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Search results

  1. TekNerd

    NOOO evaporates

    NOOO evaporates
  2. TekNerd

    It's been 2 years since I've lost logged in here, and soon to be 8 years since I've first signed...

    It's been 2 years since I've lost logged in here, and soon to be 8 years since I've first signed up here and I think after all this time I need to come out with my truth.. I've never actually beaten or got far into Cave Story
  3. TekNerd

    sir, your vibes are atrocious

    sir, your vibes are atrocious
  4. TekNerd

    its crismis

    its crismis
  5. TekNerd

    Now be a real man, go play the REAL BIG BOYS MODE...._extra easy m o d e_

    Now be a real man, go play the REAL BIG BOYS MODE...._extra easy m o d e_
  6. TekNerd

    Hapy loud american day

    Hapy loud american day
  7. TekNerd

    wow spooky

    wow spooky
  8. TekNerd

    What do you think of Megaman 11

    I love a lot of other megaman series (I grew up on starforce) but I get why they did a mainline entry. I'm not complaining though because I love mainline megaman as well. But apparently if 11 does well then capcom has said they'll most likely look into other series (specifically x) to revive...
  9. TekNerd

    lesser memes feelsbadman, hewwo tho

    lesser memes feelsbadman, hewwo tho
  10. TekNerd

    when it comes down to having to choose between my two favorite activities i always get stuck and...

    when it comes down to having to choose between my two favorite activities i always get stuck and can't choose one bc im so indecisive sdmgk,lsg i could play some games but at the same time i could draw why must life taunt me with two equally fun things ;;
  11. TekNerd

    Smash Bros. Ultimate

    I love Mega Man but he's too complicated to control in smash bros...you really need to be precise with his moves and not to mention he has like no melee attacks! I do plan on testing out shulk though bc i love xenoblade and the streamlining they did to him was amazing, but idk if i'd stick with...
  12. TekNerd

    Ni No Kuni 2 tips?

    I bought this game a little while ago but have yet to start playing it but I like its design and concept. I haven't played the first one (though i plan to one day) but does anyone have any tips for this game when I start it eventually? I tend to get a bit overwhelmed when it comes to games like...
  13. TekNerd

    Smash Bros. Ultimate

    I feel like Sakurai is really more open to the idea of indie reps now especially with shovel knight appearing as an assist (although what game does shovel knight NOT appear in these days) But overall I feel like we can expect a really varied and fun cast this time around also i'm pretty hyped...
  14. TekNerd

    i hang around a bunch of other sites so im not rly dead i just am bad at multitasking so many...

    i hang around a bunch of other sites so im not rly dead i just am bad at multitasking so many sites that i forget to come back to some ;;
  15. TekNerd

    guess ill just fly back to my real home smh

    guess ill just fly back to my real home smh
  16. TekNerd

    wow guess im not wanted here

    wow guess im not wanted here
  17. TekNerd

    i dont deserve this treatment

    i dont deserve this treatment
  18. TekNerd

    Smash Bros. Ultimate

    catch me buying this day 1 also i pray for more kirby reps but some of my other wants are jibanyan, more kid icarus rep, and arle (even though its unlikely)
  19. TekNerd

    im so not used to the way forums work anymore

    im so not used to the way forums work anymore
  20. TekNerd

    WEEIIIRD coming back here 4 years later

    WEEIIIRD coming back here 4 years later
  21. TekNerd

    ONE OF U S

    ONE OF U S
  22. TekNerd

    whoa wow look at that i live

    whoa wow look at that i live
  23. TekNerd

    Farethere City

    No problem my dude.
  24. TekNerd

    Farethere City

    I beat this game back and 2016 and wanted to bring it to attention. This game is made by a newcomer to the RPG Maker scene. They're name is Segawa and they've produced 2 games so far this one and another one. Their 2nd creation has a bit more popularity but I'll give this one a bit of love. The...
  25. TekNerd

    Ive returned

    Oh right my bad, but I guess my previous avatar was sort of black and white? It was a picture of Temmie from Undertale, other than that I don't think I've used many black and white avatars. My previous signature though was black and white actually. It was a picture I made on Miiverse. Other than...