equal sign / plus [ ⁺= ] key when you close the message box.
  19. EnlightenedOne

    Make a mod that doesn't need facepics than.

    Make a mod that doesn't need facepics than.
  20. EnlightenedOne

    Maybe you can scale back and release a version of the mod with sprites you can achieve by...

    Maybe you can scale back and release a version of the mod with sprites you can achieve by yourself by the jam deadline? I mean for the 30 mods I've made I've done by just lightly editing the vanilla ones. You don't need an artist (or to be an artist) to make something.
  21. EnlightenedOne

    How does the game not teach you "the importance of watching your step"? I feel like having a...

    How does the game not teach you "the importance of watching your step"? I feel like having a spike there that kills you if you don't watch your step silently teaches you to start watching your step. Are you wanting text on the screen telling you to jump (despite being required to figure it out...
  22. EnlightenedOne

    I want to hit a few more milestones before I go and make a proper thread for it (and I'll...

    I want to hit a few more milestones before I go and make a proper thread for it (and I'll probably be busy over the next few days), but just minutes ago the CS Modding Discord server went public with a GitHub repository aimed at hosting as many freeware hacks as possible. It's still in early...
  23. EnlightenedOne

    I've only ever played ZarroTsu's version, and that was over the last two months (for nine years...

    I've only ever played ZarroTsu's version, and that was over the last two months (for nine years in this community I never played it). I made a rant in the modding Discord server about how the concepts of the puzzles aren't inherently bad (I was able to solve everything almost completely blind...
  24. EnlightenedOne

    bye hot? Fear I'm undoing terrible...

    bye hot? Fear I'm undoing terrible...
  25. EnlightenedOne

    Cave Story Alternate Reality

    Hey uh, there's zero reason for you to add all those collaborators. You do realize that by doing that you are giving those 90 random people EDIT access to the mod... As in they can change anything and even delete the files entirely. I removed all collaborators because that's a disaster waiting...